I figure the 'cop from the Loo' will be revieled as a cover for being something more, be it a gov agent of some kind, a cop who also had intrests similar to many on this site, or something else. One thing I caught in the last one I caught, while they were in the cellar and the guy came in from the rain the treated him for the radiation with about 2 tablespoons of iodine oraly. If Im not mistaken from my research that would be about the right dosage for an adult to use TOPICLY (rubbed on the abdomen) to flood the thyroyd with normal iodine and block radioactive iodine, but take ORALY that it would be a LETHAL dose. Maybe Phishi or someone else with knowledge on the matter could chime in on this if I dont get back to it right away.
In my post in this thread http://survivalmonkey.com/forum/showthread.php?t=209 that was a cut and paste it describes the doseing and warns repeatedly that the iodine should NEVER be taken oraly. For adults the dosage is 8ml of 2% tincture of iodine painted on the abdomen or fore arms each day, ideally at least 2 hours prior to possible exposure. It also lists the dosages for children and those under 150 lbs and so on.
I'm not too much of an entertainment TV watcher but I admit that this is one I try to remember to watch. In fact, it's on in my office right now.
Yes, interesting how the show's writers came up with the name as it is so close to Blackwater. They even mentioned Black Raven in New Orleans, when Blackwater was there. Even our own Sniper66 saw them there. I could see where in an environment like Jericho they could run wild. Makes you wonder what all they actually did in New Orleans. Hmmm...
You know, for a town of 5K, they sure aren't fielding many defenders. They should already have 750 under arms easily and for long term. Fifteen hundred during emergencies. That's a 15%/30% that is entirely realistic. There should have been enough people with .22LR's to back them down. The so-called mercs could have also crossed the river at another point and been in the town that night. jim
More Jericho... Penned this while watching 11/15... I see now there's another thread (" who saw it?" ) on Jericho, sorry , feel free to move this into that thread if demmed appropriate, Jericho: Managed to catch my first installment of the post apocalypse series “Jericho” Wednesday‘s (on cbs) . This particular episode had rogue mercenary units claiming FEMA authority ,attempt to come into town and take whatever supplies they deem necessary. The are stopped at a bridge leading into the town. During the initial confrontation, town folks have blocked the bridge with vehicles, 4 BGs get out of 2 hum-v’ s to declare their authority. 15 or so town folks firing from behind the barricade manage to miss every bad guy and are driven down by suppressive fire. Bad guys . present their ultimatum on the way out “ bridge better be clear when they get back. Story is these rogue units are looting and leaving a wake of dead bodies whenever they savage a town. Town folk decide they have to blow the bridge(???) with dynamite and what anfo they can round up. Of course there’s a lot of drama going against the mayor ( who disagrees) to destroy the bridge. Anyway the townsfolk are wiring the bridge with explosives, bad guys show up with their two hum-v’s and a a deuce and half, the hero blocks them and confronts them with a detonator in hand. Bad guys’ leader gets out to talk to The detonator wielding hero. A sniper on top of the deuce puts a visible red laser dot on the hero’s chest. One of the more "tactically aware" townies is hidden with a scoped bolt rifle ( which magically changes to open sights immediately after the shooting) , takes out the deuce sniper , then puts his visible “red laser dot” on the rogue commanders chest, . Just like the “A” team, rogues’ turn tail and leave. Bridge doesn’t have to be destroyed, drama ends this week. First off I have no combat infantry training; however, I would propose the following; See what anybody here with small unit tactics training thinks: A) I know its only tv; So If they had shot and killed the bad guys in the first 15minutes, the problem would’ve resolved itself (show over). At least until the rogues return regrouped with new commanders. B) I would’ve of set up a full fledged ambush. Road blocked at a(blind if possible) choke point (I.e. the bridge)2 or three vehiclesrolled out or trees felled to block the escape route, dispersed and hidden my riflemen equally around the ambush perimeter. IED claymores from using the little dynamite they had, and 5 gal buckets of loose hardware or fuel with thickeners ( Styrofoam or laundry soap.) from town ,sandbagged to direct the shrapnel or napalm into the rear of the bad guys positions. Shootin fish in a barrel…townies keep shooting until no rogues left to bother anybody ever again. Any body have any other ideas?? Or see any problems.. I guess you don’t know if these rogue units may have had a ready response force to call in for rescue or even artillery or air…If it goes real bad you’d have to fight ‘til the death or disengage and slip away to fight another day. Thoughts??? Is it a real bad idea to openly discuss small unit tactics against "govt" troops? If these "rogues" really did have presidential authorityor government contract( can you say "Halliburton"?), resisting would be considered a treasonous crime...
Well you missed the fact that the good sniper "Hawkins" not only changed from an iron sighted weapon to a scope but it was also silenced as he took out the guy on the truck . The whole barracade with cars was fine but I would have filled up some trash bags with dirt and set up bunkers for an ambush as you said . I wouldn't have simply gone nose to nose with them either , since most of the towns people had your typical hunting weapons I would have had all but a few men set up far enough away to take advantage of the power factor of a 30-06 or 30-30 vs a 223 thing and at the same time caught them in a crossfire . Even those with shotguns could have been set back to 50-75 yards if they had duck hunting loads in their guns . While perhaps not ideal for a kill 20 guys firing heavy loads of NO. 2's or OO it would be enough to keep the invaders heads down , until someone with a scoped hunting rifle had a clear shot . As far as them being government troops LOL he didn't offer up any form of ID now did he ? Any idiot can yell anything and hope you're stupid enought to believe it . Personaly I would have killed them on the first encounter since Jake and Eric had been to the other town and seen the people they murdered including the local LEO's of that town . After killing them I would have taken them to that town and distributed them in a way that it appeared they had died in gunfights . I don't think that after something like this the government is going to have CSI's running around the country trying to deduce how each and everyone of their goons died . I imagine plenty of them will just magically disapear as will many other people . In a SHTF like this it can all get sorted out in court if need be when it is all over , you have to manage to live through it first to get to court , this would be my first concern . I doubt that all the kings horses and all the kings men have anywhere near the forces to deal with all of the small towns around the country that could survive independently without governments help after a scenario such as this if they all simply told them to get lost when the time came . When it comes to something like this I remember an old Paul Newman western . Newman is hold up in a shack at the top of a hill with sacks of money that the BG's want and they have a hostage that they are trying to trade for the cash . The leader of the BG's goes up and trys convincing Newman to make the deal and gets cocky and says something to the effect about how they have him surrounded and all and something about what he is going to do when he gets back down the hill with his men . Newman looks at him and says "What makes you think you're going to make it down the hill alive?" The look on the BG's face was to say the least priceless as he hadn't considered this at all . Lesson of the day when someone thinks they have all the cards they do stupid things and if you want to come out on top you take advantage of it and kill them off one by one . I would have killed the leader of the Government forces as soon as he said he had the authority to TAKE anything from me by force .
Come to think of it it was suppressesd and had a bipod too ( completely different rifle than his open sighted 700? ) It's the first episode I ever saw, ( I always thought it was on sci-fi, not cbs, and missed it..., ).Don't know the character's names yet. I like your idea to get rid of the dead non uniformed thugs... Now; I'm thinking a humm-v would be able to push most barricades off or across the bridge and run out of the ambush. I know the response to an ambush is to push forward into the guns. To fall back is to go whjere the ambushers want you to go. Good job for a for the Barrett light .50.
Go Here if you're on high speed internet service and you can watch everything you have missed including the season premier . http://www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/
Cool, thanks for the link I just watched theseason premiere and "rogue river".... and I wastrying to cut down on my "online" time So what's Hawkins' deal, is he an ex- FBI/ HRT sniper who took an early retirement? ? (Does he keep his suppressed police heavy barrel hidden until needed to win the day?).I've Got a lot of catching up to do (Certainly not that I think sitting on my soon to be fat ass watching T.V. re-runs qualifies as" important training").