I've been thinking about the statement I made earlier about loving words. What I actually love is putting them together to create a rhythm, paint a picture, and make sense of the jumbled thoughts in my head. Words allow me to do all this and that's what I love
"Hate crime" A crime is a crime. The vast majority has absolutely nothing to do with hate or love...just a lack of civility.
Just one of those special add ons for the select groups that feel entitled to being a group to be hated.
My daughter has the same issue with that word..... I try often to drop it in a conversation just to get her riled up.
Other things I'd like to see go away - I will NOT read a news article with a question mark in the headline. The over use of descriptives such as "shocking" or 'devastating" in headlines, either written or spoken.
I agree that I do not hate words. I do take exception to how many words have had their intended meanings altered to suit some ones agenda. Do we not remember the phrase "new-speak" ? By the way, I like Moist..
Dude, like I hit the haf-pipe and pulled a rad move, it was Epic. I was never a skateboarder...but that stoner/board lingo makes me crack up...