What your bumper stickers/decals tell the libtard feeblebrain

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CATO, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    . . . that you're a target for them to mess with. Don't wear your ideology on your car! It's not worth it.

    These people are pure emotion--there is no reason there. They FEEL everything. Thus, they are unpredictable. Do not engage as they do not know when to say "when." They think that they can do whatever they want and there will be no consequences--prove them right by not making an issue in the first place. Do not remind them that all of the recent shooters were nut-jobs who were not NRA members. Do not tell them that of the millions of guns under the shirts of law-abiding citizens at this moment, there are there only for defense. All that will come of it is that you will lose; even if you give them the ass stomping they deserve, it will be a Pyrrhic victory.

    P.S.: stop going to see Samual Jackson movies. He's a grand-master libtard.

    cross-referece: some good reasons to not put stickers on your vehicle | Survival Forums

    What Your NRA Decal Says About You | DadScribe

    What Your NRA Decal Says About You
    AUGUST 26, 2015

    I see that NRA decal on the rear window of your car and my eyes narrow. I look at the back of your head in the driver’s seat and I wonder if you are a threat.

    A threat to my children. A threat to me. A threat to society.

    I see a news report about the latest shooting deaths in the United States. I brace myself for the NRA talking points on social media.

    I try not to read them. I fail at that. I am appalled and saddened and sickened and angry.

    I am reminded why I consider you a potential threat.

    To me, that NRA decal on the rear window of your car represents violent death.

    By displaying that NRA decal on the rear window of your car, you are endorsing violent death.

    By endorsing violent death, you show me that you do not care about the tens of thousands of gun deaths in the United States every year.

    You don’t care about the gun deaths at Columbine. You don’t care about the gun deaths at Virginia Tech. You don’t care about the gun deaths at Tucson. You don’t care about the gun deaths at Aurora. You don’t care about the gun death at a movie theater up the road from here in Wesley Chapel. You don’t care about the gun deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown. You don’t care about the gun deaths at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.

    You don’t care about the gun deaths this morning at Bridgewater Plaza in Virginia.

    That is what the NRA decal displayed in the rear window of your car tells me.

    Is that fair?

    Is it just of me to conclude that you don’t care about the loss of human life because of the proliferation of guns in the U.S., simply because you choose to display an NRA decal in the rear window of your car?

    Maybe not. Yet, how am I to know that you are not the next “good guy with a gun” to snap?

    How am I to know that something about the way I drive, or something about the way your day or life is going, or something imagined by you and unimaginable to me triggers the compulsion to shoot, and to kill?

    Because of that NRA decal in the rear window of your car, because I am the father of two beautiful boys who are growing up with a backdrop of rampant gun violence, the only responsible conclusion for me to draw is that you are armed – and dangerous. That you are a threat. That you could, if you chose, pull out your gun and shoot me or my children without a thought or even provocation.

    Maybe that is not fair. Maybe you are a gentle, kind person who happens to enjoy shooting sports.


    All I know is what the NRA decal in the rear window of your car tells me.

    Here is a fair conclusion, though: You care more about your “right” to own a gun than you care about my right to live without the fear that members of my family or my friends might be shot and killed at school, at the movies, in our car, on the job, in church … anywhere. Anywhere at all.

    It is more important to you that the 300 million guns in the United States remain in the hands of their owners than it is for my children to grow up in a country where violent gun deaths are an anomaly, rather than the norm.

    You would rather risk more lives, thousands more, than take responsible action on gun control. In your world, there is an “acceptable” number of violent gun deaths.

    I conclude that about you, because you choose to display that NRA decal in the rear window of your car.

    How does it feel to know that the father, the husband, the son, the friend, the writer in the car behind you is afraid of what you might do because of that NRA decal displayed in the rear window of your car?

    How does that feel to you?

    Actually … never mind.

    I don’t think I want to know.
    Ganado, vonslob, kellory and 2 others like this.
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    The guy who wrote that is a tool. His blog is full of other libiturd musings. He took down the comment section on that post. Must not have liked being called a wimpy pansy.
  3. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    On the other hand I sometimes do it just to see a liberal head explode. When you're old you take your fun where you find it.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I could say he is a self-centered, narrow minded narcissist but I don't care to name call. That essay gave me the creeps. As I read I kept thinking this person is really unstable and an incident waiting to happen yet that is what he is thinking of me. Excellent find @CATO I have to think on this. Insights like this are fascinating to me, scary but fascinating.
  5. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    @Motomom34 might not want to name call but I will, the author of that essay is an ass and I consider him to be the threat.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The very definition of a paranoid, groundless fear, as in fear of the unknown. (And evidently unwilling to learn.)
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Irrational and illogical. Conclusions not based in fact. The author is afraid of himself and his own response, should he carry a gun. This is unstable fear.:(
  8. Rocky Road Lerp

    Rocky Road Lerp Monkey+++

    That writer is living in a fairytale, media propagated, lie. Living proof of why television is bad. Not one of those p.o.s. killers were a result of the NRA. They were signs that mental health needs to be addressed in this country. In the history of The U.S.A, it's never been more evident the affects of moral decay "entertainment" has on our society. People live in altered realities where, just like the movies, the hero has to kill to "be" the hero. It's illegal to spank your kids, but normal to tell kindergartners about sex? That same "man" raising those two boys will be the same one who, like an animal to the slaughter, snaps out of it at the exact moment he realizes he's screwed and it's too late. I have empathy for brainwashed, self-entitled people who derive all their knowledge from television and social media. I feel sorry for the sheeple they spawn. They're the ones who cut you off in traffic, flip you the bird, then shit themselves as they're dialing 911 because you dared approach their vehicle to see why they're being an asshat. In mho, the reason this country is in clear and present danger. That being said, bumper stickers are like tattoos... The person displaying them doesn't have to open their mouth for someone to read them like a book and judge them.
  9. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Does everyone see the true fatal flaw of the liberal? They actually hate themselves--and thus, hate everyone else.

    They preach that you shouldn't judge people based on their religion (only for Muslims--it's OK to judge Christians as whack-o's), you shouldn't judge blacks based on their record or their pants around their ass (it's OK to judge white guys in camo though as redneck hillbillies), and do not judge gay people for acting . . . well, "gay" (again, perfectly OK to judge Southerners for having a drawl and walking slow).

    The reality is, though, that they hate those groups they espouse to love just as much as those that they openly hate . . . and it KILLS THEM that they have these feelings.

    They cherry-pick their facts to go along with their view of the world and push the rest out of their mind so as to not cause them any more cognitive dissonance than they already have.
  10. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Two things.
    1) people like this guy think 'don't judge me' with a subtext of 'but if we don't agree then It's ok for me to judge you' they have no true discernment and they only live in their black and white world that they allow the media to create for them. I want to say to them. "Please use your brain"

    2) they have no concept of responsible gun ownership designed to keep your government officials honest.

    Edit: note he took down all the comments and won't be approving any more for his post. Do ya think he got hammered?
  11. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Of my two vehicles only my truck has any stickers on it. The bumper sticker on my truck's tailgate reads "Trust Your Instincts, People Really Don't Like You". Sooo......whats that tell you about Me? o_O
    Sapper John, 3M-TA3, kellory and 2 others like this.
  12. Rocky Road Lerp

    Rocky Road Lerp Monkey+++

    Equal opportunity hater? Lol
    Dont, 3M-TA3 and Ganado like this.
  13. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    The only bumper sticker on my vehicle says " ruggers eat their dead", what does that say about me.
    Dunerunner and Ganado like this.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Only two stickers I allow on my truck. A) " who is John Galt?"
    And B) "I don't care if it will fit, I ain't hauling it."
    Dunerunner, Dont and Ganado like this.
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I see that Obama decal on the rear window of your car and my eyes narrow. I look at the back of your head in the driver’s seat and I wonder if you are a threat.

    A threat to my children. A threat to me. A threat to society.

    You don't care about the twisting of our countries morality, our constitution, our freedom... that has been protected by the blood of our young men and women throughout the years from our nations founding, my right to free speech or my right to own a firearm for protection of me and my family....and maybe yours if someone threatens you in my neighborhood. You support government to have absolute control of my every action, the financial destruction of our children's future due to out of control spending and the allowance for them to have unchecked power over our society.

    That is what the Obama decal displayed in the rear window of your car tells me.
  16. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about: this guy openly confesses that he hates the fact that he likes "manly" things. While this is a light-hearted piece, it scratches at the self-loathing that libs feel towards gender roles, race, and economics/poverty, which all equates to "white male priviledge."

    So, if he truly hates things that are masculine, which he takes pleasure in, then, I think his wife/girlfriend probably thinks they should both find new boyfriends. (Get it, see what I did there?)[grlft]

    Grilling, feminism, and masculinity: A grand unified theory.

    Grillax, Bro

    I’m a feminist. I’m a dude. And I hate that I love to grill.
    By Jacob Brogan

    The author, grilling.
    Courtesy of Catherine McCarthy

    I hate how much I love to grill. It’s not that I’m inclined to vegetarianism or that I otherwise object to the practice itself. But I’m uncomfortable with the pleasure I take in something so conventionally masculine. Looming over the coals, tongs in hand, I feel estranged from myself, recast in the role of suburban dad. At such moments, I get the sense that I’ve fallen into a societal trap, one that reaffirms gender roles I’ve spent years trying to undo. The whole business feels retrograde, a relic of some earlier, less inclusive era.

    I take food prep a little too seriously, curtly brushing others out of the way when I step up to the kitchen counter. In my online dating days, I tried to spin this fault as a feature, describing myself as “a finicky, meticulous cook.” On reflection, I’m probably just kind of a jerk, but when I’m grilling I worry that I’ve become something even worse. Am I shoving others out of the way because it makes me feel like a man? Have I become some sort of monster?

    Courtesy of Gifsoup.com/Giphy

    Paging through photographs of my years in grad school recently, I came across one in which two colleagues and I stand in a semicircle around a kettle grill. Though my eyes are downcast in the image, I’m not sad. Instead, I’m studying the burgers in front of me, and I’m happy. Our friend Katrina—the only woman in frame—leans in from the left, somehow outside of the scene, despite her presence in it.

    This picture captures so much of what delights me about grilling and so much of what embarrasses me about that delight. On the one hand, there’s the peculiar alchemy of sun and smoke that makes summer days sprawl. On the other hand, it bears the stain of unintentional masculine cliché. Gathered around the coals with beers slung low, we’re all but enacting a myth of the American man, telling a story in postures and poses. No longer mere Ph.D. students, we have become bros.

    Courtesy of Gamerwife.com/Giphy

    It’s not that I think we’re doing anything consciously sexist. Friends who were there that day remind me that we were actively making light of cookout customs even as we were participating in them. I suspect that everyone in the photograph identifies as a feminist. Yet the three of us look suspiciously like characters in a commercial, one where masculinity itself seems to be for sale.

    I’m thinking—maybe you are too—of Hillshire Farm’s obnoxious “Go Meat” television spot. As it opens (watch it if you must), a man works a grill alone. Without warning, a man in another yard begins a call-and-response chant about the meat he’s cooking, and after a brief moment of confusion, our hero and two other solitary grillmasters join in. The camera cuts for a moment to a crane shot, showing us the men isolated in their adjacent but fenced-off yards. In the final scene, all four have gathered around a single grill, united in celebration.

    Men, this commercial suggests, come together as men when they do a manly thing. Their grills become symbolic meeting points. They enable what scholars call homosocial contact, a kind of same-sex intimacy that deflects the supposed dangers of sexual contact between men but allows them to confirm their masculinity by excluding women. Grilling, in other words, allows these characters to cozy up to one another while still maintaining their understanding of themselves as truly manly men.

    Significantly, the notion that grilling is a manly thing for very, very manly men is far from universal. In an article for Forbes, Meghan Casserly proposes that men like to grill because it’s dangerous and because they don’t have to clean up afterward. Yet “women preside over the grill” in much of the world. Though many claim that men grill because they’re somehow drawn to fire, presumably by some atavistic impulse carried in our chromosomes, the masculine connotations of grilling are culturally specific, and hence culturally constructed.

    Courtesy of ScorpionDagger.tumblr.com/Giphy

    Many claim that the association between modern grilling and masculinity originates in the former’s prehistory, when barbecuing meant heavy logs and whole animals. (Slim as my buddies and I were in that old picture, I doubt we would have been able to join in.) Ironically, it wasn’t until grilling became much easier—thanks, as the historic gastronomist Sarah Lohman explains, to the midcentury invention of the kettle grill—that the connection began to take hold. It derived from the way these new grills were marketed and sold rather than from anything essential to the practice itself.

    Courtesy of MTV/Giphy

    Lohman suggests that advertisers in the United States, starting in the 1950s, targeted men because they constituted an untapped market. Where women felt “they could just use their stoves,” men could be more easily persuaded to try out a new device. Adweek’s Robert Klara traces a direct lineage between these early commercial overtures and more recent ones. “Whether the product is a Swift-brand T-bone in 1960 or a Weber S-470 today,” Klara writes, “the man at the grill has always served up the branding.”

    There’s another reason why advertising has so successfully linked grilling to masculinity, which has to do with long-standing cultural conventions that associate women with the private sphere and men with the public. This assumption has long contributed to the scarcity of women in professional kitchens. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 364,000 employees in the role of chef or head cook. Nearly 83 percent of them—fully 302,000—are men. A variety of factors contribute to this imbalance, from the aggressive bro culture of the culinary brigade system to the lack of child care support. Underneath it all, however, is the idea that women are so beholden to domestic kitchens that they don’t belong in professional ones.

    Courtesy of DontTurnThatDial.tumblr.com/Giphy

    The association of grilling and masculinity partakes of a similar logic. Unlike most other traditionally “feminine” forms of domestic cooking, grilling typically happens outside, and hence in the public sphere. The putatively masculine quality of grilling may derive in part from the old public-private gender split. In that sense, it shares a common cause with the belief that women belong in the home.

    Of course, having all this context doesn’t stop me from grilling, or from enjoying myself when I do. The other night, a few friends and I gathered out back to cook some sausages. We stood around the grill together, watching the meat cook. I was happy in their company and only a little embarrassed that I wouldn’t let anyone else take the tongs.

    Jacob Brogan is a Future Tense research associate. He is writing a book about the cultural history of lovesickness. Follow him on Twitter.
    Sapper John likes this.
  17. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    More thoughts from the anti-gunner. There's a lot going on in this piece. Read carefully--it's like talking to a lefty, without the vitriol.
    I want a gun, and I'm not sure how I got here | AL.com

    I want a gun, and I'm not sure how I got here
    Is the desire to own a gun a problem or a natural response to violence?(File photo/AL.com)
    [​IMG]ByRebecca Walker Benjamin | rwalker@al.com
    Follow on Twitter
    on August 27, 2015 at 8:42 AM, updatedAugust 27, 2015 at 11:03 AM

    I considered buying a gun today.

    Well, let me back up.

    I was sitting in the office parking garage, contemplating the horror of rampant gun violence across the U.S. This time, as you probably guessed, I was thinking about two fellow journalists who were gunned down. By another journalist.

    I wondered what I would have done—what I would have been able to do—if I was in their shoes.

    The answer? Likely nothing.

    So, I stared at my car's gear shifter, held my chin slack jawed in my hand and thought, "I need to buy a gun."

    "I need a concealed carry permit. I need a gun that can fit into my purse. I need to carry it everywhere I go."

    I texted my husband these thoughts, expecting him to talk me out of it.

    "I'm okay with that," is what he sent back.

      • About the writer
        Rebecca Walker Benjamin is a managing producer with AL.com.
    More opinion on AL.com
    Now, I grew up in a normal Southern household where my daddy's gun cabinet still proudly displays his rifles and shotguns, traded and bought over the years from lifelong friends and long-gone family members. Even my baby sister (16 years my junior) asked for and received a pink BB gun for Christmas a few years back.

    My father taught us all about gun safety. One of the cardinal rules of my childhood, right up there with "Never say you hate anybody," was, "Never point a gun at a person, even if it's a toy."

    It's not fun or funny to pretend you're going to shoot someone. Shooting can kill. That's what my dad taught me.

    Just this last Christmas, us kids went out with him and shot empty plastic Coke bottles and aluminum cans off a tree stump. I never went hunting as a child, but that's still a regular past time among my people in northeast Mississippi.

    Guns are a way of life there, as they are in many parts of rural America.

    But they're also a way of death all across the U.S.

    My response to "Guns don't kill people; people kill people," has always been, "But they sure do make it a lot easier."

    I understand what the "people kill people" folks are trying to say. But these death gadgets are too readily available. And we see report after report of mass shootings, domestic violence turned deadly, kids accidentally shooting their cousins, siblings or friends, and I can't help but wish we just didn't have guns.

    When I lived on my own in Anniston, a veteran homicide detective there told me once that unless I'm comfortable knowing that if I pull a trigger I could end a life, a gun has no place in my house. When you hold a gun, you have to be confident, another officer told me. Without confidence and certainty, that gun can be taken from you and used against you.

    I'm not comfortable with killing another human being. Yes, yes, I understand it might come down to me or them, and THEN what? (That was the counterpoint that just crossed your mind, right? Can you tell I've had this conversation many times?) Well, honestly, then I'd probably hesitate. And that gun wouldn't keep me safe while I reasoned through things, the good lieutenant said. And for better or for worse, I'm a reasoner.

    So I didn't buy a gun, even though my family members insisted that I arm myself while living in a faraway land with a much higher violent crime rate than my hometown. Instead, I slept with a softball bat beside my bed. I figured, I might accidentally shoot a loved one with a gun but if an intruder is physically close enough to me that I can bludgeon them with a softball bat, then that's their own fault.

    Yes, I see the flaws in that plan, too.

    Somewhere along the line, maybe while picturing myself experiencing the horror of these latest victims of public, deranged gun violence just before they took their last peaceful breath,... something seems to have changed.

    I don't think more guns are the answer. I don't think we're safer if everyone walks around with a concealed weapon. I honestly think that's a recipe for disaster—that there are too many cocksure, paranoid gun enthusiasts who care more about proving a point about preserving their freedoms than they do about protecting the lives of those around them.

    I think that if everyone shoots, we all lose.

    So I don't want everyone else to have a gun.

    But I think I want a gun.
    Sapper John and Ganado like this.
  18. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Confused folks are about and most are in the anti gun crowd.
  19. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Did you read the comments? There were some very very good comments on that thread =) real thinking people who give me hope for America. And I have to admire her for being public and allowing the comments.
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Did you ever notice how your NRA sticker is just the right size and shape to cover up that ugly round Obama sticker you see on every Prius or Leaf in your neighborhood? Coincidence? I think not...
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