I sure am glad I am in California and this will fail faster than a free falling 747. What do we liberal feminazis care if a bunch of rednecks kill themselves in the "Fly-over" states.
Infidel, Are we to understand your statement correctly when you said you were a "liberal feminazi"? It's probably a good thing you live in Kommiefornia.
I know we will be trying to bring it to our stat in hte next session and I hope it makes it. Under present letter of the law at least and how it is often enforced if someone kicks in your door with an ax of knife or whatever you are supposed to try to dive out a window and run away and just give them your house, I would realy like for my response to be legal if this ever happens and I wont be jumping out any windows.
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I can spell mexican but didn't think you would know what i was saying if it wasn't in Kommiefornian !!! Liberals are just a pain to deal with ,and see you're no different !!!!