I once again had to work during the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot and Gun Show last weekend, but, I am off this weekend, and about to head out to attend the Wanenmacher Gun Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I haven't been in about 5 years, but according to the website, this year should be as big, if not bigger than the last one I attended. At last count they had sold 3,900 + tables. If you attended the entire 18 hours that the show is open, and made every one of the 4000 tables you would only have 16.2 seconds to spend at each table! It's possible, I've done it. But this weekend I will be taking a slower pace. I skim down the aisles and only pause at a select few tables that have items I'm interested in. If you have never been it is a gun nuts paradise. If you are anywhere close to the area this weekend then you should go. It's an experience. The hotel I'm staying at has free internet, so I'll take my laptop and report in tomorrow night. It's not that far for you guys in NE Tex. I'm meeting up with people from Ark. and Mo. there. If any monkeys get a chance to make it, give me a call and I'll find you there. http://www.tulsaarmsshow.com/frames.html
Poacher is going I think, might pm him and hook up, he is good people, sure wish I could make it, Next year for sure.
A friend of mine from Tulsa just called me while he was at the gunshow. He picked up a XD .45 Tactical and some accessories. I am jealous.
I just got back to the hotel. Was at the show when the doors opened and was there when they ran everyone out. There was every kind of firearms you could ever think about wanting. That's what I like, seeing and getting to handle guns that I have read about or seen pictures of. I looked at some XD's but didn't buy one. They had several Barret .50's. They had the new Bullpup version of the model 82. I'm in love. Might have to sell one of the kids so I can buy one. I found some good deals on ammo. I got some "real" steel core SS-109 for $129 per 720 rds. also found some hard to find Lake City Match Grade .308. But the most excitement of the day was in the first 4 hours after the doors opened. They had 4, yes FOUR, accidental discharges. Now I used to work the gun show circuit, and have attended hundreds and hundreds of shows around the country and have only heard of one accidental discharge in all that time. The scuttle butt is that the door security weren't doing there jobs and inspecting every gun brought in. you have to present your firearm and have it secured with a tie-wrap before entering. The first incident occured when a guy had a semi-automatic pistol tucked in his waistband "Mexican carry" style. When he pulled it from his waistband for inspection it fired and shot him through the meaty part of his side. The other incidents involved another pistol that was loaded, and I don't know the details, but it fired and struck a glancing blow to the head of a man standing nearby. The bullet didn't enter his head but hit with enough force to knock the guy unconscious. The other two discharges hit only the cieling and into an exhibitors table. So what the * is going on? I don't wholly fault the security guys at the door. Even if no one secured thier weapons, people should be more responsible than that. Are there just more morons out there than I remember? The gun shows are under attack anyway and then things like this happen? I am the biggest supporter of the 2nd amendment that you would ever want to meet,but even I am beggining to wonder if there isn't some people who just should not be allowed to own firearms. Maybe tomorrow will be better. MM
Poacher is there and having fun, if you needt ohook up with him let me know and I will call him and have him call you . Doc
I PM'd him and gave him my phone # but I don't think he has checked in. By all means give him my cell#. If you don't still have it then PM and I'll give it to you again. I will be there again tomorrow for awhile. But have a long drive home so will probably leave early. "My buddy went and didn't even invite me that asshat!" Magnus392 IF your refering to this asshat then re-read the first post in this thread. I was hoping maybe you and E.L. and maybe even Ghostrider might make a run up here this weekend. But I know it was short notice. I thought it was next weekend or I would have givin more of a heads up.
Nah, my buddy the G-man went and didn't invite me, lol. He lives just a few miles away. All of you guys are buds! Just he is the one I could have rode up there with
I wish I would have had more notice, but I had family in this weekend, plus my daughter had three band activities, football/contest and a concert to attend Fri-Sun. so it wasn't possible. I am however making plans to be there next year. My friend that lives in Tulsa called me today to tell me bought a RIA to go along with his XD that he picked up there yesterday. I told him I was jealous .
lets meet up there next year EL Im going to The Knob next year as well, we should meet there too? or travel together?
I would love to meet there, I don't know that I will make Knob, but would like to try. Remind me as it gets closer so I can do a little advance planning.
I think everyone should plan on KC next yr. You need to do it once in your life at least. And I'll try to make Tulsa