An Unwelcome Development

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Zengunfighter, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher Monkey

    I really enjoy Zengunfighter's story.
    Keith Gilbert seems to have an un-natural fascination with balls and scrotum and seems to want to start his own storyline.
    Is there a way I can block Keith Gilbert's posts so I don't get notifications?
    Or should Keith Gilbert start a different thread?
    Just asking.
    Ganado, Tully Mars and john316 like this.
  2. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

    In Nam there was a saying, it don't mean nothing...

    Don't be so quick to find offense...

    I enjoy the commentary. ..

    You don't like it don't read it...
  3. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher Monkey

    it don't mean nothin
    i wasn't offended just making an observation.
    i am more interested in the unwelcome development than keith gilbert's commentary
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You can put him on ignore. That will stifle the notifications, but will not take them out of the thread.
  5. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Loving the story…keeping the interest up during 'recess' n alls dat sheet & stuff.

    Fletcher…hang on to your sense of humor…surviving under the circumstances established in the story is not a PC event…shit happens and things go sideways…it is vulgar, rude to notice and a dirty affair at best…maybe nasty should be the operative word. Busy things happen within the working of the story. ;-)
    44044 likes this.
  6. Mike Fletcher

    Mike Fletcher Monkey

  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Thanks brother... long time since I heard that... brought back memories... good and bad.
    Didn't mean nuthin' then ... don't mean nothin' today... all those brothers in 'Nam, Iraq and Afgan... for... what?

    Keith... you do a public service by keeping this thread always in a condition of BTTT...
    I do wish Zen would visit us again...
  8. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Don't worry…Zen will be back even if we have to shame him into delivering my 'toad' scrotum coin purse;-)

    Hail, I'll take it even if the toad is still attached and I have to kill it for it! Nothing new there for me…might even be fun…not sadistic fun mind you…just the same pleasure you get from eliminating any virmin (and hope ya don' have ta eat d damn ting). ;=)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  9. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

    I missed that trip but had a few friends that didn't
    But I have learned the truth to that statement
  10. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    The bitch was starting to act moody, spending more and more of her time in the den she had dug in the back of my tree root hideyhole…and about to whelp from the looks of her, tits already full to bursting and then I noticed something that I had missed before…there was a tattoo in her ear, the shit brindle brown coloring had done her well for camouflage and hunting but this dog had belonged to someone and clearly had been trained to do something, but in what language? ;-)
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    KG, read your PMs.
  12. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    For those who do not know already…'bitch' is the proper term for a female dog about to whelp…it's all in the 'engrish' language book. While I do respect the PC notions for survival of some of those posting here and do not deliberately set out to offend…well, nuf sed. It's a great story, just have to keep it going…being an old farm boy we are pretty plain speaking folks which sometimes offends city folks who only dream of outliving the coming disaster(s) ;-)

    O'h, almost forgot; I have no intention of writing the story for Zen…just want to encourage him…when he has time…and keep moving the interest up. ;-)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  13. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Dang, not paying attention and it looks like 'dog' is welping…and kind of surly when I come too close to her hide in my hole! ;-)
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  14. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    'dog' has been rather quiet the last couple of days, finally came out to get a drink from the stream and went right back into her den…worried me a bit until I heard the 'mewing' of new pups and noticed that her tits were finally getting some relieaf and not so swollen…she finally came out and lay down near me and that's when I noticed that she had a problem; earlier in the day I had found a nesting area where numerous giant taruntulas had dug holes in the ground so first finding a banana tree and gathering some fronds I took a weed stem with some sort of fuzzy end and carefully used it to poke into the spider holes and draw them out onto a piece of banana frond, once out it was easy to quickly fold them into an envelope that I tied with some vegetable fibers. Now at my tree root hideout and a small fire going it was easy to roast the big spiders in their individual packets…and as hungry as I was they were delicious and not hard to eat, just disregard the legs. 'dog' had ticks, large thumbnail sized blood swollen ticks around her ears. I coaxed her closer and took a twig with an ember bunting on one end out of my and gently stroking 'dog's head began the slow process of putting the glowing ember near the rear of a tick causing it to back out whereupon I immediately threw it into what was left of the fire…after some time I got most of them and 'dog' was getting impatient with me so I stopped. I had already noticed the tattoo in her ear and now started to pay more attention to her. She had the build of a slightly stocky German Shepherd but the shit brindle brown coloring and shorter hair of a pit bull…it occurred to me that this dog had come from a breeding kennel somewhere and when the lights went out had escaped into the wild, it was not the sort of dog raised for staged dog fights and such that were popular with the toads…and some few others! ;-)
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
    Homer Simpson likes this.
  15. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    Keith your'e doing good, how about you put this all in a separate thread/book so we can enjoy it, I like your detail.
  16. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    I can do that, just don't know how…we b watin fo d Zen guy to get back wid Zed & all dat sheet n stuff! (we could play of waring banjos and just call it 'waitin n d war')

  17. tedrow42

    tedrow42 Monkey+

    Where the hell is Zen to stop this madness.
    mysterymet and john316 like this.
  18. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    With a lot of very necessary help most of my post are now over on "Keith's Thread" I was going to call it 'Homie On D Run & Alls Dat Sheet N Stuff' but that got dropped…not quite sure why. I'll still drop in and give Zed a poke if he ever shows up again…and "Keith's Thread" is directly playing off Zengunfighter's storyline…not with, just reflecting events and consequences. :)
  19. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    We b watching for Zen from out here in the bush…where is Zen indeed? ;-)
  20. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    Zengunfighter...............YOUR STORY is one of the better ones i have read in several years..........i hope life is going well for you. hope to see more story................thanks for everything so far
    i have been rereading FOUNDERS BY RAWLES and you compare very good...............hope you finish the story and find a publisher
    Tully Mars and Mike Fletcher like this.
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