Help, Sick Zucchini

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by ditch witch, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Meanwhile in sunny CO. Due to inclement weather, this is my zucchini.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    Ganado likes this.
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I don't have my translator.
    But Lazarus has some pretty flowers.
    Motomom34, Dunerunner and Ganado like this.
  4. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    That is promising....
    Motomom34 and ditch witch like this.
  5. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I will admit the blossoms are very pretty but your leaf is starting to yellow on the edges. @ditchwitch, victory is not yours yet!
    Dunerunner and Ganado like this.
  6. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    My goodness, what has poor Lazarus done to deserve such callous dismissal? "Burn him! Pull him up!" You would send him to the camps like a homosexual Jewish gypsy.
    Motomom34, Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  7. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Lol ok back to plain shoes for you. No more drunken staggaring. Jasper is a zucchini..... just saying. ;)
  8. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Time to put old Laz to rest. DW, I know your soft heart is reluctant to pull the plug so I will be the executioner. Let us all pray- Laz, you put up a good fight but a slow death will not be yours so Ms. @ditch witch will be pulling you and burning you in the barrel. Rest in peace and let's hope you didn't infest the rest of the crops. Amen

    Too much yellowing on a zucchini plant’s leaves is a sign your zucchini plant is unhealthy.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    AMEN !! :rolleyes:
    Ganado likes this.
  10. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Et tu YD?
    I know what vine borers look like. Rest assured I would have found them when I not only laid in the muck on my stomach and examined the entire plant with a flashlight, but cut off the majority of the stems and slit them open.

    Now if I can just get the Dobie to stop pissing on it.
    Sapper John, Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    [LMAO] blame it on the dog. :lol:
    Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  12. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I am just watching to see who wins the $5....... not picking a side. ;)

    I am a sap for saving a plant as well...... sometimes the challenge is worth the fight to save it.... just to say "told you so" :p
    Motomom34 and Ganado like this.
  13. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I seem to be incapable of giving up on anything once I've set my mind to make it happen. Never quite sure if that's a flaw or a virtue. Mom would have called it the bane of her existence back when my mind was set on not eating lima beans or turnips.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    ditch witch likes this.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yard Dart likes this.
  16. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Ganado likes this.
  17. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    [cow] [pop]
  18. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    You'll have to settle for a porch shot using my camera's pitiful zoom. My knee is not in the mood for steps, mud, or rocking decks today. He's still there, no better no worse. Given the entire yard is an inch under water and has been for three days now I suspect he will soon have company in the infirmary. One of my spaghetti squashes is drowning now.
    Ganado and Motomom34 like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Well I can see another leaf going down. Keep up the fight @ditch witch.
    Ganado likes this.
  20. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    We must not be looking at the same plant.
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