Ginger sprouts and My Redneck Herb Garden First Year To Get Grapes 6'3" Goat Yes he's the one on the right! Not The Old Goat On The Left!!!
"One mans junkyard, is another Preppers Cashe of Crazy Cool Stuff!!" I didn't have the end caps, so I just used whatever, drilled holes on the bottom of a 6" PVC pipe and used My table saw to cur out a 4" strip at the top, filled it with dirt and, Whalla', Redneck Herb Garden. It's working very well. i am going to install a second story of growbeds around the perimeter when I can squirrel away the wood, till then this'll do!
I think you are good enough at red neck in it to make a no pump hydroponic garden. I love this guy HydroPonic off grid Gardening | Survival Forums This is a link on this site to YouTube videos
Totally lost me when he started using all the Equations! LOL I tried that already a little. It's very limited on what you can grow, mostly lettuce type greens only. I Have a couple Zucchini plants that are 4 feet tall and 8 feet wide, putting out 3 1/2 pound fruit, Kale is 2', collards as well,Peppers are huge, for the trouble, space, effort and value, rabbit pooh and raised beds are by far the way to go. As a side note; The bed I started with the wood shaving mixture, The soil Is Black!! 5 green trash bags of wood shavings, 1 bag potting soil 2.5 cubic feet, 1 bag black cow and 2 wheel barrels full of rabbit pooh. The plants are loving it, and the weeds are hating it!
Agreed growing in the ground is easier. And rabbits give off rich poo. Sounds like the wood shavings counteracts the heat of rabbit poo. I never thought to use shavings.
Rabbit manure can go straight on your garden and is extremely rich in nitrogen, its a good slow release fertilizer as well.Its not real good for vine fruit like Cucumbers,Watermelons,etc/ as it promotes growth rather than fruiting.The wood shavings are composting over time, the potting soil and Black Cow put beneficial Microbe to aid in decomposition and the Rabbit stuff adds all kinds of nutrients,and allows me to grow in it immediately.
In the last picture, it looks like you are strangling the goat and holding it up like He-Man. Caught in the act... The goat choker. DUN-DUN-DUN!
He's like a dog. Bottle fed. He loves to be pet! He follows us all over the property.I was trying to keep him there to get the pic, If you pet him he won't move. I have 2 sheep like that as well.I'm Glad cause he's huge and if he was aggressive I would have to put him down. At my age I'm lucky to lift my butt out of bed, let alone a goat off the ground! I''m going to have to use a come along to get that Ram in the air, he's about 250, not looking forward to that at all!
Radicchios will too. Cut them off at ground level and leave the roots in the ground and they will sprout more. Rhubarb too Most plants that are perennial will grow back.
Up-date on my re-grow/sprouting: The red potatoes turned black and started to smell. The pineapple looks like it will be dying soon also. I will try again. Good news is I have a sweet potato that is ready for planting and finally I have roots that are coming off a mint sprig. @ditch witch was right, it just takes patience.
@Gopherman I had one once that was bottle raised and convinced she was a dog. She would chase passing cars with the dogs and if I left the house she'd jump the fence and chase the Suburban down the dirt road screaming and bleating, ears flopping. I'd stop and open the passenger door, she'd jump in and ride to McDonalds for french fries with the dogs.
That's funny! My Ginger plants are doing well and the passion fruit vines are freaking out! I have Habenero Peppers all over my plants and I am trying to root one from a healthy broken branch. I'll let you know what happens. Mellon's cross pollinated and its weird, Crossed Honeydew, Cantaloupe and Butternut squash, they look really strange but taste great! Lesson learned next time, only one breed of Mellon at a time! Rabbits all doing well, ready to butcher this weekend, Flemish Giants going into breeder sized cages $$$$! They sell for $50 a piece. Sweet Peppers Not doing as well as I hoped, I had a good initial Crop but they are struggling, fertilizing this weekend, Got my fingers crossed!
Wow you got the ginger to sprout in water? That is awesome! Or did I misinterpret what you said @Gopherman
Leave them in the pantry untill the buds start to show then cut them off with a good sized piece of potato and put them in the ground about 6" deep. I did it last year and got a wheel barrel full from 5 potatoes, which yielded about 15 buds!
I bought a ginger root that had a lot of eyes on it I cut it down the middle and put it with the buds facing up until they turned green, then placed them in a pot of soil and kept it wet. Now I have multiple shoots, some of which are a couple inches tall, I'll get some pics and post in a few minutes!