Lucis Trust - The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations Lucis - Home Lucis Trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey & World Goodwill I brought this thread up for two reasons. One to expose this and two for help in debunking it if it can be debunked. I spent several months back in 2008 researching this group and was unable to find any untruths in these links. The only one was that it was never called The Lucifer Trust but was called Lucifer publishing company. I attempted to contact the United Nations to see if they really sit in during meetings and was never answered. So here is a good one for you experts. Are they really the spiritual heartbeat of the United Nations or just a book publishing company that pushes new age Philosophy ? Aquarian Age Community Home Page This page is sponsored by the U.N.
Most likely NOT affiliated with the United Nations. I would opine to say definitely not. Now, as for general disarmament among the civilian populations? Yeah, that's all in their charter and statues resembling a gun with a twisted barrel. But, many worldly people believe that violence is wrong, it's just their fundamental belief that guns are the root problem which is unacceptable -especially when it's perfectly fine in their minds to have trained armies making the people obey at gunpoint. We don't need to hold beliefs in demons and evil specters to unveil the true purpose of greedy, misguided elitists.
Rare...but you are wrong. United Nations 57th Annual DPI/NGO Conference—Millennium Development Goals: Civil Society Takes Action A Room of Quiet—The United Nations Meditation Room Astrological Chart of the United Nations Building a Culture of Peace and the Evolution of Consciousness—June 2004 Seminar Creative Meditation and Thoughtform Building As a Planetary Service Dag Hammarskjöld Dedication of UN Meditation Room Dimensions of War and Peace and the Work of the United Nations—An Esoteric, Spiritual Perspective Eternal Plan of Love and Light and The Work of the UN—May 2000 Roundtable Freedom from Fear, The UN and the World Wide Esoteric Community Freedom From Fear; Transcripts of Monthly Meditation Meeting Talks Freedom from Fear and UN Peacekeeping Operations Freedom from Fear—Personally, Nationally, Internationally and Globally Freedom from Fear, the UN and the World Wide Esoteric Community Freedom From Want; Transcripts of Meditation Meeting Talks Freedom from Want and the Principle of Sharing Freedom from Want: Financing and the United Nations Freedom from Want and the Spiritual Workers of the World Freedom in the Age of Aquarius Freedom of Expression and the Evolution of Culture Freedom of Speech; Transcripts of Meditation Meeting Talks Freedom of Speech and Expression, Human Rights and Right Human Relations Freedom of Worship; Transcripts of Meditation Meeting Talks Freedom of Worship and the Interfaith Experience The Great Invocation The Great Invocation in the six languages of the UN General Assembly Hall—still photo General Assembly—spherical panoramic photo General Assembly Building—still photo General Assembly Building—spherical panoramic photo Globalization and the Four Freedoms Implementing the Four Freedoms on a Planetary Scale How Can Global Consciousness Respond to the Cry of the Least Developed Countries? How Can the Spiritual Dimensions of Science and Consciousness Help the United Nations and Humanity Achieve Better Standards of Life in Larger Freedom? Issues Addressing Multiple Freedoms; Transcripts, Meditation Meeting Talks—Spiritual UN Discussion Las Meditaciones de los Festivales Solares en las Naciones Unidas Meditações Dos Festivais Solares Nas Nações Unidas Meditation and the Four Freedoms Meditation and the United Nations Meditation at the Time of the Monthly Solar Festivals Meditation Room Millennium Development Goals: Civil Society Takes Action—57th Annual DPI/NGO Conference Monthly UN Meditation: Meetings: Invitational Letter (Archive) Monthly UN Meditation: Meetings: Invitational Letter (Current) Monthly UN Meditation Meetings in Support of the Work of the UN—schedule Monthly UN Meditation Meetings—Creative Meditation; A Planetary Service in Support of the Work of the UN Monthly Meditation Meetings—Descriptive Purpose New World Order and the Work of the UN On-line Discussion on the Spiritual Work of the UN Origin of the United Nations Our Globalization Plateau Planetary Initiation and the Work of the United Nations Prayer to God of the Free Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations Preparation for the Reappearance of the World Spiritual Teacher—2000 Roundtable Preparation for the Reappearance of the World Spiritual Teacher—2001 Roundtable Schedule of Monthly Meditation Meetings in support of the UN Spherical (360 degrees) Photographs of the UN Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations Spiritual Impulse Behind the United Nations Spiritual UN Discussion Area—Four Freedoms Discussion Spiritual UN Discussion Comments—Four Freedoms Discussion Spiritual UN Discussion Board Spiritual United Nations—Summary Reports of Public Meetings Spiritual Work of UN; Building Planetary Consciousness; Symposium, October 1999 Spiritual Work of the UN & Liberation of Humanity—Current Discussion Spiritual Work of the UN & Liberation of Humanity—Discussion Area Spiritual Work of the UN & Liberation of Humanity; Roundtable, September 1998 Spiritual Work of UN & Spiritual Welfare of the Planet—Symposium, April 1999 Spiritual Work of the UN and the Liberation of Humanity—Descriptive Purpose Spiritual Work of United Nations and the Liberation of Humanity—Four Freedoms Spirituality at the United Nations Sustainability, Ecovillages and the Spiritual Work of the United Nations UN Meditation Meetings UN Wins Nobel Peace Price; 2001 United Nations United Nations—An Aquarian Organization The United Nations and the Destiny of Humanity United Nations Conference Against Racism and the Plan of Love and Light United Nations and Four Freedoms—Home Page United Nations Meditation Room Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Liberation of the Human Spirit Using Meditation to Support the Work of the UN—Feb 2004 Seminar Using Meditation to Support the Work of the UN—Feb 2004 Seminar Agenda What Is the Meaning of the Term, Spiritual? Work of the UN and the World-Wide Esoteric Community—2001 Roundtable World Spiritual Teacher, the Esoteric Community and the UN
If the UN, not being a natural person has an astrological chart, then Jesus the Christ probably has several...his date and place of birth is seemingly as moveable a feast as Pesach When Was Jesus Born? | Birth of Jesus Christ This thread is well located in the tinfoil hat lounge. It is quite likely that the UN has a meditation what? For those who are a little leery of spending some time in silent contemplation in the meditation room located in the UN Headquarters building, they can easily mosey across the street to the Church Center for the United Nations, and spend some time on bended knees there. I suspect that it's the same link that provides the access to Lucifer's inner rectum.
How much do you know aboot Bailey? The "usual suspects" appear involved with "the trust". Bill Gates and the Lucis Trust - Christian Voice UK " We also find a glowing reference to the Gates Foundation on the Lucis Trust website, on Page 3 of a 2010 report on a conference about money, which the Lucis Trust like (a lot): ‘Today there is a small but influential minority of responsible and wealthy citizens and organizations who are taking action and showing great leadership in alleviating the current sufferings. The ones we may have heard about are Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford Foundation, Andrew Carnegie Endowment, as well as many others. These philanthropic efforts are certainly making constructive and positive impacts as well as setting a necessary example to other wealthy billionaires on how money can be channeled towards constructive means to help rebuild a better civilization, restore the divine circulatory flow and heal and uplift people from the scourge of poverty, war and disease.’ Bill Gates, George Soros and the Lucis Trust World Service Fund are all said to have financed the United Religions Initiative, an interfaith movement with UN links founded in 1995 by Episcopalian Bishop William Spring. Going further, we only repeat an internet rumour that Bill Gates has given money to the Lucis Trust itself in the hope that someone out there will provide evidence one way or the other. Apart from Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie are key players developing the doctrine of one-world government throughout the world, and spreading the immorality of abortion and sodomy mainly in Africa and Asia. Warren Buffet’s donation of $1.52 billion to the Gates Foundation earlier this year made Gates the world’s biggest donating foundation, outstripping both Ford and Rockefeller. Warren Buffett is in favour of higher taxes and big government and he is pro-abortion, just like Bill and Melinda Gates. Warren Buffet said of eugenics and abortion giant Planned Parenthood: “If by some magic we could make every child born in this country a wanted child, we would have incredibly fewer problems in all areas of society. The closest thing we have to that magic is Planned Parenthood.” William H Gates Sr, Bill Gates’ father, was head of Planned Parenthood. A brief and revealing summing-up of the 2010 Lucis conference is here. It was addressed by Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, who was the Bangladeshi ambassador to the United Nations before taking up a post there as UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries. He is a UN insider. The other speaker was one Barbara L. Valocore. " @chelloveck My best guess is the Jesus was born on or aboot Sept 11 - 3BC. I'm not saying everything posted is accurate but there are certainly more than tendrills to prick my spidey sense when talking aboot the UN, Lucis Trust, the one-world religion etc. Jimmy Saville provided kids to UN dips.
@Mindgrinder I hate to disagree here, but I still see no credible proof about what you are alluding to. It's shoddy reporting like this which gives credible alternative media a bad name.
Jimmy Savile may have procured and pandered for many well connected people of varying walks of life, professions, and positions of power and authority, (both secular and religious). However It doesn't do sling muck at the UN as an organisation by committing the "Guilt By Association" fallacy in doing so. Association fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jimmy Savile also enlarged the Coffers of Mowbray Publishing, (Mowbray Publishing ) with sales from Jimmy Savile's authored book..."God'll Fix It!". God'll Fix it: Jimmy Savile: 9780264664576: Books If one was to follow your example of committing the "guilt by association fallacy", we could cite Jimmy Savile's mistaken theological take on salvation by good works and blame it all on theism. » When Jimmy Savile died, I reproached his obituarists for their cover-up of his faith. Now I have to ask: what was he thinking of during daily Mass? Evidently god's inability to "Fix It" makes him as good a target for criticism as the UN when it comes to associations with Jimmy Savile's predelictions. Edit: N.B. I don't believe god is to blame...I merely use as a reductio ad absurdum example of guilt by association. (I don't consider god at fault for Savile's misdeeds...given that I have little reason to believe that such an entity (god) actually exists.)
So is the Lucis Trust the Spiritual heartbeat of the United Nations or not? Do they push New age paganism or not? That was my question. The website I posted says they do. I was not able to find any evidence that they were wrong. I see a lot of reference to the merging of all religion under the great Buddist leadership.
What has the birth date/place have to do with the UN--or is it just another chance to try to discredit Jesus? Why do you do that?
Exactly WHY, does the exact BirthDate of "the Christ" matter to Christians...... Does a Persons Personal Faith, Require that knowledge...... Why can't the FACTs of his Birth, be confirmed, individually, to each Inquiring Human, by the Witness of the Holy Spirit..... Inquiring Minds want to know.......
I can't find anything, brother. I would say there's no evidence to support any such claim. I am not defending the UN at all, I just don't think it's any way related to some nefarious luciferian doctrine. And @chelloveck can get on a roll (and out of hand) on the religion subject. I suggest not going down that road.
Accuracy matters.... It's offensive to wish someone "Happy Birthday" on a day that isn't their birthday. It certainly mattered to ME when I turned to Christ.... It mattered because many "Holier than thou" preachers proclaim "truth" but barely know their own God. You can find out a lot aboot a person by asking them a question they don't know the answer to and observing if they lie or bs or come straight out and say "i don't know". Most preachers when asked "When was Jesus really born?" will say something like you did..."it doesn't matter..." It matters to ME...and i'm sorry YOU don't know.
@Mindgrinder You are "Assuming Facts, not in evidence" when you "Assume" that I do NOT know when "The Christ" was born..... I have stated, No such thing, here , or anywhere else. Now, if you should "Demand" that I state what My Knowledge is, and how I aquired that Knowledge, I will tell you to "Mind Your Own Faith, and Business" because My Knowledge is for "Me" and given to "Me" for MY Use, and understanding, and I chose, to Whom, and When, I will impart My Personal Knowledge, on Faith related issues. I do NOT "Cast My Religious Pearls" just Anytime, and to just AnyOne, as they are Precious, and Sacred, to Me....
Wow BTPOST that was a complete sideways avoid the issue answer. Internet etiquette 1. When typing never write in all capital letters. That is shouting. People don’t like it when you shout at them in person. And they sure don’t like when you shout at them on the net!