U.S. military bases are now at "Force Protection Bravo,"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stg58, May 8, 2015.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Question is-------will they????? Personally I DO NOT trust any of them. They, like nobammy will side with the muzzies--his words.
    GhettoPass and Mike like this.
  2. GhettoPass

    GhettoPass Monkey+

    I will forever have branded in my memory, Muslim families on the New Jersey side cheering as towers fell. I only trust the ones who have assumed room temperature.
    Yard Dart, Mike and kellory like this.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    For those that did cheer, and do so still, I would agree.
    Would you agree, that all whites hate blacks, and would still have slaves if they could? It is the same kind of broad brush hatred.
  4. GhettoPass

    GhettoPass Monkey+

    No, didn't say I hated them and I would not equate them to a racial component of society.
    I hate their religion and belief system same as I also hate Marxism, Progressives, and Nazis. Put that label/belief system in your heart and you will automatically garner my mistrust. Putting that belief system into your heart makes me your target for abuse and murder. Not the other way around.
    Mike likes this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    OK, and just how do you KNOW they are Muslims? Do they wear the gold star like Jews did? Wear sheets like hari chisnas? Robes like friars? Or shave their heads like monks? What sign were every one of them showing, that made you sure every cheering throat belonged to a Muslim, not a skinhead, or Jehovah's Witness?
    Don't tell me you could just look at them and know they were evil....like the Nazis did with the Jews.
    tulianr likes this.
  6. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Very few of the faith who claim to be moderates/peaceful will ever tell the ones that are doing the evil things that they are banned, shunned, and should cease. Only deafening silence. Silence implies acceptance. I can't even follow in the words of my favorite President "Trust but Verify". I don;t trust until they can prove it. To do less invites domination or death.
    Yard Dart and GhettoPass like this.
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    ....so we should treat them all as we did with the Japanese? And just round them all up and jail them, just to make sure?
    tulianr likes this.
  8. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    No but maybe we should take a serious look at our immigration policies that keep allowing large numbers of people from hostile nations to move here with very little due diligence done on them.
    Yard Dart and Ganado like this.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Right about now, that means................. just about everyone.
  10. GhettoPass

    GhettoPass Monkey+

    I think it was the garb, maybe the Middle Eastern look, or I guess by the enthusiasm they had yelling Allah Akbar. I'm not a rocket scientist, oh wait I am, They were Muslims!

    I think that must be in your heart because no one else has said anything like that. Or are you just trying to be provocative? But if you really want to know what I think?

    We should build a fence. We should have our military guard that fence with shoot to kill orders. We should have legal access points. We should order everyone that is illegally here out of the country and give them 30 days. We should round up everyone that stays here illegally and kick their butts out. We should confiscate all of their property and use that money to pay for their butts being kicked out. We should then hold off all legal immigration for at least 10 years so that families legally here can assimilate to a unique American culture.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2015
    Mike likes this.
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    In my heart? No. I'm saying there are no simple answers. You can not look at a .man or woman and see into there heart or their religion. Nor can you judge an entire people by the actions of the minority. Nor can you judge silence as approval. Sometimes all you are seeing is fear.
    Provocative? More like Devil's advocate. Looking for the other side of the problem.
    tulianr and Ganado like this.
  12. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Yup, I's skeeered. That's it
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Are you silent while someone else does wrong? If not, you're reading this wrong.
    Sometimes people stay quiet, because they are afraid of drawing attention to themselves.
  14. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Kell, I am as vocal to wrongs done by friends and family as I am to strangers. I have spent so many years in countries that bear no likeness to what we have here. I know that we are disrespected as weak in many many countries because we are civilized. Those people despise us while at the same time are getting money, equipment, and protection from us. Weakness in many parts of the country invite attacks. I watched women in Lebanon, whom we were supporting at the time, celebrate the destruction of the twin towers. CELEBRATE. I have seen my Christian beliefs attacked in this country while Islamic beliefs were being celebrated in our schools, the same schools that removed Easter, Christmas, pictures of Jesus, the 10 commandments, etc. I have seen so much that I am ready to puke. Our government is actively allowing open borders which allow people with an avowed threat to kill Americans to enter. We spend billions on law breaking illegal immigrants while allowing our veterans to go without adequate healthcare. We allow our colleges to indoctrinate marxist beliefs in our children. We allow murderers to stand trial as victims (Jared Laughner). No, I'm not scared of muslims. I study them. But I also know, if you appear weak, you will be attacked. It's how that part of the world works. We won't change them. We don't have anything they want, except our country. We now have, according to our intelligence agencies, over 1000 ISIS fighters on our soil waiting to attack. When they do, and they will, none of our moderate peaceful muslims will denounce them.
    Rant over
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Are you suggesting that we Americans are just intolerant to the Muslim religion, therefore it is all our fault..... is that the other side of the problem in your view? I think your just trying to be provocative to carry the conversation further..... [troll]

    On the other hand.... dunno, maybe you would like a cup of that Sharia.... let me know how it goes. [winkthumb]
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Many bad things have been done in the name.of religion, all of them. How about the Salem witch trials "if she floats she must be a witch using magic to float. If she drowns she was not a witch"
    Or the Spanish Inquisition? Torture a confession then to be killed while confessed so you could not backslide? (For your soul)
    No, I'm saying, that it is no real difference between suspecting all Muslims than it was to suspect all Japanese.( Even those who had fought to be here or had been born here. ) remember the saying "the only good jap, is a dead jap!"?
    How is that any different than treating every Muslim as a terrorist in disguise? Ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty"? Or does that only apply to white folks?
    You listen to the rioters, and they seem to think it is true.
    You ever treat a dog as if it were mean? What happens? Either it bites you or it is turned into a coward.
    If you keep calling a guy a terrorist, everyday, day in and day out, he will either move elsewhere, or reach his breaking point and level a weapon at you.
    By rejecting an entire people, we foster more hate. (And NO. That ain't Bambie -thumper, showing. That is animal training.,)​
    tulianr likes this.
  17. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Sorry, but that is a rather naive view IMO.... but then I have been to their lands, lived with them, and learned their ways....so I am full of opinions that just may be unrelatable to some, that have never had that experience....

    As @Mike said so well above: "But I also know, if you appear weak, you will be attacked. It's how that part of the world works."
    Mike likes this.
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Perhaps. I just have a hard time condemning an entire people.
  19. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Personally, I don't worry about being hated. As for the Japanese, what happened to them was wrong but initially many were thought to be more loyal to their roots than to their country. Many proved this wrong by serving with honor and commitment. But there is a large difference. Many who moved here, became Americans first. Many muslims are Muslim first, not American. That can also be said about the illegals who broke into our country, then marched with Mexican flags in protest of deportation. Those are not people interested in America. I disagree with the term German-American, Irish-American, African-American, Mexican-American. That should be American of (select appropriate) descent. I was raised in New Mexico. Most of my neighbors were of Mexican heritage. I was a minority. I don't believe in White is RIght. I believe in AMERICANS. I love this country. Yes, I do wonder who is hiding behind his robes waiting to hit us. It has happened before, several times, and will happen again. Before 9/11 was there any significant anti-islamic dislike? I have friends that were Persian (presently Iran). Wonderful people. But I would want to know from them why they didn't denounce many of the attacks against America/Americans/Soldiers. I would ask them how their faith can justify murder. And yes, walking into a Jewish wedding and blowing up self and guests, is murder. So, does white make right. No. Do I distrust openly devout Muslims. Yes. Probably as much as they distrust this old openly Catholic white boy.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have no worries, out here.... There aren't any Muslim Countries, that have Snow & Cold, like where I live... They would freeze their Brass Monkeys,Off, if they came for me.... Especially if the had to stop to pray five times a day..... And I have some very nice .308 NATO Tickets, for a Reunion with their GOD.... and the Promised 70 Virginians...
    Yard Dart and Mike like this.
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