After reflection, I think I like "amoral Sociopath". Most thugs ....I mean hoodlums won't know what that means, so they are less likely to be offended.
I am in no way enlightened, but here's what I think. First, notice how just about everything the political left says is parroted simultaneously by the liberal media. Almost like they are working hand in hand. That can't be, right? The original intent of unbiased news was to make sure politicians and others are not able to pull a fast one on the general public. No longer the case, it seems. Also notice how large educational institutions no longer teach kids and young adults how to think. But more closely deliver the same message as the liberal media and political left. This has been going on for decades and has gotten progressively worse. That is part of why we homeschool. All of this stuff is a multi-pronged attack, in my opinion. First, indoctrinate the children. Second, misdirection for everyone else. You can see the result with the obscene amount of entitlements being handed out in the country. It means more government control on everything. We are becoming a country of unthinking drones. Third, control everything. The media and left stir up all kinds of crises to distract people from looking at things they SHOULD be paying attention to. For example, what the president is doing. Why else would someone in that office come out so strongly about those racial issues when it comes to the police? It riles people up and causes bad things to happen. Like yelling, "FIRE!" in a theater. And it destabilizes the police and their authority. May lead to a change in policing with "special" police (see Hitler) answering to the president. Hope it never happens, but I see us becoming more Marxist with each passing day. Anyway, like I said, I am not enlightened. Just a concerned citizen. Now I'm looking out for the black helicopters. @Bear, I'm coming to hide out in your stronghold.
My SIL homeschooled all of her kids. A great support group for HS in Orlando. Her oldest is a Miami cheerleader ( just one of her "jobs"). Second girl is releasing her second album. Youngest boy is into tennis big time. All great human beings. The reasons for HS are many. Political, religious, state of the public schools, and simply good parenting. I taught elementary school for years. I support proper HS ing.
First of all don't call me cracker. I have been thinking about this thread for a few days. I just don't know what happened. One day thug was just an adjective/slang, then a week later you are a racist if you use the term. What I find alarming is how quickly the word because a no-no. That is scary. A word no one really cared about became and issue. We knew we were on a slippery slope when our speech started to be dictated to us. Now we seem to be picking up speed. I was reading the news today and bang another story, outrage, what we thought blah, blah, blah..... Today I learned that the Confederate flag is racist and the flag of the KKK. I always thought it was something that good old boys hung in the back window of their truck. But I guess now we will be seeing our lives change everyday as the hypersensitivity towards the black people takes over. Confederate Flag Prom Photo With Gun-Toting High Schoolers Backfires
This is being perpetuated by people afraid to offend anyone. I'll admit it - I don't give a damn if you are offended by my beliefs, my speech, my descriptive phrases, or my personal ideology. I'm opinionated and unwilling to censor myself in order to appear less opinionated. If anyone doesn't like it, they don't have to listen or give credence to my statements
Yea, RH.... Feel free to express, anything you want.... PC is just as stupid, as any other Liberal train of thought....
Like most of us, I try to be respectful of the opinions of others just as I ask them to be respectful of mine. but, when it comes to the words I use to express myself, language that is partly regional, partly that which is used among friends, and partly from my background, I resent anyone making an arbitrary declaration that a word or phrase that has been used through the ages is now "racist" or inflammatory. I resent the phrase "N-word" Either say it or don't say it. It reminds me of am adult man referring to his penis as his pee-pee.
New-speak approved word list: Good ungood plus good/ungood double plus good/ungood Thank you George Orwell and 1984.
Words DO have specific Meanings...... Like "Marriage" and those that would redefine them, deserve the contempt that it does generate.....
I am opinionated, this comes from living a fair amount of time and experiencing the real world I lived in at many varied locations. This also involved helping others, paying taxes and doing some stints of volunteer work and seeing people at both their worst and their best. Why should any one expect me to change my history of living and watching what good folks have accomplished and what some fools have done?
The hideous N-word that will magically trans-poof you into a racist if you use it (unless you're black) is derived from the word "Niger", which, properly speaking, means a free black man. People who understands the original meaning of words could have a real pic-nic with that.
....actually, no. "Origin of nigger Expand 1640-50; < French nègre < Spanish negro black" "This article is about the word and its history. For the colloquial variant, see nigga. For other uses, see Nigger (disambiguation).  1885 illustration from Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, captioned "Misto Bradish's nigger" Nigger is a noun in the English language. The word originated as a neutral term referring to black people,[1] as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger ("color black").[2] Often used disparagingly, by the mid 20th century, particularly in the United States, its usage had become unambiguously pejorative, a common ethnic slur usually directed at black people of Subsaharan African descent." Niger, on the other hand means you are from Nigeria. "nig·gard·ly ˈniɡərdlē/ adjective 1. not generous; stingy. "serving out the rations with a niggardly hand" synonyms: cheap, mean, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching, cheeseparing, grasping, ungenerous, illiberal; More adverbarchaic 1. in a stingy or meager manner" Niggardly, on the other hand just means "tight fisted with money or mean".
Some "men" still call it a pee-pee........ And here I thought Thor was an appropriate name for my stuff.