Medicine Science Study Confirms No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by sec_monkey, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Three things:
    One) if you did, you would be foolishly cutting yourself off from one of the most knowledgeable people you could ever meet, with a lifetime of skills, and talents to share freely.
    Two) you, however, need to learn how to use spell check. Your posts lack authority on any subject where you can not be bothered to even use the correct words, or spell them at all.
    You are nearly as hard to read clearly, as Sloth!! Your use of internet slang and memes is clearly more important to you than clear speech. I can translate sloth, using olde English as a base, but you are the more difficult, because your speech is simply lazy, and follows no set rules.
    Three) @BTPost is married to the "Ice Queen" , who is with Doctors without Borders. I'm quite certain he has access to excellent medical information.
    To me, it appears YOU are the touchy one. (Jmho) I would suggest, you two "shake hands" and start over.
  2. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Gotta love these personal Attacks.

    I ask for leadership and you bleed your personal bile all over me.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    No, ma'am. You do not ask for leadership, you have consistently attacked BT BASED upon his leadership role, and THAT is forum politics.
    Personal bile?[LMAO] I merely state the truth as I see it. Your writing style is that of a teenager. (A poor comparison really, as most teenagers have mastered spell check by now).
    It is not, now or ever, a personal attack upon you, for someone to disagree with you. Regardless of their position, class, title, rank, or station in life.
    And MODS do not give up their opinions to hold rank or power. (That is stupid) you are flinching from the crack of a whip that has never been raised in threat.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Horsefeathers. Knowledge and the ability to dispense it has no relation to leadership, nor must it hew to some form of approach approved by the knowledge seeker. (I'll mention that the students do not get to approve the professor.) If ye seek knowledge, take it where you find it, regardless of the cover of the book you find it in.

    All forums, no matter what their content, suffer from comms problems, simply because there are differences in style among the members and there's no way to assess mannerisms and body language. I rather suspect we are looking at exactly that, bumping heads over style not content. Sitting around a camp fire, well, if you don't care for someone else sitting there, one can get up and move off. Doing so invariably means that something will be missed in the discussions. Best thing to do under that set of circumstances, if I might be a bit crude, is siddown, shaddap, enjoy the warmth of the fire and the cool beer in hand.
    chelloveck and kellory like this.
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I may disagree with Bruce on some issues, but by and large there is little of substance that Bruce opines upon that I have had any quibble with.

    As a forum moderator, Bruce is fair and even handed, and rarely intrudes to suspend or even slap on the wrist, unless someone is making an egregious ass of themselves, and is significantly disrupting the civility of the thread. On the odd occasion that Bruce has felt the need to speak sternly with me he has had reasonable cause to do so, (and I take no issue with him for doing that).

    Go to any number of other survival and prepper forums, and note the moderators there: one may discover very quickly, that SM members are very fortunate with the moderators that we have.
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
    sec_monkey, kellory and Brokor like this.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Actually, I like everybody's perspective, here. We each have something to say, and I appreciate the honesty. Just keep it CIVIL. :)

    @Ganado Some folks around here, including "mods" are old school types, ex federal agents and such, and the old ways are tough to leave behind. People used to believe in "America the faithful", in freedom and equality. Some still believe in the dream which was, but is no more. Old habits are hard to break. I like to think all our staff are quality people, though.

    On the topic of science and peer reviews -it's a rigged game, just like politics. The majority of scientists are looking for a handout to pay the bills, or they are part of the system -the "Dream of America", if you will. Just like the field of medicine itself in bed with big pharma, peddling prescription poison, the scientists of the caliber the government needs are a dime a dozen. And just like the unqualified shrinks who dole out the prescription drugs they know little to nothing about, these scientists will also render a conclusion suitable for the establishment, even if it means rigging the test. We know the truth. There are plenty of independent studies out there, and logic on our side to boot. Because, one should always ask, "Cui Bono?" (who benefits?) -and the money trail always leads straight to Slavery, Incorporated. The little lone nutters out there must be sick in the head, yeah....that's why they keep coming up with all these "crazy" conspiracy theories!

    Some folks just like playing the SAFE route. They do it because it was traditionally the SANE route. But, in the year 2015, more people are waking up to the fact that our water is poisoned, the food we eat is poisoned, the medical industry and pharmaceuticals are raking in the profits from keeping us perpetually sick to prolong "treatment", and since we are weakened mentally and physically, why not move in with the militarized police state, too. The dirty end of the stick is, folks who live on the surface don't matter.

    We are awake, and we are mad as hell.
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
    ditch witch likes this.
  7. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    have you noticed that some parents have their "odd" child labeled as autistc then procede to get them signed up for SSI and all sorts of other goveernment subsidies? I have noticed that. It seems that now and days it is the latest "thing" to have a mildly autistic or aspergers child. Parents can't comprehend that they may be to blame for their child's bad behavior or poor performance so they need to find the "cause". I am NOT saying by any stretch that there are not people with autism in the world. I just don't think there are as many today as there would be if they were judged by the old dsm 4.
  8. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    um. Parents can't diagnose their kids and give them a "label" on record.
  9. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    No but they can doctor shop.
    chelloveck and ditch witch like this.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    And sometimes they (Parents) just can not handle the Diagnosis, given them, and chose to do nothing.... Due Diligence says that if you do not agree with the Information, received, then you go seek a Second Opinion, or even a Third or Fourth, from the Best, Qualified, Individual or Group, that you can find. This is the case for ALL Information.... You research the subject, and glean Information, from those that are invested in that Field of Study. You look at Credentials, very closely, as to just how much the Author has invested, in the Field, and what his Peers think of his Position on the Information he generates. You also look at what his Detractors say, about his Scientific Process, and Look very carefully at their Credentials, in that Field of Study. After all that Information is assembled, you are FINALLY at a place, where you can make your OWN Intelligent Determination, of the veracity of the Information, presented, and set your OWN course of Action. Mostly the Good Information Generators are NOT FOUND on YouTube, or some Agenda Driven Blog or Group Site. I find most of my Information in dusty Journals, published by Reputable Scientific Journal Publishers, like Nature, Scientific American, NJM, and NIH. There are Outliers in any Course of Study. Like the MD, in Australia, that figured out Ulcers were caused by a Bacterial Infection, of the Gut, and then went on to PROVE IT, with Scientific Research. Those Outliers, do happen, but they are very FEW, and Far between, in the pace of Scientific Research.

    You also need to be on the LookOut for the Junk Science, and Charlatans, that use ALL the Scientific BuzzWords, of the day, but have NOTHING in the way of REAL Research, to backup what they are Selling. Some of those are the Perpetual Motion Crowd..... No one has yet, put even a Dent, in the Laws of Thermo Dynamics. The 100MPG Carburetor crowd. Again, BTUs in, and BTUs Out, in the form of Work Done, and the BTU Losses to Friction, and Heat. All the Magnets in the World, can NOT overcome, The Laws of Thermo Dynamics. Then there is the CASE of the MD Researcher in Great Britain, who Faked his Research, on the cause of Autism. He Published his Junk Science Research, and it stood for YEARS, as the definitive Source, until his Claims couldn't be Verified, or Reproduced, by the rest of the folks in his Field of Study. Case in FACT, they not only could NOT Verify, or Reproduce, his Data, and Findings, They found the exact opposite DATA, was very much in evidence. He also could NOT reproduce his Data, and was forced to admit he falsified, the Research, and was Stripped of his Medical Credentials. Some Folks are still citing His Bogus Research, even today, which is sad, in that it shows that BS and Agenda Driven Science, is very hard to irradicate from the Knowledge Base.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
    sec_monkey likes this.
  11. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Check out
    Extremely Important Video About Autism | Survival Forums
    if you'd like to see the precise relationship between vaccines and autism.
    Ignore the overstory--just watch the video. ALL of it. When you get to the part about Glutamate and "priming"
    you'll see why NOBODY should take the flu vaccine, and why kids should not be vaccinated at all before the age of two.
    Fair warning: Maybe one person in two hundred is tough enough or motivated enough to actually sit down and watch the video.
    Why? Beats me. I thought everybody would watch it.
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