In about 20 minutes curfew will be enforced. Will the citizens go into their homes or will we see things erupt. There are guns in the crowd, will they be used? Does anyone know what the ROE are for the National Guard? I have seen people complaining that their constitutional rights are being denied by this curfew.
What gives you the idea that the NG has been issued Ammo..... It isn't Policy to issue Ammo to local Deployments of NG, since Kent State....
Are you talking to me? If so I said nothing about the NG having ammo. I said there were guns in the crowd- crowd being the rioters. What I did ask or wonder is what are the ROE because there were many pictures of the rioter last night being armed. My question was/is how is the NG allowed to react if fired upon? In Ferguson we saw the NG have a passive/back-up role to the local police force.
Only questioning the ROE for the NG... With no Ammo they can only Slug it out with resistors... And that is just STUPID.... Typical of a local State of Emergency Declaration... Send in more Bodies, that can't defend themselves, but Bully the Thugs with perceptive Intimidation... Nothing more than Security Theater.... Very typical of the Liberal .Gov...... Rule by perceptual intimidation... More Bodies, all Standing around, all suited up, and looking TOUGH, but with No Teeth......
Their ROE will be to not engage unless they are assaulted first and then they will only escalate force equal to what is being applied to them.... they do have the advantage of numbers which will sway most from a head on confrontation. They are being used as window dressing sadly...... what needs to happen is have a few of the rioters heads cracked and show a wee bit of force I agree with BT.... the troops have mag's in the weaps but it is highly unlikely that there is any ammo in them.....just to ensure that the violence does not escalate by an accidental shooting. I guarantee you, none of them troops want to be there and unarmed... that M16 club is not very effective without a fixed bayonet (sans bullets)!!
Our three letter agencies that monitor every type of communications will not involve themselves where Barry the Bumbo does not want interference. Nothing like putting NG cannon fodder out without protection of a defensive nature. Guess, if they get attacked, they are to call the police. Reminds me of guarding our military housing in Germany after we hit Lybia.
The rioters are ignoring the curfew, throwing rock and bricks. If the national guard has no ammo what would be the purpose of carrying a long gun. This is going to be a mess, protesters in MO throwing rocks and a shooting. Any excuse to be an idiot I guess
Folks can complain about the Constitutional Rights being violated, but that is all it is, is Whining.... SCOTUS precedent says that if a State of Emergency IS declared, that Curfews, are Legal, if the Municipal, or State .Gov has Statutory Laws already in place, and those Statutes are Followed, to the Letter, and very Limited, to the minimum needed to deal with the Emergency. If you don't like the Statutory Limitations, you are welcome to challenge them in Federal District Court, AFTER THE FACT, and see how you fare....
To go to the heart of hearts of the matter we have seen politics go from fighting racism, to promoting racism. From pursuing liberty and freedom to demanding conformity and serfdom. From self determination to entitlement/dependency. We have banned God out of the schools and just about declared war on Him. We have nullified the rights of the unborn and now the elderly and have said to our children that lives do not matter. That nothing matters but self. And learned they have. The cities have become cesspools, and when people seek to escape to freer lands the bring their **** with them and make that new place as vile as the one they left, and all the politicians can think about is getting elected and the intoxication of raw power. They care little about we the people. By their own manifesto the moral decline and dumbing down of America has has been intentional in order to bring in the new world order. But we can see it is the old hollow dream of socialism that always fails because there is no moral compass other than the desire of the belly. It is a lie that has destroyed nation after nation no matter what the label given. Of course this is not everyone and I believe most people would not follow if they really understood what is planned for them. This is championed by those who are either too mesmerize by the lie or those who know exactly what they are doing and rejoice in the chaos and the blood in the streets that in their mind will usher out the old and in the rubble of the past will build the new Utopia. In the words of Billy Graham "We have sown the wind and are reaping the whirl wind". History is replete with examples, but it does not have to be. It depends on us.
Are you sure it can all be sliced into "disorders"? Sometimes I think my bipolar is pretty winning.... 900mg lithium makes the clouds more grey. Just sayn
You realize most people here dont speak Newfie, eh? Their thingamajigs just aint crossfittin the doohickies. Tech is your mess u clicked the wrong thing by the thing. *edit* and i'm not just say'n - i'm telling you so. Pay attention damnit...cuz i aint repeating mahself.
Baltimore mother disciplines rioting son | Watch News Videos Online "BUT MOM!!!!! All my friends are rioting!!!"
Integration was mandated, but true integration has seldom happened. Some races seem to resist moving away from home more than others. This builds a culture that inhibits true integration. Part of this comes from the continued hyphenation of the ethnicity of ANY group. Exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted to prevent. An automatic definition of "I'm something special/different" leads to conflict no matter the race, creed or color. You have to want to be something larger than where you came from otherwise you build a self segregated society where you and others become self serving enablers of what amounts to a cult. It becomes "Cool" to be busted and then complain about how the "Man" puts you down. This results in removing the responsibility of "self" and begins yet another generation of burning and pillage of your own neighborhood. The down ward spiral continues, it can only be stopped by having a balanced home life and where the rules of right and wrong are not only taught but observed in daily life by the next generation.
I always get a chuckle - some of us are old guys and gals invented and developed the technologies that younger people use but rarely understand. This doesn't apply to you - you dig deeper than most who dig, but it still gets a chuckle. The sobering thought is that In 20 years there won't be enough of us left to recreate the fundamentals if it were all brought down by an EMP or other catastrophic event. The picture I see of Humanity in these riots makes me not really care. We might be better off without it. We would be too busy surviving to have the time to be asshats. US troops on foreign soil aren't even allowed to carry ammunition let alone load their weapons. A friend of mine who was stationed in South Korea had to regularly fight off thieves who knowing this would try to beat him up and take his rifle. This would be during GUARD duty...
Likewise here. A fervent (and probably in vain) hope that the other parents in that benighted city (and others) get the hint about parenting, hopefully before the budding thugs complete the transition to full blown thuggery.
Yet another reason the Station SP In Japan carried M1 Garands, it might have been empty but when "used" by the 6'5" SP you can bet it had an amazing effect. Respect can come from the butt of the weapon too.