An Unwelcome Development

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Zengunfighter, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. whynot

    whynot Monkey+++

    How many prisoners are we up two now? Toad, Gumby and the child molester for sure. We get to many more and we will need a gallows. A old school hanging might be in order.

    Besides it would put the raw materials for Keith's coin purse at a convenient height for gathering. :)

  2. Zengunfighter

    Zengunfighter Monkey+++

    I've been racking my brain for a way to get that coin purse for Keith that will work in the story.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  3. whynot

    whynot Monkey+++

    Keith, you are starting to scare me a little. We are up to five prisoners now if my count is right. Lots of "signage" for around the neighborhood.

  4. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    In the words of the Great Kahn: "I will not shame my men by making of them guards; Take No Prisoners!" ;-)

    Hard times call for harder and immediate decisions. A benevolent tyrant is ofttimes called for and necessary.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
  5. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    I like the touch of an 'angry' woman/mother with a very sharp knife and a bent for revenge for the toad's actions slighting her and her child(ten) n sheet & stuff lik dat! ;-)
  6. Tywin Lannister

    Tywin Lannister Monkey+

    You should also work it so Markie sees what happens to Lardonia. Zed cannot survive a Fifth Column (Fiona) a known dry gulcher (Mark) and a rebellious and experienced in mayhem group (prisoners) all gunning for him within. Something's got to give. Fiona up to now has been keeping the kid happy, you don't have the goods on Mark to kill him publicly but the prisoners aren't worth the food and danger when you have willing workers in the neighborhood and the projects.
  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Whew, thanks Zen.

    Keith and Tywin are both right on the money, even if Keith scares me a little... ;)
    Looking like Zed needs to hold 'court', and explain some facts of life...
    Ancient methods of justice were brutal, for a reason.
  8. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

    Better save that lead...time for a hanging...
  9. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Institute slavery and indentured bondage, put them on the auction block and if there are no buyers put a rope around their rotten necks. ;-) View attachment 35095
    bagpiper likes this.
  10. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Yep, time to loose the PC crap and go with hard, tough & real…it leads if it bleeds! Is the kind of thinking that is called for in an emergency of the scale involving this story…and let's not forget just how downright mean and dangerously violent women can be if called to the occasion…as proven on many battle fronts worldwide where women were thrown in with men and had to fight or die! And it wouldn't hurt to find that you have a 'friendly' psychopath in your midst, someone that is so 'stunned' by current events that killing the enemy is the only outlet for felt pain. Yes, it's a good moving story and we're having fun…and this is not the 'peace corps' of our grandparents notorious dreams. ;-)
  11. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Civilization is said to be merely a veneer over the soul of animals...
    mysterymet likes this.
  12. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Within our breasts lies the soul of a savage…nothing less would have allowed 'us' to have survived this long in such a hostile human moulded environment as is found here on earth…an equally, even superior, savage in the family of planets. Stability is what is called for in any society no matter what it is based upon; I've already addressed the requirements of stability for a now tribal society. We're not going back to Adam & Eve here, just meeting the requirements for turning your dreck storm troopers into 'gentlemen' of worth and honor…and since ladies are present and some of them are whores beneath the skin, let them also be treated like ladies and given the respect they require because beneath their breast lies a savage that none of us want to deal with but must anyway because it is the women who envision 'society' as it must be and then make the the men create it for them through any means necessary. (never sleep) ;-)
  13. Tywin Lannister

    Tywin Lannister Monkey+

    Women and their tastes/rivalries brought down Rome. Women's recent change in standards is bringing Western Civilization down around our ears right now. This is probably only a work of fiction inasmuch as Jules Verne's works were.
  14. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Are you frickin kidding me?
    Ganado likes this.
  15. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

    Well said Keith,

    I have always said "the Pecking Order determines where the Pecker goes"...
  16. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    There is more to life and society than nookie.
  17. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

    Yes, but without nookie there is no life and thus no society...
  18. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Face it gentlemen & women, 98% of our time is finding, seeing, chasing after, wooing, paying for, securing, housing, feeding, and clothing that proverbial "piece of nookie" n all dat sheet & stuff. ;-)

    Those 2% thingies left in life we can easily do without anyway!
  19. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Roman men brought down Rome ... The tendency of people in power have to dehuman other people and be careless of their lives... That is what brought down Rome. Roman men who wanted to rule without putting their life on the line brought Rome down.

    @keith... God made men with a need for women.... Don't hate women because of God and his biological design of men. And while I will admit there are women in the world who are biatches there are some very good women I the world... There are also bad men in the world as well but I find most men are amazingly patient, thoughtful and interesting....

    This story has several great examples of great men.... All different and basically good. Nice job! I've really been enjoying reading.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2015
    Sapper John, bagpiper and mysterymet like this.
  20. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I like your post very much, and it is sincerely written, but the improper conclusion based on what historical evidence I have yet to establish.
    Rome, as an empire, was brought down by what brings down all empires... centralization of power causes the desire for more power, over reach and debasement of currency, which causes the Red Queen problem, law and order to be debased with the currency and then the degeneration of morality follows rapidly.
    Kinda like... the USA, now, today.
    When feminine dominates masculine, then irrational policies inevitably result. The current impact of feminism and political correctness, have a direct correlation to what I call; Systemic Irrationality. Which is the result of cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias, that join together in irrational policies, all to keep from offending anyone. This was the reason women were not given the vote. Although, when men run things, there is always too much testosterone and macho irrationality, so where is the best place?
    What Keith said is exactly on target, and has to do with the original reasons for the War of Northern Aggression... centralized governments exert too much power, like centralized markets, too much manipulation is always the result by actors that gain too much power. So, like Rome, our market economy and centralized government, must give way to tribes, a 'Villa' economy, so that the councils of elders may govern a new decentralized world, where we can "pound our swords into plowshares... and neither learn war, anymore".
    As an aside, this is even a biblical admonition... that, God said He did not want us to have Kings, yet we demanded a "king to rule over us"... the lesson of Samuel and Saul. My thesis is, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but centralized power corrupts whole nations.

    How has all that king stuff worked out for us?
    Ganado likes this.
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