Ho hum...another day another "accidental" killing by a "police officer... Reserve deputy who shot, killed man thought he drew his Taser, release says - Tulsa World: Crimewatch
Manslaughter Charges filed against the Reserve Officer.... Good, let him defend his actions in front of a Judge & Jury......
I just love how they try to make the victim look like such a bad guy to justify the shooting. Have your day in court and get what you deserve just like the rest of us!
Remember: Mike Bloomberg, Moms Demand Action, 90% of the National Demorat party, probably a plurality of the demorat party, and 20% of the national repub believe that only the police should have guns because they are trained to operate under stress. Tell combat platoons about stress. Remember this in 2016.
Three words: Militarized Police State Florida Sheriff deputies are notorious douchebags. Perhaps it has to do with the mandatory time they serve in the prisons before being let loose on the streets.
@Mountainman I've been pulled over for less by border patrol .... in a police state the 'law of the land' is what is important, not regulating the peace like children who say 'but you said' when you have to change plans because something changed,. LEO's, if they stay LEO's, have to follow 'the law' because 'the law says'. In my view... its a childish response to an inappropriate action. The Law is not always effective at peace keeping because as you add more laws you narrow freedom and the ability to discern good/bad; right /wrong. Our society is currently on a very black and white trend in how we interpret 'the law' and as a result its confining with no room for discernment. A woman who kills a man for slapping her is very different from a woman who kills a man for beating the crap out of her.... both are defending themselves. In the eyes of 'the law', unless you can prove self defense, either action will get you jail time. However one action is over the top and the other is justified. (my apologies that is probably a bad example as its emotionally charged for most people but Im sure we can all think of other examples) So having said all that..... its no wonder LEO's behave badly, when faced daily with agressive people and the LEO's only moral compass is 'the Law'. I am unwilling to throw them all under the buss or maintain a standard of 100% good behavior because of a few bad apples. I understand many on here have a zero tolerance for bad LEO behavior and I respect that and applaud it. I just frankly dont think its statistically possible to have 1.1 million LEO's in USA and have them all never act out.
Well there's your problem. Your focus is drawn to the wrong area of the subject. We live in a militarized police state. This country has the largest prison population in the world -and it's growing. So much for "Land of the Free"...
Ok I'm finally starting to get your message on this... IM a little slow and was on a tangent and I'm beginning to see your viewpoint
Glad you don't have that "rubbed the wrong way" feeling most people get before they finally understand. I like chatting with you, even if we do sometimes disagree on some points. Thing is, I could talk about the positive side of some police and mention the friends I do in fact have in law enforcement. I could bring my local PD into discussions, who are mostly very good people...but none of this will help change the fact that we live in a militarized police state. It will sure make us feel warm inside, a few may feel safe and a bit more secure -and at the end of the day, we will still live in a militarized police state. I am glad you get it now. We are gonna have to fight a war some day if we cannot bring these rabid dogs to heel. (with peaceful use of Constitutional law and by outnumbering them with public response *emails, calls, etc.*) The first step to resolving our issue is recognizing we have a problem. Placating the situation will do us no good.
Well I could see you were trying to communicate a different concept that just Leo's behaving badly. The behavior is a symptom of a larger problem that we aren't recognizing. If they think they can get away with that kind of bad behaviour then they are either officially or unofficially being told some version of do whatever it takes. And that attitude is a version of a police state. I just can't imagine being that patient... A friend of mine asked me to do a ride along.... The paperwork for that was horrid.... And I rode with her husband a couple of nites.. Now with a civilian In the car he didn't get called on anything hairy but the drunk driver took 4 ± hours to process because she wouldn't consent to breathalyzer... And promised to go home and get her car in the morning after they booked her and she made bail... She went right back to the car. Still drunk to drive it home.... I could not be and Leo... I do think have patience for stupidity... Having said all that because I can sympathize with their frustration and I don't know how they can be so calm in the face of all that human drama they face daily. For me it boils down to too many laws with no common sense.
@Ganado -get rid of the police, end the police state. On a philosophical level, we can argue the validity of this statement if we like, but we should not allow feelings to override our responsibility and duty as a free people when we empathize with police. On a strictly legal basis, and to that end I mean Constitutionally accepted common law, we are meant to have some sufferable consequences to not having corporate militarized police everywhere. We simply did not always have police, since the people policed themselves -and rather well, I might add. In my opinion, the only people who support police unconditionally and continue to placate their actions, are those who simply do not fully understand the consequences associated with agents of government performing tasks that a civilian entity should perform. With this, we also have opened the door to many situations which have been created just so the government can achieve legitimacy for increased police presence and further extend legal precedence into virtually everything we do.
And in my eyes Mr Broker , you have come so far down that road to date that many do not see your view. Sue is the second word after Court I have heard in USA. Im not saying in northern Kanada you see paces of 20 & hurling of pucks inside snowballs .. but conditioning has been accepted . We also have way to much police & government over seeing , but once they get in & a handle or established , they will now make sure they their rules / systems will justified their employment & pensions or two if they double dip . Im sick of paying for government freeloaders .
LOL. Oh yeah, that's been working great so far. I honor of the Patriot's Day I give you this: Motivational Poster Thread (warning content) | Page 170 | Survival Forums
Yes. I obviously added that little tidbit for all the folks who cry whenever any patriot tells it like it really is and even remotely suggests violence. It makes them feel safer and also makes them believe we still have time to turn this all around.
If the "perp" hadn't been pregnant, I might have thought it was @Brokor in drag trying to prove a point: Doesn't really sound mentally distressed . . . . I wasn't there and don't want to judge, but jeez, it seems like the MO these days is deadly force is no longer the last resort. While not pertinent here, remember back to the old COPS episodes where the cop would chase some scumbag down and tackle them? I guess with budget cuts and all, "nutbags with knives and how to deal with them" have been taken off the training list--or, maybe the officer has fears about the 21' rule. The catch-all chapter for anything not expressly written in the manual: Ch. 4 - Other: For any other situations not written in the preceding three pages, find a gun and shoot the person to neutralize the situation (only if no civilians are filming though). ==================================================================== The Captain's Journal » Idaho Police Shoot Pregnant Woman In The Stomach With AR-15 Idaho Police Shoot Pregnant Woman In The Stomach With AR-15 BY HERSCHEL SMITH 3 hours, 30 minutes ago MintPress News: The dashboard and body camera footage has now been released in the fatal shooting of Jeanetta Riley. Riley, 35, was shot and killed by Sandpoint, Idaho police after they were called to a hospital where she had been treated for mental health problems. The department has cleared its officers “of any criminal wrongdoing,” claiming that they followed all proper procedures when they chose to use an AR-15 assault rifle on the mentally ill, pregnant woman who was holding a knife outside of the hospital. The officers could have used less-than-lethal weapons, like a taser, but instead they chose not only a firearm, but an AR-15 when they approached her outside of Bonner General Hospital. The police can be heard on the video telling Riley to show her hands. Riley, obviously mentally distressed, replied: “f*** you” and “bring it on!” After shots ran out, the officer ran to Riley but instead of applying first aid, he cuffed her. The policeman is then heard running to Ms Riley, lying injured in the road. Bonner County prosecutor Barry McHugh said: “Officers were faced with a quickly evolving set of circumstances that left them convinced the Ms Riley had the intent to use the knife to do them great bodily harm and had the ability to do so.” Ms Riley’s ex-husband, Dana Maddox, is suing the city for $1 million, as the officers ended his wife’s life as well as her pregnancy with Maddox’s daughter. The autopsy report reveals that Riley was shot in the chest and hit in the liver as well as her shoulder, back and heart. The Magic Valley Times News explains that “Five shots were fired during the confrontation, three of which came from Valenzuela’s AR-15 rifle and two of which came from Ziegler’s .40-caliber Glock pistol.” Hey, I have an idea for the cowards in this department. How about using OC spray and letting her surrender peaceably (as she surely would have)? Or better yet, how about talking to her? What’s wrong with talking?
I'm pretty sure talking to citizens isn't covered in the POST curriculum these days... But they spend 3 days on justifying killing citizens by claiming fear of death or great bodily injury in circumstances that would see a private citizen doing time for PULLING their gun.
I'm appalled by this for alot of different reasons. And I'm going to pass someone off saying this.... But what is a crazy woman doing having children.... Anyone ever heard of birth control or better yet spay and neuter? I don't care that God gave us all the ability to have children.... Some people should not have them. This woman should be charged with murder or reckless endangerment for putting her baby in this position and escalating the situation. If I have an animal that I cannot rehab. I put it down as it endangers everyone it comes in contact with. But for some reason we are unwilling to do that with people who won't take their meds
and just who Granted YOU, Queen of the Universe Status, to make such Judgements..... on how Folks should run their OWN Lives? In this Country, We have LAWS, that state what Acceptable Behavior, IS, and what Punishments, are meted out to those that violate the LAWs of the Land. I do NOT recall ANY State or Federal Statute that Require Sterilization of ANY Women, as you advocate, ABOVE. Procreation is a GOD Given Right, that we recognize in this Country, and it isn't something that we as citizens, can Legislate away, because we feel that others may use it, with Bad Judgement. It is the same with Many of the "BiLL of Rights" Amendments. Oh how you would Howl if someone didn't like your Speech, and Passed a Statute, that YOU could NOT Express your thoughts in Public, under Penalty of having your Tongue Cut Out. Or, how about Owning a FireArm, and for No Verifiable Reason, some Folks Passed a Statute. that if you were caught in possession of a FireArm, they chopped off both your Hands.... How about we LOCK UP folks because they are Mormons, JW's, or Devil Worshipers? You advocate things, that are not just a "Slippery Slope" but Halfway down the Slide, into SHTF time. rant, OFF.....
It used to be and was called "Verbal Judo". It was a dickhead way of dealing with people so you are always in control when having a conversation during a contact. Basically it was, I'm in control or your going to jail for something.