Last time I was in Amarillo, the smell of money almost made me harf . Beef selling time!! This school stuff is out of control. For the taxes I pay and they don't have enough supplies(so they say & hold fund raise things) plus there finished product is substandard . Many can't do math or write . I AM saying my 195-70 schooling was better. We weren't beaten but don't fool around or cause a situation. School today is a JOKE , more like a tax paid child sitting service. Im amazed that the kids I see who can help around the house DON'T !! and have the nerve to complain about stuff, Im not saying make slaves out of them , but learn to cut the lawn on a lawn tractor/stack wood/ DO SOMETHING other than playing video games till your pulled into the army / jail . I don't have kids , never did have a chance , but they would not be allowed to do squat till they had their chores finished PLUS.
Crusin, that is exactly what we had to do as kids. CHORES. and our homework. Raised mine the same way, and for the most part, they are raising theirs the same way too. Military family. Respect was tantamount. Don't even try backtalk. But we never did hurt a kid, just made their sitting end a little warm. Just raised them to understand respect was two way, give it and get it, or don't give it, and you don't have a prayer of getting it, lol.
Same here Mike , And iffin I saw your Bible out or you were reading it , You were having a rough day & I would understand . Im not the bible reading type of person , but understand the little crappers can push all the buttons. Myself , Id just fire off the eraser at the kids head . I witnessed that a few times , made my spine sit straight. Schooled in Military boys school england area . Religion is respect & respect of religion of each other is greatly needed. Religion,Morals,Respect all equal words in my eyes, probably many more , but catching a blackboard eraser by the ear has left it's imprint .
Brass Architect Ruler nailed a kid next to me in Drafting Class, in Jr High School. He was reading a PlayBoy, inside his Textbook, in class. Teacher was an ExMil Master Sargent.... You didn't cross him, more than once....
So you never told them to come when the lights come on I the summer .when my wife and I where stationed in Alaska .when found out the hard way the first summer up there when the street lights did not come on inttill late
I remember getting tagged by an eraser thrown by my 4th grade teacher Mr. Clise. He did indeed have my attention after that.
She was young and ambitious. Thought she needed to assert herself with everybody. We had other headbutting run-ins. She kept losing and got more and more aggressive. The big blow out was when she wanted to sit in on my lesson teaching tolerance and acceptance to parents of the same sex. I told her I had done it and recorded it. I had more than enough required lessons ahead of me to repeat one. She made it a very big deal. Shot down again. Spitting mad at me for the rest of the year.
My 9th grade English teacher was also the baseball coach...and a former minor league pitcher. He was a terror with an eraser...
Sixth grade teacher, would load them up with chalk dust every night at end of day, and he had a half dozen missiles right next to his desk. If you were not paying attention, he would pelt you with one, and there would be this bomb explosion of dust!!
I was walking home from school by the second grade. We ran around all summer long, going to parks, the swimming pool etc. I just do not see what the parents have done that is wrong. My parent used to keep the house key on the dogs collar ( big old black lab) , we would go to the back yard take the key and let ourselves in. The parents sound like victims of the nanny state.
I should not admit this.. I had a teach who threw erasers and never hit the right person... I was always getting hit when he aimed at some jerk in my row.... So one day I got a bunch of eraser and gave everyone in class one. When he threw we threw back. I owned it, took a licking and moved on. You gotta pick your battles. That teacher never threw an eraser again
Interestingly, I got thrown out of the aforementioned English teacher's class for retrieving the eraser he threw at me and throwing it back...hitting him dead between the eyes. Very lucky throw that I knew I could never repeat.
16:12 - kellory: not even 2years old yet, and they can't be bothered to watch 'em 16:11 - kellory: I called the cops on the parents for child endangerment. 6" closer, that kid would be dead. 16:10 - kellory: cops are here. toddler across the street was almost hit by a speeding car. parents not paying attention, but mouthy when we called them out for not watching they kids better.
CPS kidnapping and another wrecked life for a child in 3....2...... Good job @kellory - that'll teach'em for disrespecting your authority!
Sometimes, grinder, you are just too stupid to breath unassisted. That kid was less than 6" From sudden death, and the parents were too busy drinking to care what happened. Second time today, that kid was in harm's way, with no one watching but us. DAMN STRAIGHT I took action. When you sober up, perhaps then you may see this differently. If not, I don't bloody care if you approve of my actions or not.
@kellory... For what it's worth I think you did the right thing.... And that is very different than having kinds you have training ed and taught that it's OK to go to the park. Very different...
Ya sure I bet're probably severely over-dramatizing what actually happened. I've heard you on multiple occasions "disapproving" or your neighbors and constantly watching what they're doing. Who needs a police state when everyone rats on their neighbors for everything they possibly can. I hope you got your $20 crimestoppers "citizen reward" and I'm sure glad u don't live on my street. Just admit it - you didn' t call the cops to save the ratted when the parents "got mouthy" because they didn't like you telling them how to raise their kid.
Life would be easier, if I just stood back and let fools pay for their own mistakes. But if I had, and a child died because of it, I would blame myself for not acting. I gained nothing from it, but a clean conscience. As for the neighbors, most are quite good neighbors. We have a few renters though, that do cause problems, and they are watched by ALL the owner neighbors. There is one rental, that blasts music at all hours, by car and by house speakers. They call anyone who does not like what they do "haters and racists" (no one cares about their skin color, we dislike them because they're A$$holes.) They ones today, have run the stop signs more often they they stop for them. They have caused two wrecks so far by doing so, with injuries. One of them backed into my next door neighbor's car (with us and her watching) then denied it.) He even got out to look at the damage (quite obvious) then skipped. During the fourth of July, they were firing guns off in the air (flat out STUPID INCITY) with no regard for where the bullets landed. Today, their stupidity and total disregard for safety, nearly cost them a child. I watch them, because they are a threat to themselves and others, and I will not miss them when they are gone. As for the rest of your allegations, I would suggest you sleep off the booze, it is effecting both your judgment and your manners.