How Will They Confiscate Your Guns?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by melbo, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    OMG autotype butter haha haha
    Brokor and Yard Dart like this.
  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation
    Right to Bear Arms? Gun grabbing sweeping the nation | Fox News
    Ganado likes this.
  3. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    CaboWabo5150 likes this.
  4. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I think to say that we are annoyed is a great understatement!!!!!

    Pax Mentis and Ganado like this.
  5. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    I have sold all my guns, all I have in my house are butter knifes and safety scissors.:)
  6. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Dear Agent/LEO,
    If you are reading this, then you already know who I am, and that's fine with me... you see, I've lived a long and relatively good life, compared to what should have been.
    I should have died in a rice patty over forty years ago. All of my good friends are dead, most of my family is dead, and I have COPD. Damn cigarettes... but, that's ok too, because I know now, how I am probably gonna leave this world, and, really, I'd rather not. I saw my uncle go out that way, and whoever said that dying at home in bed is good thing, never witnessed it up close and personal. But, I have also witnessed dogs I had to put down go out in a flash and a bang, and that was it for them, pain free forever more. If I get my druthers, remember the dogs.

    You see, I'm an old dog too, and I remember when you were really the Good Guys back in the old days. Not that you were all good, all the time, but, back then there really were only a few bad apples in the barrel. Now days, the barrel itself is rotten wood, and there are few apples left that are not bruised by bad laws, bad politicians, bad banks, bad judges and bad bosses. I know, I know, its not your fault, you're just following orders right? Wrong. You should be cleaning up your own messes, arresting people who have power over you, because at the end of the day, you, are the Law. You swore an oath to the constitution and The People, not, The Boss. But like you, I swore that same oath when I was a young lad, and, I don't remember anybody UNoathing me.

    So here's the Deal. Your bosses sent our jobs to China, and then began importing brown slaves and H1B's to drive down the wages and kill the Unions. They have printed money until money is worthless and becoming more so every day, while lying through their teeth about 'inflation'.(I mean, really, have your wages kept up with the price of everything? Really? Then you should keep reading.) They have pissed off the world because they, really, have got their collective asses on their shoulders in the name of GLOBAL POWER, while giving the corporations everything they want, at our expense, literally. They have become the bully on the block, while still pretending they are the Good guys. Only, we aren't as stupid as you think, and we ain't buying it anymore.

    You see, England got themselves in this little tight spot of their own arrogance a few hundred years ago, and they too decided they needed to come after our guns. It was called Lexington and Concord, remember them? Well, this time ain't like last time, don't expect to meet me at my home, surrounding me, and taking me down. The only thing that'll be left when you outlaw guns, will be outlaws and cowards. And I happily, and cheerfully place myself in that first category, remember, old dog? When you arrive at my house, I strongly, strongly recommend, in fact, I implore you, if you have a wife and kids, stay home from any raids. We old vets, have lots of tricks up our sleeve designed to turn all that fancy hardware into ... well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?

    Now, most people, you see, are decent, and good, and want to go to heaven when they die. I, am enlightened. I now understand that all religions are bullshit from men, pretending to be the moral authority and the stairway to heaven. They are designed by men, for men, so that other men, can have control over all men, and have everyman feel righteous about it. Unfortunately, you see, there is no righteousness in any government, for government is force, and it has now become obvious to the most casual observer, that no constitution purporting to codify my rights from the Creator, can ever fulfill that role indefinitely, because, well, of guys like you and your bosses. You like power, and will do anything to preserve, extend, and increase it. You pretend to be angels of light, when in reality, you are demons from the darkest hell, smiling and saying 'sweet words on the tongue, that grow bitter in the belly'. You see, when I say I'm not religious, that doesn't mean that I'm not spiritual, for I am. I have seen death and dying, I have talked to dead people, I have extended my spirit in the indian way, and I know, there are many planes to existence, many Universes, many heavens and many hells, and all of them, are within us, connected as One to our desires. The Great white spirit, Jesus, tried to tell you, but, you got it all wrong because your real god is money, the rest, is just lip service to make you feel better about being money grubbing little pricks. But I digress...

    At this point, I expect you to simply smile, and sit back and declare me to be a nutcase. Maybe its better this way, you see, the point being, I AM The Hands of Justice. My Intentions mean ALL. My willingness to give up my life, to save my brothers, is the finest death a man can have. That to die, like you live, has all meaning tied up into one act, selflessness. Where, you see, your acts are all of selfishness, tied to money and power and materialistic things. You shall find your desire, but be careful what you ask for, you might get it. And yes, you do take it with you, all of it. In the final analysis, guns are but a tool in the hands of good and evil men, that take on the character of the man, nothing more. So we make this declaration of intent, being of sound mind.

    That; When a law is passed, that outlaws the guns, against the natural right of self defense, then we will declare war on you, legally, with malice aforethought. No, we will not await the slow process of cowards attempting to use laws to get us one by one, I will get you, one by one. When I see that one cannot debate liars, that is the time(and it is almost here). When I see the Old Republic is finally lost, then I will give you what you deserve. No, I will not kill you, for that is what murderers do, but I will do the one thing justice demands, until you find me and give me respite, like an old dog. The only regret I will have, as was said long ago, is that I have but one life to give, for only a coward fears death, and all bullies are cowards. But there is something you fear more than death, and that is the loss of your power over others. I will take the source of your power.

    I will emasculate you and kneecap you, and make your bodies fester in perpetual weakness, and see your joy and purpose taken from your life, as you assist the Beast in taking ours. This is not a threat, this is merely a hypothetical what if, because the trends of your bosses always follow history. For tyrants and patriots, will always be, yet even now, the tree of liberty is thirsty. You say you are agents of Law? Then take down the lawless ones in high places, and restore law and commerce, see what happens even now? You are becoming reviled nationwide, with targets slowly growing on your backs, as more and more people are murdered by you for little things. As more and more people lose their money to you, and their lives go up in smoke, for nonexistent crimes, while the wealthy get away with billions. As more and more stupid little things become 'law', we become a nation of lawless. Until one day, it will not be me you will concern yourself with, for I will become a minor shadow of your fears. Yes, something wicked this way comes, and for a preview of that evil, peer into the mirror, if you dare.

    The Piper will be paid.
  7. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Problem is, they will not come openly, and honestly, with right and justice in there hearts. They will come in numbers, and pick off one, then another, as wolves harvest the sheep. With court orders, and lawyers, and mandatory sentencing,(and no true Judgment) in the dark of night, and while the honest are at work, when you are least able to defend what is yours.
    tulianr likes this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I would suggest that you read @bagpiper 's post one more time. Your concerns are addressed.......
    "No, we will not await the slow process of cowards attempting to use laws to get us one by one, I will get you, one by one. When I see that one cannot debate liars, that is the time(and it is almost here). When I see the Old Republic is finally lost, then I will give you what you deserve."
    Brokor, NotSoSneaky, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  10. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    @Yard Dart - Guess which Monkey will be the first one of us to the FEMA camp? [bow]
    Brokor, Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I just now it won't be me..... [nono] [gun]
    oldawg and Mountainman like this.
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I read it, that doesn't change their methods.
  13. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yup, but we know their methods.

    Know thy enemy.
  14. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    Hmmm... Interestingly we have seen a somewhat backward example in Ferguson. A thug was rightfully shot by the LEO he was the charging. But the welfare crowd alleged TPTB were infringing on their rights, protested and eventually two LEOs were shot by a sympathetic sniper. And that was a situation where rights really weren't being infringed. There also was the ambush on the PA state troopers and a cop was ambushed last year in Kentucky.

    Fast forward to an actual ban and collection efforts that really do infringe on rights, hmmm... hard to suspect/believe that a lot of sniper and ambush action would not start occurring against LEOs and also the law makers, prosecutors and judges who go along with those ban efforts. It happened at a low level during prohibition. Not advocating, just saying we have seen some modest precedence. It is a little surprising nothing has happened to any of those responsible for the CT ban though the confiscation efforts haven't begun in earnest... might be a reason for that.
    Ganado, BTPost, HK_User and 3 others like this.
  15. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Airtime I think a lot of us are seeing something you expressed. I hate to see it and I can't tell if it's news drama to sell news or create chaos.... But you can be sure I am watching it unfold and looking at patterns just like you are.
  16. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I apologize for my absence.
    I just wanted to thank the many 'likes' that I got for that post, I noticed even you liked it @kellory.
    If you read it, then you should know, old vets KNOW their methods, and that, is basically thinking we'll hide in our homes where they can surround us, overwhelm us, and take us down... one by one.
    That is how bullies are, but Sun Tzu was right, and you are too sir... no, they will not change their methods, in fact, I'm counting on it. And if that time ever comes, I'll say; You got me surrounded, you poor dumb bastards. The essence of the post Kell, is whether or not one is afraid to die for what you believe. That, is the crux of the matter, and what the LEO community would be most afraid of... ME.
    What I am amazed at, is that the mods left it up...
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    They will not change their methods, as long as those methods work. That is how they trained to do it.
    I'm sure you will take many with you if they storm the house, but unless you have an army of like minded at your side, you will die in the doing. There is no exit strategy. And if you survive the first wave, there will always be another wave.
    Your post was both well written, and heart felt, and worthy of a "like" for several reasons, but ants kill and eat wasps, because they have the numbers, and they never stop.
    History is written by the victors, so what will be written about you? In the end, you're dead, you have killed many cops, and the media reports what they are told, which is what?

    "Tonight, a retired military man, with mental problems, and likely off his meds, opened fire on officers responding to a noise complaint/serving a warrant for domestic violence/ (insert minor infraction here) and killed or wounded (insert number) leaving behind wives and children. The officers were forced to return fire and the suspect was killed as his burning house caved in and the stockpiled munitions inside blew up, damaging buildings and killing neighbors. The fire appears to have been set by the suspect in an act of desperation, or mental confusion.
    Services for the fallen officers will be held........"

    "in a related story, should retired military personnel be allowed to have anything more powerful than a slingshot? Since most seem to go off their rockers sooner or later? Do we need more gun control? Or should returning vets be chained to their bunks until we need them again?"

    There will be theories, and anger, but the facts will be contained, and your voice never heard by the people who vote so it will all be just a speed bump in the road of "justice".
    A one man stand will not matter to anyone but you, unless the story is told in full, and you have no control of the narrative.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  18. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Agreed, in most of the particulars... ;)
    But it matters not, if you know your friends, enemies and God know the truth.
    You should get a job, as a government propagandist...
    oh... wait...
    Mountainman likes this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    @bagpiper we got rules against personal attacks. And while you're at it, don't blame me for reality.
  20. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Personal attack?
    You are so good at the game of rhetoric, and passive aggressive.
    You're a natural. That's all.
    Did I strike a nerve?
    If so, I apologize.
    If not, then when complements become personal attacks, I feel like I'm talking to my wife, ru a gurl?
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