Survivor McGyver- Hotel Room

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Motomom34, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    What, no one would be grabbing the FlatScreen???? Oh that is right, We are not Looting the Place, just borrowing the Prep'er Stuff..... Bye the Bye, Moto.... That Picture of the Room must have been from a Decade ago. every Motel/Hotel I have been in in the last decade has FlatScreens......
    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I hadn't thought of taking the phone until @kellory mentioned it. I think I would leave the phone part and just take the cord and handset, it could be used as a weapon to bonk someone with and the cord has multiple purposes. I think like @Airtime I would travel light. I would leave the bedding except for the pillow cases which would be real handy to carry stuff in and I like @Yard Dart's idea of tearing the sheets into strips. The shower curtain is a must but what about the shower curtain hooks. By taking the hooks I could hook stuff to me instead of carrying it. Like @Witch Doctor 01 I would take the phone book if it was light enough to be used for fire starting, use of the map and if you get hungry, I think eating paper fills you up.

    I am lost on fire starting items. Batteries from the remote?

    Really @Tully Mars get your butt out of the bar, grab some stuff and beat feet!
  3. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I have a note at the end of this but things I would do (or have done prior to even getting to the hotel):

    STEP 1 - Yes, this is literally the first thing I would do! Get on the monkey from my phone and post my general area, the situation and request temporary accommodation and/or assistance. We have monkeys all over the country and I would be very surprised if I didn't get a number of responses/offers even if it meant hiking a bit to get there.
    • Bar/Restaurant - matches from the bar or a lighter at the airport. I do this almost every time I fly and many times I'll simply toss it at the end of the week ($1 or less and I've gotten looks when I had a lighter but no cigarettes since I don't smoke and it seems silly to buy a pack of smokes just to keep from getting the stink eye).
    • Bar/Restaurant - any mini-bottles they would sell me from the bar and/or from the fridge (then again, Motel 6 usually doesn't have the stocked fridge that you end up paying for if you look at the bottle wrong). If they won't sell me or don't have any mini bottles, buy a drink and pour that sucker into a recently emptied water bottle. Tell them to make it a double and be sure you get it neat, whatever it is. Now is not the time for a mixed cocktail folks, you are trying to acquire an antiseptic that you can also use to help start a fire! The highest test whatever they have. For antiseptic purposes try for a clear alcohol or very light brown. Steer clear of the Capt. Morgan's.
    • Room - Coffee/tea from the room along with cups and filters.
    • Room - Any water bottles from the room.
    • Room - ice bucket bag
    • Room - at least two large towels, two hand-towels and two washcloths.
    • Room - The already folded extra blanket in the closet, because I don't think I've even stayed in a Super8 that didn't have an extra blanket in the closet already folded neatly...although I'm going to unfold it, I don't want to have to unmake the bed.
    • Room - Empty pillow case (or two)
    • Room - any and all plain paper pamphlets that I could use for a fire
    • Room - any local maps
    • Room - kleenex & toilet tissue
    • Room - batteries from the remote control(s)
    • Room - clothes hangers...maybe. Depends on what type they are and if they could be reshaped and or be useful. Not all of them are.
    • Room - straps from the luggage rack. You know, that thing you unfold to put your suitcase on...the type of suitcase that hasn't existed for 25 years...yeah, that thing. The straps may come in handy below.
    • Room/Bathroom - Shower curtain liner
    • Room/Bathroom - that little complimentary sewing kit with needles, thread and buttons
    • Hallway/concessions - BUY all of the nuts and granola bars...screw primal. Yes, I said BUY. I'm not going to break the glass and steal from the vending machine. One other thing I make sure I do is travel with at least $50 in cash and whatever I buy at the airport I break a large bill for singles. Middle of the night munchies are no fun when the machine won't take your debit card!
    • Breakfast bar - Any and all "continental breakfast" items I won't be consuming over the next several days (that I can reasonably carry).
    • Breakfast bar - silverware and dishes (most likely paper but better than a kick in the face). Yes, even plastic forks can be used as a weapon...not so sure about the spoon though...maybe the handle.
    Roll the majority of the items into the towel(s), similar to a bed roll. This would include the paper products, safely wrapped in the ice bucket bag, the coffee/tea, hand towels and washcloths, the majority of the food from the vending machine and all but one water bottle. Nest things wherever possible.

    Roll the rolled towel into the blanket. Roll the blanket into the shower curtain liner. Secure the ends with either the curtain cords or electrical cords. The curtain cords would be preferred due to the fact that they can actually tie. You could also cut strips of the remaining towel(s). You can either tie the ends with a loop between them so you can carry it over your shoulder (perhaps use those straps from the suitcase stand) or you tie the ends and throw the bundle itself over your shoulder or over your backpack. If you put it over your backpack (kind of like a horseshoe shape), SECURE IT TO THE BACKPACK so you don't lose it while running or being attacked by the "Grocery Cart Brigade". You should also wear both straps of your backpack, not just one. This isn't High School.

    Alcohol and matches/lighter goes in the pants pocket.

    The pillowcases have nothing in them, yet. They may never have anything in them but during your trek if you come across the body of a dead 19 yr. old and the dessicated remains of the cat that was tethered to his waist, you might be able to scavenge some stuff and use the pillowcases as bags. That or put a couple of pounds of rocks in the pillowcase and use it as a weapon.

    Realistically, I'm not going to destroy the closet to get the hanger bar out or do the same with the curtain rods or the shower curtain rod. Many times they are screwed/bolted in place. I'm not going to destroy the mirror to make a knife when I can get one from the kitchen. Too much work and time. I'm not taking extra hygiene products unless I have lost my backpack, then I'll grab all the ablutions from the bathroom. I'd prefer not to destroy anything in the room with the exception of "consumables" like the towels, etc. At worst, the dam doesn't break or the hotel is on high enough ground that it isn't destroyed and they bill me for $100 in missing stuff but no repairs. This isn't an EOTW scenario, it's a short term survival scenario. Best case, I walk a couple miles out of town (after walking several miles in town) and grab a ride from a monkey. Worst case I've grabbed a few extra things that will keep me comfortable until I can make it to the FEMA camp. ;)

    I'm sure I've missed some things that I would grab when I saw them and I tried not to just consolidate the lists of everyone above me since in a "panic" situation you won't remember everything you read nor will you have a list (most likely).


    To all the naysayers - the point of this (and I think everyone really does know it) is to think outside the box. No matter how much we prepare, how many BOBs we have or pre-ship bags to our destination or caches we have along the way, there will come a point that we have to improvise. Personally, I'm with DW on this one because like I said in the other thread, I would have a carry-on and no, they can't check it. I choose to put my laptop in my backpack (with a laptop sleeve) and refuse to check it because company policy FORBIDS me to check the laptop. I will quite literally lose my job if I do. In fact, I have to watch it go through the x-ray machine. So, now that I am guaranteed to have a bag with me, I always have no less than one change of clothes including shoes and personal hygiene, basic first aid equipment (booboos and pain killers), a flashlight, at least one water bottle (purchased at incredibly inflated prices after screening), a brick of Datrex bars (yes, I actually have those in my pack when I fly), pens, pencils, paper, a 12000mah battery pack (phone), a hank of 550, poncho, water purification and my computer stuff (mouse, network cable, power cable, laptop). Half the time I bring my 2m/440cm ham radio as well. Yes, you can carry it on the plane. So, that being said, I would feel like I had a pretty good head start to begin with but heaven knows I wouldn't want to survive with nothing but that in a refugee situation.

    I also mentioned that I try to ship ahead if I can and I know I'm going to be there for no less than 3 days. I absolutely HATE not having a pocket knife at the very least. If I'm going to be there, I would like to think there would have been a box (with a bag inside) waiting for me at the hotel. That bag would be as close to a GHB as possible, minus firearm. Fire starting equipment, more comprehensive first aid, perhaps a super compressed sleeping bag or at least a fleece liner, pocket-knife, flashlight, cyalume sticks (1 green, 1 red), perhaps another brick of Datrex, more 550, water filter, hat, extra sunglasses, etc.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Motomom34 and vonslob like this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    That's the problem with going first. Everyone gets to improve on your attempt.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I didn't realize how long that was until I saw it posted. Maybe I should put a TLDR disclaimer at the top..."roll everything useful info a bed roll, hoof it".
    oldawg and Motomom34 like this.
  7. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Not at all, found it informative.:)
    Yard Dart likes this.
  8. whynot

    whynot Monkey+++

    I'm going to be contrarian. Room appears to be on the second floor. Can I get a room higher up? Find roof access just in case. Fill tub and sink with water then scrounge for food/booze/matches/knife.

    Assuming (I Know) that we are not at the base of the dam or in a narrow valley (remeber the twenty miles to the hills).I think I will have a better chance on a roof or high up in a decently constructed building then on foot in a flash flood if I can't make it the twenty miles.

    Tully Mars and Airtime like this.
  9. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Well you can post more then once. I certainly have started thinking more after reading all the posts. I never even thought of what's in the closet area when I made this up. There is actually stuff in there that is useful. If I recall they also have dry cleaning/dirt laundry bags. I keep thinking whatever I grab, it needs to stay light because I want to move fast. I keep thinking I need to have things to help tie myself to safety in case the water comes.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Naw, I had my throw of the dice. However...water is the least of your worries in a flash flood. It is the FORCE of the water and what it carries down stream, that is the most dangerous.
    A poncho, an ice bucket, and a pillowcase will not help you outrun a wall of loose floating autos being crammed between buildings.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I thought about the seat cushion to use for a flotation device but I don't know if it would float plus if the water was fast you could float right into a building or such.
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Many hotels now use memory foam mattresses. That would make a much better floatation device, I think, especially once it has been wrapped in a large trash bag.
    Yard Dart and Motomom34 like this.
  13. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    I initially had the same reaction as Whynot but figured to play along. 20 miles is a really long way by foot. So, if I judged the structure to be quite robust, as in steel and concrete (likely if more than 3 stories) and it's not within a mile or two of the dam, then I would likely be inclined if I didn't have transportation that could travel 55 mph to move up a couple floors and stay there. The other "up stream" structures and vehicles will dissipate much of the water's kinetic energy before it gets to the hotel. So, it would stay standing, just bottom floor may be flooded for a day or two (flooding wouldn't last long). Would be good to grab a couple large trash cans from pool and fill with water to flush toilet etc. And store water in tub and smaller trash cans with liner bags for drinking.

    Of course if one had cash (I always do) we could probably just tip the shuttle driver quite well to just take our butts elsewhere (he might be inclined to go as well). Might be able to hire a cab even. Or Enterprise rental cars, "we'll pick you up."

    Also the down stream side of an upper floor of a parking garage would be quite safe to be. The water flows around the support columns which ARE heavily reinforced concrete and its highly unlikely that even floating cars and trucks crashing into them would take down the structure, and at worst it would only be one set on the up-stream dam side. Actually, grab a reclining deck chair from the pool, haul it with the contents from the minibar in the trash can filled with ice to the second from top level in garage (stay out of sun or rain) and enjoy the show.

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
    Motomom34 likes this.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You did well my friend!!
  15. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    After relieving the bar of Captain and after getting directions from the barmaid as to the fastest way to get out of town and the nearest Honda dealership I'm going back to my room with the book of matches that the barmaid wrote her number on where I have my carry on bag which is a "Member's Only" black ballistic nylon type bag(purchased back in '85)with an adjustable shoulder strap. Inside:
    pair of socks
    ball cap
    Mini maglight
    Lap top and charger
    MP3 player,ear buds and power cord
    Garmin GPS with power cord
    Pens,pencil,sharpie and a couple note pads
    6" flexible ruler
    A newspaper bought @ airport, usually WSJ
    A pair of CD's that has several mil.type manuals and related things on them.
    Collapsible toothbrush and small tube of paste
    I have this with me every time I travel, at my feet when I fly and have since '85. Changes have been made over the years of course.

    Being a cowboy, I tend to dress that way. After removing my stetson I remove the satin liner and retrieve paper money that is stashed in the creases of the crown. With out tearing out the liner one would never know they are there.When new I cut the glue just enough to open the liner then reglued it with hot glue under the sweatband-looks factory. As the hat has a silver hatband, that pops the detectors, not the metallic strips in the bills. Same for the western belt I wear. The rodeo buckle and silver set off the detector not the gold coins stitched into the belt. The steel shanks provide the same type of cover for the coins embedded in my ropers.

    After taking toiletries from the room-and that folded blanket;) I'm hitting the streets to buy the 1st motorcycle I can find and zig zag my way to higher ground-hopefully there will be rum there...
    Ganado, Airtime and Yard Dart like this.
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I will totally stab you in the eye with Barbie's skinny legs, and slash your face with that chipped clay pot. As you lie bleeding and screaming in the street I will jack your car and leave you behind, thereby gaining +2 Strength and +1 Combat Experience. I will also cast 1 healing spell in my wake. Because I'm nice like that.

    And I will drive it like I stole it, coz I did, taking it off road through alleys and parking lots over curbs, driving on flat tires and over hookers like I think I'm in Grand Theft Auto.
  17. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    That car is about to see more air time than a skateboard at the Xgames...
  18. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You are going to have the barmaid on the back of that bike....right!!!
  19. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Can't go there Man. The wife is way too good with a scalpel ;)
    Yard Dart and Ganado like this.
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    The problem I see, with these McGiver threads, is what should be a solo response turns into a social event.
    Too bad, I'd like to know if the responses could be hidden until you submit your own, like a poll question. This is, after all a question of what you alone would do, if faced with this problem. It is not a group discussion of tactics, methods or motives.
    It is a set problem, and how you would solve it with what you have on hand.
  1. Dunerunner
  2. Dunerunner
  3. Dunerunner
  4. Dunerunner
  5. DKR
  6. Dunerunner
  7. Dunerunner
  8. Dunerunner
  9. Dunerunner
  10. ED GEiN
  11. Motomom34
  12. ED GEiN
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  14. john316
  15. Motomom34
  16. Motomom34
  17. Dunerunner
  18. Dunerunner
  19. Dunerunner
  20. Motomom34
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