Yes, I have always been a bit amazed at the Rose colored glasses that most CAs wear. OTOH the same types have such all encompassing belief that the US is bad in general and harmful to CA. A shameful way to think considering how much CA has profited from being our neighbor. Example from MG "Probably better than Obama Care is going for all Americans.... At least we're creating jobs in Canada building our own drone fleet. Some things are still "Made In Canada" here....unlike in USA." I am an American and I purchase most of our items in a normal day of purchases that are made in the US. Same goes for the fact and us for Obama Care, we still have our original insurance and are staying with it, but note MGs statement of "all" in this statement , Probably better than Obama Care is going for all Americans.... Just more proof that they seem to be unable to actually trust our side of the border and by that I mean on an exchange on a forum such as this. The whole formula of CA brain washing is right out of the communist hand books. CAs seem to forget that much of their "good fortune" is due to jobs, some jobs of long standing that go way back to my youth. An example that some of the Gear Heads on this list will recognize is the moniker " Windsor" as a product started and produced in CA for some years. Ford Windsor engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I doubt many CAs of less than 60 years of age realize that many of the GMCs sold world wide were produced in part/parts in their side of the border. In doubt? I think I still have a 73 GMC with at least on stamp on a sheet metal part that says "CANADA" as in "made in". Share the wealth Canada or take all the pain by yourself. I guess that just shows how well the brainwashing is working in CA.
You expect a polite response when you act like we OWE you? We don't owe America ANYTHING. You expect a polite response when you call us communists? California. I'm very well aware of American auto parts plants being in Canada, my grandparents made head-rests and seats for both Ford and Chev at a Johnson Controls/Hoover Universal plant in SW Ontario. The plant was there for 1 reason. To exploit the difference between our dollar value and yours. It certainly wasn't out of any "neighborly "sharing the wealth" crap. You use us exactly like you do the rest of the extract ALL you can, for pennies on the dollar and give literally NOTHING back except Hollywood culture. (you can keep it) When the our dollar values reach par - guess what? You close all your plants and move them to China. You close all your call centres and move them in the Philippines and India....wherever you can exploit cheap labor or extract resources for drastically cheaper than you can in your own country. Share the wealth or take all the pain? Russia and China happen to like Canada. What pain? We back YOU up...we've never needed your help. Americans seem to think the world OWES them something...everything in fact... It's simply not true. Americans seem to forget that you buy more oil from Canada than you do Saudi Arabia and we sell it to you for less than we do our own population. Americans seem to forget that Canada generates a huge portion of their electricity and sells it to you for less than we sell it to our own population. To recap: We don't owe you 5|-|17 'merica. Your arrogance and greed is what is turning the whole world against you. I can quite literally give you 100's of examples of your gov and/or business causing massive damage and breaking contracts with us. You don't pay your bills on time and bully everyone with the hubris of "we got the bombs". Where did you get the uranium? That's right....Canada. You guys decided to troll me in this thread instead of commenting on the OP. MG
It's not uncommon at all. We don't vote people INTO office...we vote them out. It is ALWAYS "the lesser of 2 evils" and just like 'merica - our Prime Ministers are often selected (not elected) at Bilderberg conferences. Worse's not even's apathy. It's a false sense of "if it doesn't effect me....why should I care?". I'm glad that you gave them a shock and happy to provide the info. Our gov is better at sneaking things through than yours...and it's not from public trust....most of my politicians are lawyers whereas some of 'mericas are just actors.
Eyes Open. No Fear. Never back up. Never back down. Don't turn around. Way up here. I can see why the current generation of 'mericans has such a huge sense of entitlement...they inherited it from their parents who thinks the world OWES them.
We did comment on the OP, you just did not like the feed back. Guess you can go away happy now. PEACE for you the Russians and Chinese.
I didn't realize we were discussing entitlements... Scratchs head.... I thought we were discussing how we viewed ourselves and others so that we don't fall I to that mindless, bottomless trap of us vs them. For me... It's good too open my eyes and challenge the beliefs I hold sacred. If I don't I just live I the illusion that I'm the only sane person left.
I was discussing, or trying to, the comparison of what is and what seems to be. That is what brain washing is all about.