Zombie Deterrent

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Seacowboys, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    While they're at your house making videos, wouldn't it be delightful if their nest went up in flames?
  2. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    Good luck. Hard to live in an area were preemptive striking a known threat isn't possible.
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

  4. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Those little white Christmas lights work very well after the tip of the bulb is snapped off with a pair of needle nose, and they already have the wire/socket attached-or so I've been told by a guy who used to play with that sort of stuff:whistle:

    Hmm, A good guy has a problem Zombie infestation in/near a place that has good music,fresh seafood and I'm sitting here retired and love both of the afore mentioned...Road Trip?:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2015
    chelloveck, stg58, Yard Dart and 3 others like this.
  5. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    I'm sorry. I'm rather new to this. We do not have any Zombies in our neighborhood. I'm just wondering. I'm thinking about a neighbor's 17 year old teenager seeing the "bait" in my driveway and venturing a look. Suddenly he's blinded with my homebrew pepper spray. He runs back out in the road and promptly gets hit by a passing mini-van. The family hires a lawyer and the next thing I know, my bunker, and all my possessions, are now given over to the teenager's family and the lawyers (mine and theirs). I'm doing hard time in a penitentary, because I took the DA's deal and plead out on some of the charges so I did not go away for the rest of my life. My voting rights and my right to own firearms are up in smoke for life and if I'm unlucky enough for the teenager to survive, blind and quadraplegic, I owe him the equivalent of a living wage for the rest of his life. If I'm "lucky," and the kid dies, I'm only liable for a one-time settlement for wrongful death and that ticket is about $250K.

    As I said, I don't live around any zombies. Are their any dispensations given in zombie-infested zones such that criminal law and civil law don't apply? As far as I know, if I leave a booby trap for someone, I'm liable for any civil and criminal charges the same as if I had the device in my hands and actuated it on the poor soul myself. If there are exemptions for zombies, I'm not seeing them in my state's statutes. I did a search for "zombie" in the revised code and did not see any references. There is a substantial body of law regarding booby traps however, along with criminal negligence, attempted murder, and a variety of other unsavory things.
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    This all depends on your State's Statutes, that speak on "Set Guns" and BoobyTraps... Some States make these Illegal, and the use of such Devices, Life Threatening or Not, a Felony... Before one decides to Setup such a device, they should research the State's Statutes and Court Precedents, and fully understand the consequences of such an action. This also would include any Electrical Shocking type Booby Trap.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  7. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    You probably do;)
    For the most part on these boards, "Zombies"= GDP, Generally Dumb Public, Sheeple. In this string the Zombies are Methheads that are causing some problems in @Seacowboys AO.
  8. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Hey people throw crap in our yard all the time. Beer bottles, cardboard, even found a used puppy pee pad in my rose bush the other day. Far as I'm concerned I don't know who left that ice chest there but good luck catching the guy.
  9. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    Ok. I didn't know my state had any exemptions for "GDP". If I catch a "sheeple" in my pit trap, or find a Methhead has fallen into my piranha moat, I think I'm just as liable. Last time I looked we still had 14th Amendment guaranteeing equal protection under the law with no exemptions. Granted, the Zombies are, by definition dead, but the Supreme Court has yet to have a case to decide on whether dead people have civil rights. I suppose they could still nail me on abuse of a corpse. Any way it rolls, I'm visualizing the bearings on my lawyer's meter overheating.

    I also can't put out a sign that says "Danger! Warning, this trap for Zombies only." and hope it will mitigate the situation when my neighbor falls into my oubliette while looking for his cat. The preponderance of the evidence will point to a willfull disregard for safety and human life. BTW: Can Zombies still read?

    Either way, I'll have special dumbass tax to pay if a fireman, paramedic, or sheriff's deputy disregards my "DANGER: Explosive Devices are scattered on the property for protection against Zombies" sign and tries to rescue me from my burning bunker some night. I will be smoking a turd in hell if the neighborhood moron comes by to collect for the Save the Moron Fund and runs afoul of my pungie sticks. That's my reading of the law and maybe yours differs somewhat.

    I'm just wondering here, because my moral compass dictates that I'd be happy to just put out a sign in my front yard with "Free Obamaphones Step Inside" and point to a tent a trap door and a chipper shredder. Then I look at my 401K statement and I wince. I just want to know my liability. On the other hand, I just got done with my CCW class, and got told that my state will not permit the use of deadly force if a Zombie breaks into my house and walks off with my TV. He actually has to put the TV down and come at me. I also cannot shoot a sheeple that I find in my garage, stealing my tools if he does not present an immediate deadly threat.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @shaman You need to move to another State, where Liberty, and Freedom, Rings.....
    Tully Mars likes this.
  11. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    Which state is that? As far as I know, if I stumble into somebody's pit trap and impale myself on his pungie sticks, I can sue the bastard that put it there.

    Which state is it? I want to know so because I never want to go there. I want to know where it is legal to put a home made grenade on a trip wire. I don't want to drive anywhere near there.

    Which state allows folks to put up a trap that might be tripped by my children, my pets, and my emergency responders? When the firemen arrive to pull me out of my bunker, I don't want them hesitating for a minute wondering if the bear in the pit has been fed.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    We just had an incident where our home alarm went off, the security company called and asked if we wanted them to dispatch the police. I was off-shore and my wife had lost her bat-shit crazy mother in the hordes of Walmattians. Police were summoned and a delegation from my office was dispatched post-haste, to warn of possible booby-traps or tend to any potentially injured zombies.Quite frankly, I am beyond caring if they sue me or not, I can be pretty persuasive in discouraging litigation, if needed.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

  14. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Alabama Stand Your Ground - Castle Doctrine Law

    It is my suggestion that you do not bother visiting Alabama. I doubt if it would be to your liking.
    Mountainman likes this.
  15. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    The Castle Doctrine is great. I wish we had it in Ohio. We do have a version of Stand Your Ground. I don't think we have to prove we were retreating when we fired, but it is probably a good idea anyway. I don't mean that tactically, but from the stand point of keeping an incident from going to a grand jury.

    The Castle Doctrine does not guarantee you the right to booby trap.

    From a survival standpoint, and this is how I am treating it, we tend to think about this all all post-SHTF. Law and law enforcement have broken down. You're on your own. However, this is not post-SHTF. The Zombie plague has not started, and just because they are drug abusers, thieves, and rapists, that does not mean there is not a lawyer out there that might take their case on a contingency basis if he thought he could milk your treasury. The first step along the way is to help the local DA get a criminal conviction for something like criminal negligence. A booby trap is criminally negligent in all the states that I frequent. It does not have to have been set with the purpose to maim or kill either.

    I'm not talking off the top of my head, either. I had what you all might call a Zombie problem for about 10 years. My bunker had 3 generations of them living in incest, squalor and depravity just up the road. They did all sorts of mischief. They stole. They broke down doors. Once, all the kids broke in when I was not there just to eat my canned goods, because they were hungry. Another time ,one of them got drunk and blocked the road and brandished a shovel at me. Eventually one of the righteous members of the clan got control of the place, bulldozed one of the trailers and evicted the whole lot. It's been a couple of years now, and he's still pulling garbage out of one of the houses.

    At no time in any of this did I have the right to exercise deadly force. At no time would I have been right to set a booby trap. If I had shot at them or made traps or in any way caused them to be injured, my entire life savings would have been eaten up trying to defend myself against the civil and criminal penalties. I worked through law enforcement when I could, and I insured myself against the losses.

    In a post-apocalyptic scenario, I honestly do not know. The best hope we would have is that most of us here in North America live under several layers of law and justice. That is, the Federal system might break down, but the states could still function. A state's legal system might break down, but the local administration might remain intact. Until there is complete chaos, however, the idea of being liable for negligent behavior on a criminal and civil basis would likely remain intact. Whoever dispenses justice in these times will be reading out of the same law books.

    I only say this, because you have to look at it from the other side of things. If the tables were turned, and you were a refugee stumbling around on a cold rainy night, you would not want to fall into somebody's pit trap. If you did, you would want compensation for the injury. Our society has tended to give deference to the victim. You can take issue with that, but you're flying in the face of hundreds of years of Common Law.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    kellory likes this.
  16. GhettoPass

    GhettoPass Monkey+

    Why not just leave them a present? A six pack of Miller Beer each repackaged with a mix of beer and urine. You wouldn't get to watch them take that first swig but just knowing about it would be really fun.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Because, they couldn't tell the difrence....:rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
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