IMO the reason that that .gov has to get involved in these incidents is because we have a large part of the population that fails to teach their child right from wrong. It is one thing to teach your child to defend themselves but another to promote and cheer on violence towards one another. There is a difference.
The video does not show the entire event, most of it was edited out to keep the faces of the kids out of the pics. My buddy has had dealings with the mother, her kids were in his class.
Bingo, moto. It is the motive that needs to be addressed, not the action. Von, you are arguing exactly as they do FOR gun control. Let's make the action the problem, not the underlying cause. IE: let's make fighting illegal, and violence will all go away. Just like if guns are illegal, all gun violence will go away. One does not follow the other. It is the aggression and motive that need to be addressed, not the action. Fighting is a tool, no different than a gun is a tool. How you use either is the difrence between right and wrong.
I didn't watch the vid. I quit teaching because of poor parenting. I don't need to see more. But I applause the exposure. How do you teach proper English to kid with ligature marks around his throat?
What did I say about gun control. That is a large leap. Fighting is not a tool it is an action. I agree the underlining problem needs to be addressed by throwing the mother in jail.
Fighting is a tool. It changes things, it changes pecking order, it gives personal space, it sets boundaries. It is a tool. How you use it matters.
Show me the difference between this Right to Bare arms, And this Right to bear arms... man has used his fists, as long as there have been two in the same place. Weapons came later, so if the Right is God Given, it starts with fists.
Interesting discussion, folks.... It is MY opinion that Self-Defense is a God Given Right, and enshrined in our Constitution. As we have become Liberalized, in the 19th & 20th Centuries, This Right has been diminished, and much of it turned over to Government Enforcement. The basic Right of Self-Defense, is still there, but the Rules governing it have been Muddied to the point that you must have a LawDog with you, to determine if you are entitled to CLAIM Self-Defense in any situation. In the last decade or two, this Right, has made a partial Comeback, in Castle Doctrine, and thru Private Property Rights Law, but it is still Limited, very much by circumstances, that are only determined, AFTER the FACT, in a Court of Law. So Self-Defense is still a situational Right, where the actual determination of applicability is determined, AFTER the FACT, in front of a Judge, and maybe, by a Jury of our Peers, in accordance with the applicable Statutes, in place, in the Jurisdiction, in which the incident happened. This may or may NOT be in your own Resident Jurisdiction. I taught ALL My Children, that Self-Defense, and the Defense of Others, was both a Right, and a Personal Responsibility, that they, as Adults, were REQUIRED to Understand, and Acton On, just for the Fact of Being Alive. I will NOT Stand By, and allow a Male, to lay Hands on a Female, for ANY Reason, If I was witness, to the entire encounter. If I was NOT Witness to the entire encounter, then I will temper my response, to stopping the Physical Violence, so that the Combatants can be sorted out, by the local LEOs, when they arrive. I will NOT Stand By, and allow Juveniles, to engage in Combat, as they have No Right to such actions, in Statute. They can explain it to the Judge, after the Fact. If two Adults, chose to engage in Consensual Combat, that is NONE of My Business, whether it is with Fists, BaseBall Bats, or any other Tools, at hand. They have made their Choices, and as long as they do NOT endanger others, with their Personal Combat, it is their Business, and NOT Mine, PERIOD.
Von, you already are a part of my world. and that's why you will never find the peace that you seem to crave. your peace is is imposed upon a group of predators we call mankind. Man is the apex predator, because of our minds, but we are still predators, for all eating is killing, and we will always find a way to eat. Your peace /civilization is just an agreement not to kill each other.... Today. Violence is the norm in nature, not the exception.
I think part of this discussion is apples and oranges... apparently the situation was an assault... fisticuffs is fine until some one complains then it becomes assault and battery... and it must be consensual... not a pack jumping on an individual... I don't see the equivalence with the gun control.. except when it comes to the court room... and defending your actions... YMMV