Ever run across anyone by the name of Bridgewater? Mom's side of the family came to Bozeman by wagon train. And yes,the changes are sad - almost like it never existed now. My relatives were ranchers, farmers, mountain guides, and even a few park rangers. Two of my uncles drove a garbage truck together and wound up bringing half of it home - real characters. My oldest brother we lost a few years ago moved back there in the 70's and worked for the city - used to drive snow plow in the winter.
Can't say I recall a Bridgewater....there are a few folks in the area I was outside of Manhattan if you know the area well enough...... 12 mile bus ride through the Horseshoes to school.... man I have moved away from that lifestyle... wish with everything that I could go back to that simple life..... but then we grow up, get job's, raise families... and join the rat race.... dern it.... wish I had settled with the girl next door once in a while.... ha ha ha.
Sad bad news from the once Great State of Oregon: also like Washington State, over-ran and and now run by gun-grabbing big city leftist elitists escaped from the Peoples Republic of Kalifornication. Our family sends this very active Oregon Firearms Federation (OFF) money when we can. They are like the GOA of Oregon. If you are in the Pacific Northwest, or the American Redoubt, I strongly encourage you to support the OFF. It's not enough to just join the national Second Amendment defender organizations NRA, GOA, Second Amendment Foundation and JPFO -- we must support our local-state level defenders of the unalienable rights of self-defense enshrined in the Second Amendment such as Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association (ISRPA) and the Montana Shooting Sports Federation, et al. Please visit Oregon's Only No Compromise Gun Rights Organization - Oregon Firearms Federation From:"Oregon Firearms Federation" <off@oregonfirearms.org> Date:Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 10:13 am Subject: What the anti-gun victory in Oregon means to you. 11.07.14 "As you know, the Oregon legislature has become even more anti-gun. In case you missed it, here is our wrap up of how the elections will affect us as gun owners. Oregon has re-elected the Governor of Portland. John Kitzhaber had been chosen to serve a 4th term. Oregon is now at, or near, the bottom of every major metric with one exception. Oregon leads the country in some foreclosures. The executive office of the state has been held by a Democrat for longer than many people have been alive. Kitzhaber has held that office for 12 of those years and, if not indicted, will hold it for 4 more. After Obama took office he blamed every failure of his policies on previous administrations. Kitzhaber didn't have that luxury, but it didn't matter. Millions of your dollars have been squandered on failed websites and bridges to nowhere. No one knows how many more millions have been funneled to Kitzhaber through his felonious girlfriend and shady deals with friends. Both The Oregonian and Willamette Week have reported heavily on the blatant corruption of this governor and also endorsed him. For anyone who has wondered how places like Chicago, Detroit and Washington DC can continue to embrace crooks, you now have your answer. The single worst manager this state has ever seen will now have free rein to line his pockets and those of his significant other for four more years. Our schools and economy will continue to compete with Haiti and Guatemala in a race to the bottom. That's the good news. The bad news is that the Oregon Senate has replaced a pro-gun stalwart with a woman who wants to take gun rights away from foster parents. Sara Gelser is the new Senator for District 8. Sara was the lucky recipient of a windfall from a California billionaire who helped (millionaire) Gelser attack Betsy Close because she supported a woman's right to own a gun for self defense. Another Senate seat, Republican Bruce Starr's, is still too close to call at the time of this posting. His opponent, Chuck Riley was funded by Michael Bloomberg. The Oregon Senate is already 16-14 Democrat. With only one exception, Betsy Johnson, they are all anti-gun. Gaining one seat alone will allow them to pass virtually any anti-gun bill they choose. And they have made it clear they will be working a long list of anti-gun proposals. Sure to come up is universal gun registration which is a precursor everywhere for confiscation. Just ask the folks in New York who have had their guns confiscated thanks to the kind of registration former Mayor Bloomberg is pushing across the country. Add to that the bills they have never been able to pass before. Semi-auto bans. Magazine bans. A ban on guns in schools. An end to preemption allowing every town to make their own rules. Warrantless searches of your home. Lock up laws. A mandate to run away from an attacker. That's just a warm up. The Republicans also lost one seat in the House although that seat was held by a "Republican" (Vicki Berger) who voted anti-gun and attacked pro-gun Republicans. Not much of a net loss there. On top of all this news is the passage of Ballot Measure 594 in Washington State. This is the universal registration/background check bill paid for by Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and other fairly well off folks. This measure could make you a felon for handing a gun to a buddy at the range. Yes, it's that bad. While there is no question that this measure only happened because of unlimited funds by billionaire gun grabbers, it's also true that there was not a particularly effective counter campaign. The "rich" gun lobby never came close to matching the funds spent by the gun grabbers. No doubt many who voted for this had no idea just how dangerous it is. In fact, many gun owners simply don't see the danger in "background checks." And this will be the battle folks. There can be no real "background checks" without universal registration. Over and over this has been the path to confiscation. Make no mistake. If the gun grabbers succeed with any of these plans they won't be stopping there. First they came for gun dealers, then they came for gun shows. Now they will be coming to stop you from giving a gun as a gift to a family member or lending one to a friend whose life is in jeopardy. Those simple acts will make you a criminal. None of these attacks will affect criminals or people intent on suicide. As long as there is one misuse of a gun, the haters of freedom will be pushing for more restrictions. Time after time they have shown their hand and made it clear that they will not be satisfied until every gun is controlled by the state. In 1999, the Oregon Legislature was ramming through a background check bill. It had passed the Senate and went to the House where it was made worse by a political gadfly, Republican House Rep. Kevin Mannix. Mannix worked behind the scenes with groups pretending to be pro-gun to create HB 2535, a bill to ban private sales of firearms. It was supposed to be a "sure thing". Only the Oregon Firearms Federation opposed it. OFF was then about 6 months old, but even them we defeated this bill against all odds and with no help from the NRA. We can do it again with your help. But frankly, it's going to take a heck of a lot of work by all of us. A ballot measure funded by billionaires is going to be different story. If that happens there will simply be no substitute for money. The anti-gun side now has unlimited funds and has made no secret that they see the ballot measure process as a roadmap to New York style gun control. Too many voters know too little about the truth of these measures. Oregon Firearms Federation is a political organization. Our focus is on winning political battles through activism. But we cannot underestimate the threats to your rights based on the changes in the Oregon Legislature and the introduction of limitless funds by those who want to steal your freedom. While we urge you to prepare for the political battles ahead and be a part of this fight, you should also consider making any preparations now to deal with potential bans and confiscations. Get ready. It's going to be a wild ride."
Had a good conversation with a couple of LEO friends this morning. They are baffled that 594 passed, the sheep are ignorant. They do not know anyone within their ranks that supports enforcement of this initiative. That is promising!!
Just watch out, and I mean BIG TIME Watch out.... because if a LEO sees you violating the Statute, and doesn't like you, or what you are wearing, He has every Legal Right, to Arrest you, ON THE SPOT, and it will cost you more than a couple months PAY, and maybe even YOUR Gun Rights. I would like to see a few Politicos get pinched by this Statute, and a few Cops, and DAs as well. THAT is the only way this thing is going to get overturned, anytime soon. The SAF Group is mounting a Federal Legal Challenge, and it is 50/50 that they can get an Injunction, before the Statute goes into effect. I would go to any Range that the local LEOs use for Qualifications, with an iPhone, and document them violating the Statute. then if I got Pinched, I would sue the State for Selective Enforcement, of the Statute, as I would give them the Video, and force them to use it as evidence, against those LEOs and demand they Try, and Convict them of those violations. They would lose their JOBS, and their Buddies will then get behind Repealing the Statute in a BIG WAY.
Sorry to say, but the LEO's would probably get a pass on this just like they do with everything else that would put us in jail. Might work if you have the right jury without a bunch of Libtards (good luck). Gun law violations are nothing compared to the shooting/killing that LEO's get a pass on.
The Oregon State Constitution being better than the US Constitution with regard to the right to bear arms ("The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence of themselves, and the State"), it will take more than a simple assembly vote to do some of the things in the alarmist "OFF" post above.