When I graduated high school in Washington State the minimum wage was $1.60/hr and gas was 32 cents per gallon and a high end Camaro was $3600. If wages kept up with inflation (about 12 - 15 times) then minimum wage would now be $19 - 24/hour, fuel would be $3.84 - 4.80/gallon and a new Camaro would be over $50K. As you can see the price of many things has only risen marginally but wages have not. In effect the hidden tax of inflation has gutted personal earnings while cost has remained fairly similar. I made $2.50/hr after school as a gas station mechanic and that job today would now be about $37/hr. Not too shabby for an after school job? Of course it's not going to pay that much today in reality. The real villian here is the Fed. I am quite sure they know what they are doing. If you would have paid $15K for a piece of property and the assessed value in todays dollars was now $225K, if sold you would be stuck with capital gains on the perceived increase in value which in reality has not increased at all. Nice, huh.
Suprised you are higher than us... our taxes are outrages for gas, but then yours are even higher. Gasoline tax information - Washington Gas Prices
2.97 this morning. These falling gas prices might signal something not good for the economy but they sure are good on my wallet right now. I am going to take some rode trips if the prices stay the same.
SURELY you don't suspect manipulation for political purposes. And Killary in the background in an exasperated voice "what difference does it now make!"