Space Blankets...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Dark Jester, May 28, 2014.

  1. High - first choice for emergency protection from elements

  2. Medium - an acceptable back up protection option

  3. Low - an option only when nothing else is available

  4. Zero - not worth the cost, time or effort

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Dark Jester

    Dark Jester Quester...

    I certainly have an opinion on viable options for protecting oneself from the elements in an emergency situation, but I want to hear yours. Please respond to the poll and offer your opinion as well. I will offer my opinion at the end of the poll; 21 days.

    The mylar blankets I am referring to are the thin ones in the small plastic wrappers as shown below.

    mylar blanket.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Good luck determining the end to state your opinion. I have three in tactical locations. I have my doubts about how warm they might keep you, but dry is the primary purpose. (Also good ground cover for prone shoots.) I cast no vote because the choices don't fit my sit.
  3. Dark Jester

    Dark Jester Quester...

    I have the poll set to run for 21 days.
    What do you mean "the choices don't fit my sit"?
    Mike likes this.
  4. Wheelsucker

    Wheelsucker Out of Airspeed, Altitude & Ideas

    I backpack light w/ hammock in almost any weather that the North Georgia mountains can provide. I've used the mylar blankets both inside(easier to keep in place but clammy) and outside(hard to keep in position, but drier) my bag w/ a very thin sleeping pad (foldable German army surplus, sucks on the ground but great for hammock insulation). The mylar blankets help quite a bit in both warmth and blocking wind but if you don't get some ventilation you can get wet from condensation. I've never used them alone in an emergency. Most recently I got a SOL mylar bivvy sack that's easier to use over a bag.
    Motomom34, kellory and Mike like this.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I like the fact that they are very small and can be stashed easily in a bag, glove box or elsewhere. If needed, they do provide a temp shelter till you can find a better solution. Condensation is one draw back to their WS mentioned above.
    Brokor, Sapper John, stg58 and 3 others like this.
  6. nkawtg

    nkawtg Monkey+++

    I have ten or twelve about the house and they have other uses.
    • Use one to make a solar oven
    • Position the blanket behind a campfire so that the heat is reflected back towards you rather than lost. Mylar melts at 254°C so there is no fire danger. If you have a second blanket, position it behind you. This will ‘bounce’ the heat around and will make that little area positively toasty compared to the area outside of the blankets.
    • Mylar is waterproof and using it on top of a groundsheet, or even as a groundsheet will prevent damp and also retain heat where you need it.
    • It’s reflective properties make it an excellent sunshade. It will be many degrees cooler underneath the shade than in full sun.
    • Cut small strips for fishing lures.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Basically, your descriptions are single choice, and selecting more than one choice as allowed makes little sense (to me, anyway.) My "sit"uation isn't likely the same as anyone else's in that I use mine for several purposes (as do others) not all of which are keeping them around for emergencies only.

    Maybe worth adding: If you are storing a space blanket for emergencies only in a place like a vehicle trunk, make sure to shake them out once in a while to see if knocking around in the trunk has caused damage. If, like I and others do, you use them more or less regularly, damages will show up.

    All the same, an interesting topic.
    chelloveck and Mike like this.
  8. Dark Jester

    Dark Jester Quester...

    I didn't realize I had it set to allow multiple choices. How do I change it? Any ideas???

    And again, this is in emergency situations...
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I think you can edit it, but not sure exactly how. Will have a look later and see if I can figure it out.
  10. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I have quite a few of these. It BOB bags and in the cars. Since they are cheap- or the ones that I have, I don't have lots of faith in their usefulness. I know that I am to test all gear but I would hate to have to refold. I guess it is time to get one out and experiment.

    I like @nkawtg's list.

    @ghrit you mentioned them keeping you dry. I thought that also, but I also have contractor's bags in my packs because they are real heavy duty.
  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Yes get out there, even if it is in the backyard...... you need to get out and use "it" to figure out the best means to deploy each "tool" in your bag. And not just on a sunny day under optimal conditions. Tear your bag open and grab your wet weather gear, use that water treatment tool, start a fire and create some shelter..... that is the only time you will know what works..... or does not, for you.
  12. whynot

    whynot Monkey+++

    Highly versatile and cheap. What's not to like? Sure they are disposable but what do you want for about $4 ?

    Yard Dart and Sapper John like this.
  13. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Good points @nkawtg [winkthumb]
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    There are some excellent posts here already which list some various uses for these space blankets. I also have stored some tarps with mylar backing, granting an extra thermal rating to an ordinary tarp and providing a level of heat refraction to the item. I even tried to glue one of these to the back of a sheet of Tyvek wrap, but I created a mess. I imagine it can be done, but I wasn't too serious about it. My goal was to make it more robust, and use it as a lightweight ground tarp, but as stated earlier, somebody had already invented the tarp with mylar backing.
    Sapper John, Yard Dart and chelloveck like this.
  15. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    I've used these to augment a debris hut and as a heat reflector behind a small fire. I'd rather have a goretex jacket for wet weather or improvise a raincoat from a contractor size trash bag tham wrap myself in a crinkly sheet of mylar.

    They can be used to defeat FLIR too.

    You can catch these on Amazon for about .99 each in a ten pack from time to time.
    Brokor likes this.
  16. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    50 Uses for an Emergency Blanket

    1. Use as an extra layer in sleeping bag for warmth.
    2. Stringing up as a signal device – not too tight – so it creates movement in the wind and increases your chance of being seen.
    1. Place it on the ground as a signal device and fold in different patterns to communicate a message.
    2. Melt snow by placing small amounts on space blanket in the sun and funnel into a container.
    3. Small rain shelter: create buttons by looping a slip knot over the corners of blanket.
    4. Use as material to write on, given you have a marker.
    5. Twist for extra rope material.
    6. Build a horseshoe pack to carry small items.
    7. Twist and loop it through pants, and tie to make a belt.
    8. Tie off ends to create air space for an improvised flotation device.
    9. Cut off small pieces as part of lure to catch fish (they like shiny materials).
    10. Use sticks and foil to create a cup and boil water. Hold over the flame but not so close that it burns the foil. (The melting point of Mylar is listed at 254° C.)
    11. Use blanket as aluminum foil to warm food near the coals of a fire.
    12. Create a sling.
    13. Use as a tourniquet.
    14. Use as a compression bandage.
    15. Put in your kids’ backpack carrier to give them additional warmth.
    16. Use as gaiters, by wrapping around leg – secure with duct tape.
    17. Using as a pack liner (inside) or cover (outside) to keep clothes dry in rainy weather.
    18. Twist into an antenna to boost cell phone, radio, or TV reception.
    19. Improvised survival lingerie – be creative.
    20. Use with a rubber band to improvise a condom.
    21. Use as a strip to tie splints for broken or sprained bones. (Note: this was placed directly after the previous two for a reason.)
    22. Use as cushion material for improvised splints.
    Only copied part of the list but great uses!

    50 Uses for an Emergency Blanket - Seattle Backpackers Magazine
    Tracy, vonslob and Yard Dart like this.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    MAYBE she would wear a space blanket bikini, but if you used a space blanket condom, she would rip your eyes out and leave you to die. There would be all sorts of sharp corners and edges....:eek:
  18. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    50 uses and leave it to @kellory to focus on #19. (shakes head, rolls eyes)
    Yard Dart likes this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Only 22 listed here. I though a few of them were just too much of a reach. Mylar tears very easily, you will not be making a pack out of it. A blanket roll with items inside, OK, but first puncturez and it will shred.
  20. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Here are the rest-

    1. Improvise a scarf.
    2. Wrap around head to create a hood.
    3. Use as a water carrying device.
    4. Use as a fire reflector to maximize heat toward your direction.
    5. Use to reflect sun onto tinder to build a fire.
    6. Use to reflect the sun to heat water.
    7. Build a mini hammock.
    8. Improvised tanning bed.
    9. Stuff with clothing for use as a warm pillow.
    10. Improvise a light by redirecting light from a full moon, sun or flashlight.
    11. Line feet inside boots to keep socks dry.
    12. Build an outdoor refrigerator by wrapping food inside as a ball, tying off, then placing in a creek. (Weigh down the end of bag with rock to prevent from floating away.)
    13. Cut into strips and tie to trees for marking a trail.
    14. Improvise a Survival TV by building a wood frame then staring at it while you imagine your favorite shows.
    15. Improvise a sea anchor for a raft.
    16. Use in a shallow creek in a forest fire to make an air pocket to breath while the fire passes over. If you don’t think this works read Big Burn, read it either way cause it’s one of the best outdoor books I’ve ever read.
    17. Cut into 10-inch squares then tie off ends after filling with nuts, berries, or other handful of small items you’d like to carry.
    18. Cut into 3-inch squares wrap stones to create a weight that’s easy to tie off for fishing.
    19. Fill with sand, snow, or dirt and ties off to end to create an anchor or deadman. (NOT for climbing or rappelling.)
    20. Use as a cleaning device in lieu of clothing or rag, to scrub a pan, fir instance.
    21. Use to reset a broken arm (when solo) by tying one end to a tree then placing your wrist in other end with slip knot and using body weight to reset the bone.
    22. Spread it over a large rock or picnic table as a makeshift tablecloth.
    23. Use to improvise a knife sheath.
    24. Use to make a food/bear cache by wrapping food in the blanket, tying with rope, tossing rope over a high branch, hoisting up, then tying off the other end.
    25. Create a funnel by tying 4 sides and placing a container under to collect rain water. Place a rock at bottom to keep a steady stream.

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