Time Pieces: What's On Your Wrist?

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by Brokor, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I still like my Rolex Submariner but it's getting to the point it needs to be regulated. First, I guess I should try the "self regulation" where you take it off each night and orient it a certain way to speed up/slow down but for as much as they cost...they shouldn't need that IMO.
  2. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    Seiko 5 auto
    stg58 likes this.
  3. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Was wondering if I was the only one :) I've always preferred pocket watches, and with the work that I often do I'm not allowed any type of jewelry.
    kellory likes this.
  4. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Thought I posted in this but can't seem to find it...

    Elgin "railroad watch" made in the late 19th century...complete with gold chain and fob.
    Tully Mars and kellory like this.
  5. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Bump, and looking back. My first ($200) Invicta, sourced at Costco did very well for 5 years, then sorta gave up in '13. Maybe it would be resurrectable if I sent it to the factory as they insist. But economics got in the way, and found the identical item for $80 and bought that instead. Now, after just a year and a half, it's losing time faster than I like (say 5 minutes a month.) I can no longer recommend Invicta, and am actively looking for a replacement. Self winding, (automatic, kinetic, whatever you call it) is far preferred to any other power supply, batteries are ruled out. So called solar will be considered. What we ain't looking at here is high 3 figure prices. Gonna check Amazon tonight, see what they might have for a Christmas present for myself.
    BlueDuck and Brokor like this.
  7. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    My wife was constant breaking/losing her watches. I got her an expensive titanium one. She lost it in one month. Got her an Eco-Drive (forgot the brand) that got broken in a few months. After that, I went more inexpensive and got her a Swiss Army. Still going strong. I think it was a good choice to get that versus a Breitling to match mine.

    If you don't mind spending some coin, I highly recommend Breitling. Everything you asked for, except the price. But it's been bombproof.

    I have taught my wife about using a watch bevel and now she doesn't want a watch that isn't waterproof and has a bevel.
    Gesko likes this.
  8. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    What's on my wrist? An old $50 Timex analog watch, with the day of the week and automatic date (supposed to advance forward on shorter months, so I don't have to advance it to "1" manually).
    Been wearing this for.....hmmmm.....well, I guess it's been long enough to pay for itself! LOL At least 5 years, probably closer to 10, with only one battery change. And that one was because the automatic date feature stopped working right, and I thought a low battery might have been the culprit. Still does the same thing now, so guess not! I just have to remember to add 1 to the date showing in the window! :rolleyes:
  9. driftz240

    driftz240 Monkey

    I rock the luminox. got enuff tritium on my wrist to do serious long term damage...lol
    D2wing likes this.
  10. D2wing

    D2wing Monkey+

    Seiko. I am one of those people that most watches won't work or last. But I have had a couple of Seiko's. My old one would work if I got cleaned and regulated. But luckily my kind wife buys me a new one every ten years or so. I just wear it once in a while and it works.
    NotSoSneaky likes this.
  11. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I need to find out where I can get cleaned and regulated...
    Sapper John and kellory like this.
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Well, can we expect you to work afterwards?;)
    D2wing and Sapper John like this.
  13. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    You can expect me to function...but not to "work".
    vonslob and kellory like this.
  14. D2wing

    D2wing Monkey+

    A Jeweler could do it if you can still find one that is a watchmaker. Now days they would probably send it somewhere.
    I have no idea where to send you to get cleaned and regulated though. Now to get that picture out of my mind.
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Update: Casio G-Shock AWG101-1A (new band)

    This watch is still going strong. Solar works great. Never liked the band much, ended up hating it. So, I got a new band.
  16. The Duece

    The Duece Monkey

    I wear a penman watch that was my dads,i have a g-shock frogman but one of the arms stuck one day so i went to tap on face....problem was i was holding a wrench at the time,no more glass lol gotta find a place to take if in,also have and victorianox watch but i think gears are outta whack doesnt keep time. I really like the g-shock though but man its huge!!!almost have to take it off to put jacket on/off lol
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Times up.:( watch has ceased to function as a time piece.
    I told you, @Bear I'd find a way to break it.
  18. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I can't wear watches. They all stop working after a few months.
  19. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I do believe that a good time piece is important. Maybe it is the way I was raised, but I remember getting my 1st one and it was a big deal. I've had many over the years, and like I said in an earlier post I prefer pocket watches-must be the cowboy in me:rolleyes:
    Like many I suspect, I have formed the habit of looking at my phone for the time nowadays, but still have a watch. My own thoughts are that everyone should have at least one decent wind up or self winding watch even if its not their normal carry. Batteries will die, and replacements may be hard to come by in the case of an event, not to mention something like an EMP event. Would it affect a battery powered watch? I don't know. Keeping track of time will be important to most folks at one time or another. Setting a time for a FTF, certain times to receive or broadcast messages,ect. Same thing for a clock in the home or retreat. Electric/battery power is fine until it isn't. We have cuckoo clocks here mainly because I love collecting them, but also as a way to keep time without an outside power source. Part of the morning routine is to wind the clocks while having the 1st cup of coffee in the morning.

    My [2c]
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    kellory likes this.
  20. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    A good watch can also serve as your currency in a pinch.
    Seacowboys and Tully Mars like this.
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