I got to be a zombie in a movie yesterday! Check that one off my "things to do before I die" list. The movie is "Dead Moon Rising", and they needed extra zombies for the final scene. Official website is http://www.deadmoonrisingmovie.com/
..... ...... No pirate zombies.... there was a fisherman zombie with a dead catfish, by the end of the day it was getting a little rank.
Blackjack, Is that a local indie or a larger studio project? I work with someone who does indie movies. I've helped out with a couple of movies. It's a fun hobby. Have you ever participated in a zombie walk?
1)Local Indie 2)Agreed... Very Fun and would like to do more. 3)Don't know what a zombie walk is.....
A zombie walk is where a bunch of zombie movie fans (local actors) dress up as zombies and go walking about town during a large well-attended event. Detroit had a zombie walk during the Superbowl festivities this year. A net search will provide many more examples.
If I saw a zombie walk, I'd head for the hills with the mistaken idea that Michael Jackson had taken over.