A full 50% of SM visitors are on mobile or tablet now. I think of it as an adapt or be adapted scenario - like it or not. I've created this thread, poll, uploaded a picture and made all replies from my phone. Tech is a reality of our times.
Yes, I get that access and sharing is the goal. My point remains, if "stuff" is shared off the SM site, then the discussion is lost to those of us that can't or won't access it thru a social connection. Additionally, having to wait a bit to post something just might eliminate some irrelevancies. Seems like it's just another way to satisfy the itch for instant gratification. (Yes, I'm a troglodyte, a throwback to slower times, time to think before acting.)
I use FB from time to time but keep it completely separated from any Monkeying around. I use it to keep in contact with distant friends, family and various groups.... I have even looked over the Monkey to see what was hitting face-book... but never tied the two together... and never will. I think it is nice to keep the two me's separate from each other per se, if that makes sense. Most of my friends are not privy to any prep mentality... though I may from time to time go on a rant about being ready for emergencies or governmental dissatisfaction... but that is far as I go. I have invited a few to the Monkey... but rarely even share who I am on the site... more of a public information thing with lock-boxes for my privacy. In general what I am saying is, that I would never integrate with FB direct into the Monkey and it all revolves around security. Security in anonymity, is important to me... maybe to much.... but that is okay.
Not interested in going in any social media/ phone app direction... would have to cease using the SM if it headed that way... if there was an opt out I might be willing to hang on a bit longer... but will not head in the social media direction... this forum is as far toward social media as I'm willing to go...
I hit SMF through many platforms on a daily basis.... I have used IE, Firefox, FB (viewing only) via laptop, tower, smartphones and so on... I like the idea that I can ping in from any direction with the knowledge that the security is tight and my personal stuff is as protected... as I would expect on the internet. Though I dislike that if someone cracked my code they could hit a button and get to my home screen on the monkey if i was using the page previous to closing whatever app. I would like the fact that you have to password login any time you access the site after say 30 minutes of non-use. It is nice to be able to hit a button and be back on site... but that does open one to others doing the same. Just an observation.......
Nothing would change for you. I'm trying to entice social media users to remain active here by offering another avenue for them to post, share, etc. If there were an app that made it easier for some to do this, it wouldn't affect those who didn't use it. There already exist forum browsing apps. I just want SM to have its own so that we control it rather than a third party. A SM 'app' would basically be another browser that some could optionally use.
I have that as well.... but someday's I wonder if it gets cracked... what can they link to... timeouts per se are a good thing and require a password to reconnect.... All I am suggesting is a more frequent reconnect via hard password entry.... vs just getting through ones phone pass code.
Things are only as secure as the end user wishes to make them. I use the 'two-factor' option at sm which requires either a GA code or a yubikey one time pass before I can get in, phone or desktop. It's inconvenient but good security always is.
On the other side, I highly recommend the integration for social media platforms to draw more users into the Monkey world... how that works and what privileges & security issues there are is an unknown... but it would draw more.... TBTB (M and crew) just need to figure that out... I for one support whatever makes our home stronger!!
Agreed... guess some of us need to get more dialed in on the security options...... I talked to a guy (pro audio guy) today about audio options to upgrade the trucks sound system... he was talking way over my head... man tech can move fast if you are not dealing with it day to day.... I said that I was interested in a multi-disc unit and he laughed and said that is gone, now the are doing USB downloads....as the primary... the death of the CD is upon us.
I'm interested to see more poll responses. I know we're a niche on the net in that we value opsec and privacy more than most. Perhaps the outcome of this is that we ditch trying to interface with social media and concentrate on ways to make sm as easy to use for soccer mom as FB is.
I use social media to promo my show, blog, and books. I figure you folks would get tired of me shilling here, so twitter, and FB get the bulk of my focused activity.
I don't do Facebook. I am one of those who visit here on mobile device. I generally don't like forced mobile versions of websites. You usually end up losing content or it becomes more difficult to find the content you want.
No Facebook account. No YouTube account, no twitter, nothing like that. I'm here by phone now. If a mobile site has a switch to desktop option, I use it. I like the familiar feel of what I know.
Like @ghrit I do not have a phone nor do I walk around with a device so I can stay connected to the world wide web. App? Sorry don't do apps, don't 100% understand them nor do I care to. I am also like @Yard Dart I keep my SM world and FB world very far apart. I am not a subscriber to the FB Survival Monkey page. FB is very unsecured. With all the canary changes the Monkey has made in the last months it gives me comfort knowing that the owners here are looking out for my safety. FB has security measures but they change quite often and they only half way protect you. YOU know I had a snafu with FB and the monkey page. IMO FB is kind of a stalker program. One thing that needs to be considered is that people use their real names on FB. People who sign onto the monkey using their real name get encouraged to changed their name for op sec. Does that make sense? I have a FB account which I look at but most on my page are only interested in superficial stuff. None of them would care if the world was on fire. I had a twitter account but couldn't figure it out so I closed it. I have a pintrest but cannot figure out the point. I have a LinkedIn but only because someone wanted me as a professional contact. I am not a good social media person.
IIRC did not this site have an "Adaptive mode" a little while back ? There was one mode it could be viewed on via phone and the usual format when logging in on the home computer. I can access the site from my phone but only view the full forum which require lost of zooming/unzooming and scrolling. it wasn't Tapatalk, it was something better and unique to this site and after awhile it went away.
Here is my thoughts on social media usage beyond being a part of this wonderful Monkey Tree (which is 95% of my 'social media'): I am very glad there is Tapatalk support on SurvivalMonkey and Calguns.net cuz, although I am a Members Support Brigade paying member of Jack Spirko's Survival Podcast Forum, I never contribute there since they don't support Tapatalk. Tapatalk is all the social media 'app' integration I need. When the Tapatalk support 'broke' on SurvivalMonkey due to some problems I guess with the beneficial HTTPS security upgrade, I stopped visiting the Monkey Tree until the Tapatalk got fixed. @melbo, I 'second' removing SurvivalMonkey's integration with TWITTER (stands for: 'Those Willingly Incriminating Themselves to The Evil Regime') - FACEBOOK (stands for: 'FBI-Arranged Confessions Eternally Bookmarked On Our Komputer.') - GOOGLE+ ('Gatherings Of Overweight Geriatric Lechers and Enticers, (+Police)'). I am happy to be off the 'big three' evil social media companies above for over a year now. Thanks to SurvivalMonkey, some Survival Podcast forum, and Calguns.net (world's busiest firearms FORUM ('Future Ordered Roundup of Undesirable Malcontents') despite being 'behind enemy lines' in the People's Republik of Kalifornication), I can get enough of my Conservative Prepper Patriot online social media - community fix. The internet is indeed a happenin' place --- one could say it is a HANGOUT ('Handing All Nefarious Government Operatives Useful Tidbits'), where we can MEETUP ('Matching Every Extrovert To an Unprincipled Provocateur') with our FRIENDS ('Folks who are Really Intelligence Envoys, Navigators, Dupes, and Servants'), our FANS ('FISA And Napolitano Sensors'), our FOLLOWERS ('Feds Only Like Lots Of Willing, Emasculated, Robotic Slaves') and TROLLS ('Those Really are Obama’s Lawmen, Lying for the State') to communicate via INSTAGRAM ('Innocuously, Napolitano Seizes Treasured Assets and Gendarmes Reap Actionable Material') CHAT ('Conversations Heard and Arranged by Troublemakers') and be LINKED IN ('Lashed Interminably to National Komputers, Every DHS Intelligencer is Notified') together with TAGGED ('Those Agencies Getting Gun Evidence Details') TWEETS ('The Way Everyone Evinces Themselves Slavishly') ping backed to our BLOG COMMENTS ('Buffoons Letting Others Generate Confessions for Our Mainframes, Makes Every Nazi’s Task Simple') via HASHTAGS ('Harmful And Sly Handles with Thousands of Aggregated Guilt Summaries') and PINS ('People In NSA Stings') thanks to the new NSA version of the WAYBACKMACHINE ('Wonderfully Accurate Years of Belligerent Allocution by Citizens Knavishly Making Archives, Compiling HUMINT Inventories of Natterings Evidence') stored in Utah. ;-) I really DIGG ('Dissident Intelligence Gathered by Government') the internet as a 'place' and this Monkey Tree is all the social media I really need. Fair use source: The SurvivalBlog Social Media Glossary - SurvivalBlog.com
The poll is missing one option that I and probably a lot of other people fit into: Those who have various social media accounts but use them mostly in a "read only" mode and seldom if ever post anything ourselves. I use Facebook like a personal "newspaper" to keep up with what everyone is doing. I don't care to make my own comments; my last Facebook post was almost a year ago. If I have anything to say, I'll put it on my blog, Twenty First Summer | Thoughtful. Positive. Relevant. If survival monkey came up with some social media integration scheme, I would opt out. If it limits the functionality of the website for me, oh well. I'll deal with it. If there was no opt out, then I'd opt myself out anyway by leaving the site completely. For OPSEC reasons, I never mix my prepping with my personal life any more than is necessary.