When you move and live in an area with, snakes with sound makers, wild dogs, mountain lions, border crossing thugs, inbred neighbors and others that have a desire to take what you own then your awarness is increased.
If you carry/use bear spray... always be aware of the direction of the wind... you don't want a face full of it... advantage is that most ambush predators attack from down wind...
I actually went to a gun shop a couple months back to get some bear spray, the sales guy didn't recommend it because of the wind issue. He also said once you press the button it doesn't stop until the canister is empty- is that true?
Aloha Monkeys... It's been quite a while... but I haven't lost my interest in this project... Got some forging time in today and worked on some sockets... Thinking about a two piece spear... head will be forged separately and forge welded on.... also allows me flexibility to make other socketed tools as well.... I can forge a bunch of these and have them ready... Decided to use what I had... so 1" square stock... first widened and then then tapered... what a pain forging tubing .... Square stock is mild steel... head will be high carbon... Then I decided to work with some stainless tube.... (yes... a magnet does not stick to it less corrosion and worry free... head will be 304 stainless as well... not hardened but then as an impact tool... you have to be careful with that.... I may use s7 or 5160 or A33 on the mild steel... or even mix it up.... Kinda happy with how it came it... sockets are solid with no visible seams like there probably would be if I forged the socket and wrapped it around a mandrel.... Fits a stout tool handle straight from the hardware store.... Thought I would share some pics so y'all would know I didn't forget this project Thanks for looking.... Take Care and God Bless, Bear
Aloha Monkey's When I think of bushcraft I think of the first stone age cave dwellers.... and then... well I think of spears.... This project has been on my mind for a long while and I've been working out the details and making the tools I needed to get it done the way I wanted... and also to make it flexible so I can make a variety of heads... So what do you do when you when you've got something on your mind and you wanna make something from things just lying around... Well you go scrounging and keep your mind open .... So I've got the Swiss Bayonets... Swiss steel is some of the very best... and these surplus bayonets are made and heat treated by Victorinox and Wegner... hence the "W" and the "V" markings.... no one seems to want these and they go for about $25 to $35 so I just kept them instead of dumping them... Then I had some 1" thick walled square tubing lying around... So put the old mind to work on a spear head... Forging tube is not an easy task ... at least not for me... you can just heat it up and hit it on the anvil... it will just smash and you'll have a mess... you have to hit it on at least 3 or 4 sides at the same time... so I had to make some dies for that... and I wanted to make it larger first and then draw it down... so I had to make a drift and a special anvil for that.... after some "epic" fails and making up those few tools... I got that done.... Now on to the bayonet... taking one apart is the easy part... even cutting it to size and forge welding it to the socket I made... The problem is preserving the heat treat of the fine swiss steel... so figured that out and with the help of my induction forge, a couple new coils I made for this and a thick aluminum heat sinks on the blade ... I got that done.... Nice thing is that the blade is a known quality, it comes with a nice sheath that can be painted to match your needs and has a little slot to hang feathers or other "colors" etc... you know... more "Monkey Friendly"... especially if you have it on your hiking staff... I made one with the guard... I think that ring will come in handy and it serves as a nice cross bar... and one without because I think that serves it's own purposes as well... Sized to fit a common handle from the hardware store... (even still has the price tag on it in the pics ) So here is the end result so far... not quite done... need to do some finish work but wanted to share these... and already have some ideas on how to improve my process and make things flow a bit better... Next will be the stainless version.... and some different heads... and different sized spear heads out of different steels... But one of those "bucket list" projects for this old "Monkey" is almost done... Hope you enjoy it... having fun with this one... Thanks for stopping by and taking a look... Take care And God Bless, Bear PS... I will make one of these for the female monkey types out there who go strolling through the woods or on the trails with their little ones or by themselves... where dangerous 4 legged types might be around... (even the more dangerous 2 legged types ... No charge... just post here. (Us Monkeys gotta take care of our "Monkey Wimmins" and our little ones)... JMHO...
Thanks buddy... right back atcha @Hanzo Was thinking of you as I was making that guard less one.... just need to make a spike base
As usual Bear, very nice craftsmanship. Along with fire the skill of the iron artisans greatly advanced civilization.
They were made large enough to throw a 9' metal arrow (dart) or a twenty lbs stone. And were often powered by "a twisted skeen" (actually two)