"Prepper Burn-out" anyone?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by dragonfly, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    And that is the issue, that most Groups have, in both getting Started and Sustaining a Group. First is the Capitol to get a foothold, on some Land. That is NOT a cheap Proposition, in the first Place, and once taken, most wouldn't just hand over control to someone else that are an UnKnown. Second 99% of those Landless Folks, also have no real Physical Assets to contribute, except, maybe, on the outside, a Strong Back, but are they willing to put the time in, with little security that their work will be rewarded. A good 5 acre Bush Lot in Alaska, with NO Roads, No Utilities, No Nothing but Raw Wilderness, can cost between $20K and $70K depending on access, and terrain. Understand that the nearest access may be 3 miles or more away, and you might be carrying ALL your Materials, in on your back, from that access.... If you want BeachFrontage on Salt Water you can Triple that, in a heartbeat. That is a significant amount of Capitol to invest, in Raw Wilderness, and before you even get started on building Plan for a Place. Also you will be suspect, from the get-go, by your neighbors, until you have spent at least one, or two, winters..... Many of whom are plain Weird, in the first place, or they wouldn't be living out there. It IS the Last Frontier, but it isn't Free Land, and you better have a Fairly Well Stuffed Sock, to live on, after you get the Land deal, done. ......
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    A classic case for Alaska Wilderness is the Discovery's "Alaska Bush People" Reality Show about the Brown Family, going it alone, in the Chitna Valley, after being "Burnt Out" by the USFS in Southeast Alaska.... They scraped together a small Cache of Money, (like maybe $20KUS) bought 5 Acres and went to build a small Cabin, to live in. They made about every error, possible doing it. They started late in the summer, they had to Barter for most of the Building MATERIALS. They had one Old Pickup Truck, but were short on cash, to fuel for the ChainSaw had to be rationed. Clearing the Building Site was done by AXE. They got caught with an Early Snow and temps dropped well below freezing before they had even the Walls up. No Generator, and losing DayLight by 5 minutes a Day, and down to 6-8 Hours of Sun a day. The Old Man Billy got sick, so the boys were working hard, and freezing all day long. Finally the Neighbors show up, with a Work Party, and they dry in, the Cabin, in two days. Then a few nights later, some unknown Nasties start shooting at the Cabin, in the middle of the night, and the film Crew gets scarred, and they pull the Plug on the whole deal, Sell Off the Cabin, Land, Pickup, and buy Ferry Tickets back to Juneau, for the whole Outfit..... If you think you are interested, in trying to live up here..... You had better watch that Series, and learn how, NOT, to do it..... .......
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  3. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    I do it one day a month now because of the burnout it cause me with friends and missing out on things that was family time .so yes do take some time off and rest and recharge and make it a one day a month thing in till you are ready to hit it head on again.
  4. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    everybody body likes to talk about it but nobody wants to act out on the conversations about the need to band together and plan some sort of control in the event. Who's got what who's capable of what and go from there.
  5. Orance Fine

    Orance Fine Monkey

    Dragonfly, I’m a newby here and probably haven’t earned the right to comment on your posting, but I hope you’ll forgive me because that’s exactly what I’d like to do.

    If things go south, I’d think the demanders / complainers will be the first to fall to Darwinian selection. This will make it much easier to find quiet folks who don’t need to be a member of a community, but want to be. These are the people who are neither takers nor givers, but Exchangers. It’ll take a while for the Exchangers to make themselves visible so the first problem is for all of us to get through the early transition period. For this, I’d think the LDS folks could offer guidance: one year’s basic food. None of the other things on our List will be needed if we have no food. A source of potable water, independent of municipal services, will be required. Unless you live on the floodplain, downhill from the water plant, city water has to be pumped to you and there may be no electricity to power the pumps. Military grade weapons are necessary, because we don’t know when the 7th Dismounted Hell’s Angels will choose to visit. A year’s food. Potable water. Weapons and their accessories. We could somehow probably get through the initial unsettled period with these few items. This is a minimum and life won’t be comfortable . . . but it might be possible.

    We’ll know that the transition period has ended when the demanders / complainers are gone and the thugs have found softer targets.

    At that point, Dragonfly, I’d think the Exchangers would find you. You won’t really have to do too much. They will be as eager to find out which of their (extended) neighbors is still alive as you are. The first contacts might be cautious, as you would expect, but once the initial bonds are established the new community will begin to form. First a couple of families over there, then two or three families on the other side of town, then the two groups meet and things start to grow.

    If we can get through the bad time, Finding Others will be much easier. If the other family is alive, they’re probably candidates for citizenship in the community. Their worth has been tested. So your admirable goal isn’t wrong, you’re just early.
    Yard Dart and Brokor like this.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    You will need a bit more than food water and weapons.
    Otherwise, you will freeze to death, die of infection, or walk right out of your shoes.
  7. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    A few words;
    I've been prepping since the "Black Helicopter days" of the 1980's. I've tried to either put together a group or join a group several times since.

    First "group" did nothing but find excuses to not do anything so I left them to their misery.

    Second group formed off a regional firearms forum and after almost a year had swelled to 57 members (not including families) and while they had elected a board of directors they could not come to a solid decision on almost everything. Then they started talking about bringing in extended family, friends and neighbors until I tallied up all potential "members" and made them realize they were talking about housing and feeding the population of a small town.

    Another group formed off of this but in a clandestine manner, by contributing negative commentary and appearing to drop out. This group continued on for several years. We developed a plan to buy land, started a trust, and began team building and training. After some time it became apparent the focus of the group was shifting. "Mission creep" for lack of a better term. The focus shifted from one of mutual aid to a "defend the leader" and there was talk of raiding parties.

    I wanted no part of that and then the group disbanded in much the same manner as the previous group.
    Now I have a potential raiding group in my area I might need to deal with.

    Several years later I was approached by a person who had actually developed a business plan for an independent community. It was well thought out and very possible. On paper all the numbers for purchase, generation of income and continued operation worked. During the recruitment stage however it was faced with ridicule, scorn and outright hostility. In part I believe because the plan required roughly two dozen investors or over 100 participants willing to take up residence and actually work on site to build the minimal infrastructure required for day to day operation. Few could see the big picture of what this community could become after a year or two.

    To sum things up it appears as if the average prepper is looking for a "Fairy Godmother" to take care of them without any effort on their part.

    It's been quite some time since I've heard from this person and I have not seen this plan being marketed anywhere so I believe it's another failed attempt.

    I've got one neighbor I've had a good conversation with and that's a good start.

    I wouldn't say I'm "burnt out" I've just learned to sit back and evaluate potential allies over time.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    ditch witch, Yard Dart and ghrit like this.
  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    It sounds like you have a very prudent strategy in today's environment. There are too many "takers" out there...... and not enough that want to contribute equally as part of a team.
  9. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Or they'll be the first to flock to the first charismatic leader who promises them candy and shiny beads, thereby swelling his ranks with entitlement minded minions.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Some people stockpile arms, some stockpile cannon fodder.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @NotSoSneaky , this is exactly why a "Mutual Aid Group" is about the only way to go. Way to many "Takers" and very few "Independents" that would share with Takers... In a Mutual Aid Group everyone is responsible for their OWN Preps, but band together for Security of the Group, as required. The issue mostly comes down to Not enough REAL Prep'ers in any one area to form a Solid Group, that are close enough in proximity to form an Effective Mutual Aid Group. So look for a few Good Folks, in your local AoO, and build from there, or you just have to "Go it alone"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
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