DW's primal journal

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by ditch witch, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    They do run us ragged in that class. If Junior de Sade thinks you're catching your breath even for a second, he'll make you run laps around the gym. Lately he's been stepping in when his dad gets winded and wants to take a break, ensuring no rest for the wicked.

    I've got a trick up my sleeve for Monday though. Midol. A healthy mix of caffeine and pain killer! Three of those before class should get me through it without passing out, heh.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  2. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I'm in a much better state of mind this week. I didn't go to class last night. I made the decision to only go to class once this week, which seems counter-productive but I got a game plan. Yesterday and today I went through the katas and the punching and kicking drills in the comfort of my air-conditioned kitchen, directly under a ceiling fan turned on high. Followed up by 50 crunches and 25 pushups. Also doing some exercises to improve my balance and hopefully limit future accidental knee/ankle twisting from wobble bobbling about. Hopefully by next week I can get up and down the steps without pain, and be able to go more than once or twice.
    I so love Youtube

    I thought about going and just taking a pause when they do stuff that affects whatever current injury(s) I'm nursing, but frankly it's humiliating. Plus, from the way he looks at me when I do that, I'm pretty sure Junior thinks I'm faking the injuries to get out of exercise. I just think I'll get better, faster, by practicing at my own pace and just going in once a week to pick up whatever new they might be working on. Which means I'll be 90 before I even get a yellow belt but I don't care about that. I'm just happy that I'm learning it at all, and that my stamina is a whole lot better than it was when I started.

    The scale moved, hallafreakinluja. Dropped the pounds it added back plus another 1.6. Also my wedding/engagement ring is just a hair away from falling off. :D

    Breakfast: 2 eggs 2 bacon
    Lunch: 1/3c quinoa w 3 oz melted cheddar
    Dinner: 4 oz salmon, 1/2c french green beans w 1T kerry gold butter and 20g almonds
    Snack: eggroll

    Breakfast: skipped
    Lunch: 1/3c quinoa w 3 oz melted cheddar
    Dinner: thinking chicken quarters and a garden salad
    Snack: 1 oz macadamia nuts

    Scale: -1.6
    Total: -37.8
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    You seemed to be quite happy with your class till Jr. took over. Good for you for continuing to workout from home. I don't know why gyms do that with no air-conditioning. People get so sick and that can be real dangerous.

    Looking at your menu, you don't eat much.
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    And yet the calories still manage to pile up. :/ Just what I'm eating today is around 1250. It's because everything is high fat.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    After yesterday's pigout I'm going to class tonight. Went by the butcher shop to order two more pork bellies so we can make bacon and snagged a bag of yard bird jerky. I don't know why they bother to claim the bag is three servings because everyone I know makes it one. Regular beef jerky is a bit hard on my shifting teeth right now but the chicken jerky is softer and easier to gnaw. I can't say I felt any shame upon gazing at the licked clean 3 serving bag, but I gotta go tonight and try to burn some of it off. Back/hips/knee/ankle be damned. :D

    We have had SO MUCH RAIN! I seem to have some genetic inability to start a weedeater. The Mr. swears the one we have now is the easiest he's ever tried to start. Well I'll admit it's the easiest to start, but since it dies before I can grab the throttle getting it to run has been an abject failure when I'm involved. I could trim all the grass around the curbs and landscaping with scissors before I'll ever get that thing going. The neighbors are probably not too impressed with my vocabulary after 20 minutes of trying to start it this morning but at least I gave up before I took the shotgun to it.

    We decided to keep the old Pit Bull we'd been fostering, which means I can't keep putting off cleaning until the hair machine is gone. :D We have a backyard bbq planned for the 4th with a bunch of people coming over and I have to get some serious house cleaning done between now and then. The dog hair is everywhere. Once I had a Labrador who would just about throw himself under the vac cleaner, loved being vacc'ed, and that made the hair a non-issue, but if I tried that with Satchmo he'd have a canary and likely not come out from under the bed for a month, heh. In the meantime, been scouring around for gluten free snackies/tailgate food to fix... we have some friends who are strict gluten free plus I'd prefer to not have a bunch of non-primal food on hand.

    So far this has kinda been a major change kind of year for me. Stuff I've put off for decades, finally getting done. I've had a mole on my chin since I was 17 and I've hated it the entire time. It wasn't brown, just the same color as the rest of my face, but it was there. Finally grew a pair and had it shaved off this spring. Finally went to the ortho and started Invisalign to get my teeth back where they belonged since another dentist cut out my retainer fifteen years ago. Finally went to the vein doc to get the blown out vein in one leg shut down. Finally losing my fat ass. Finally signed up for martial arts classes. Now all I need is a boob job and a new Audi R8 to make my midlife crisis a raging success! :D

    Scale: -1
    Total: -38.8


    Wednesday.JPG Thursday.JPG
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    LOL! You are so funny.

    BTW- what are those charts @ the bottom of your post? Is that what you are supposed to eat?
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    That's a screenshot of my daily diet tracker on myfitnesspal.com. It's either what I ate the day before, or what's on the menu today. If I don't do that I completely forget half of what I ate during the day, and then come dinner time I think oh I haven't eaten anything but a couple pieces of bacon today when the reality is I had a salad and a plateful of melty cheese with pepperoni slices and a handful of almonds to go with the bacon. Also, I hate seeing the numbers creep up so it's a good way to keep me from eating anything unless I'm pretty hungry.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  8. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Scale: -1.2
    Total: -40!

    So my birthday is in August and I told the Mr. I want a birthday party at Texas Roadhouse, and I'm wearing my Avril inspired m-fing princess shirt, which is always a sign of class and refinement among the masses. Might add a pink and black tutu and a tiara to make it more formal.... :D I never have looked my age, and now that I'm feeling better I'm not acting it either. He likes it, but I see the fear in his eyes. He's heard the stories of my misspent youth from survivors and worries about stockpiling bail money, heh.

    Mapped out today's dining last night. Things seem to go more smoothly when I plan in advance. Tomorrow his company has "family day" at a local amusement park, free bbq and trimmings, so I'm going to skip breakfast to allow for what will no doubt be a brisket binge on my part.

    Quigley_Sharps and Sapper John like this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Congratulations on the -40 [winkthumb]
    ditch witch likes this.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

  11. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    There ya go. Pics.
    Can't decide which pair to get for my birthday.
    Tracy and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  12. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    The skull with the rose in it's mouth is hot !! :D
    ditch witch and kellory like this.
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    You are going to model them for us...right?;)
  14. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Nope, I like the shoes in your picture. Congratulations on your loss... (sounds odd saying that) you have done so great! I admire your commitment.
  15. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Spent the morning getting everything mowed, whacked, and watered before the heat set in. Our grapevines are absolutely covered with grapes, so are the blackberries, and this is the first year our raspberries have done anything besides threaten to die. ATM they're covered in berries and we've been snacking on them straight off the bushes for days now. Tomorrow I need to get a stock panel to make a trellis for some pie pumpkin vines that are really coming on.

    My tightest pair of jeans is starting to get loose and the Mr. is making fun of my baggy panties now. Looks like a shopping trip is in the near future. I could do without the boobs shrinking tho. Started out at a rather full E, now down to middle DD. :/

    Starting free weights on upper body today. I haven't really lifted since I was 19 and fantasizing about looking like Rachel McLish.

    Breakfast: 1/2c cottage cheese, 2 pieces bacon
    Lunch: baby spinach, hard boiled egg, 1T flax seed, 2T caesar dressing, 50g diced red pepper, 1 oz cheddar
    Dinner: smoked chicken quarter, 1 avocado

    Scale: -2
    Total: -42
    Quigley_Sharps and Sapper John like this.
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Four straining hefty sacks wait in the hall to be taken to the car for tomorrow's trip to the city, their contents the victims of the great Closet Purge of 2014. For two hours I dug through drawers, shelves, and racks retrieving every piece of clothing that made up my wardrobe of last year.

    The fat clothes are going to Goodwill.

    Make no mistake, by most's standards the clothes I'm wearing now are every bit fat clothes, but ripping the billowy blouses and shapeless slacks from the racks and throwing them carelessly in trash sacks makes me feel like I'm wearing Prada in size 2. Those clothes, and the ass that stuffed into them, are gone and baby they ain't coming back.

    When at last the dust settled and the last unwanted item had left the room, the closet contained 2 pairs of jeans and 2 tops that fit, 2 pairs of jeans and a sexy little purple, crushed velvet dress that fits like a second skin (that will hopefully fit by Christmas), and 20 pairs of high heels. Shoes are a fat girl's best friend. They're the accessory that never judges. Whether you're a 2 or a 22, you can always fit into a pair of Loubotins. Handbags are agreeable too, but no man ever caught his breath over an adorable clutch. No straight one anyway.

    Fuck I feel good today. :)

    Scale: who gives a shit
    Total loss: a sack of deer corn and a big dark cloud
  17. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    So I have to up my game big time. Last night we skipped all the usual drills and whatnot and went straight to the ring for two minute sparring. Two minutes sounds like nothing right? That's what I thought anyway. Pffft. Pretty much no one finished two minutes in good shape. Two minutes against the instructor, then rest while the rest of the class cycles through him, then another two against his son, then another two against the most senior one in the class. This rapidly made me aware that
    1. I have to work on stamina
    2. Arm strength needs addressing
    3. It's time to buy sparring gear
    I have a kneecap sized green and black knot on my left shin that hurts like the dickens. :D

    I must make these! Nom nom indeed!
    Porkitos! (a.k.a. Crispy Prosciutto Chips) | Award-Winning Paleo Recipes | Nom Nom Paleo®

    Breakfast: the usual 1/2c cottage cheese and 2 pieces bacon (breakfast being served at 11:30 am, hrm)
    Lunch: the usual salad
    Dinner: oven baked parmesan breaded tilapia and Recipe: Roasted Bell Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil | Award-Winning Paleo Recipes | Nom Nom Paleo®

    Scale: not the week to step on it. :D
    Doing 4 sets of 20 crunches; adding on 3 sets of 12/10/8 decreasing weight supersets, bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, shoulder press, overhead triceps extensions, a bunch more stuff I can't remember the names to... flies, shrugs, shoulder and bench press, etc. I had a trainer at 19, don't remember the names but remember the motions. Time to really hammer on my upper half.
  18. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    DW: I vote for the skull shoes. Smokin'!
    ditch witch likes this.
  19. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Skull shoes are on my feets as I type. :)
    I really don't like peep toe shoes because my second toe is slightly longer than my first and peep toes shove it in a position that makes it look like a friggin monkey toe, but I had to have those.

    I AM SO HUNGRY!!!! Geeze. I ended up not eating lunch yesterday, ate dinner early, and while I wasn't hungry going to bed I'm hungry now! But it's 10 am already and the Mr. wants me to meet him for lunch at noon so don't really want to eat my usual breakfast. Maybe just a half oz of macadamia nuts. That's kind of a hard thing for me to accept for some reason, that it's ok to eat something even if it isn't "time to eat". I sit here with my stomach loudly protesting the lack of food and feel guilty for thinking of eating even a few nuts. That's my mom talking in my head. :/

    Class tonight, no idea if it'll be fight club or endless cardio on the mat or an hour kicking and punching Silent Bob.

    Breakfast: half oz macadamias
    Lunch: brisket verde burrito with pico de gallo sans tortilla
    Dinner: Cheese, sweet pepper, onion omelet, bacon
    Snack: cherry tomatoes, raspberries from our patch that is overflowing with berries ATM

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
  20. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    We finally got a picture of you. Now just need one of you in that little dress you mentioned in an earlier post..... :D
    ditch witch and kellory like this.
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