What would happen if.......

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Clyde, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. RaetherEnt

    RaetherEnt Monkey+++

    Hey all. Fairly new guy here and haven't seen if you have heard it yet, but the tactical wheelbarrow guy? The feds came and took him away, sending him up the river.

    I'll try and find the link to the post, but it was all over TheHighRoad.Org for quite a while...

    Found it.


    Gunkid going away for quite a while. Not sure if he was a poster here, but apparently he was a regular at THR and AR15. [violin]
  2. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Quigley, in answer to your question. I am trying to be a soldyah in da man's army. Hahaha. Seriously, I am doing my level best to join up with the National Guard. Then from there with some time in, thinking of going active. Only doing that because Army is being HUI (Head Up It) at the moment. Screwy regulations.

    Was told I might get four months training, one month vacation and one year tour of the big sandbox. Don't know anything for sure. Beats doing nothing and it would help on getting prepped. Know what I mean?

    So that's my 'job' that I'm waiting on.

    GunKid gone? BooHooo. Hahahahaha. Serves that nut right. Idjut had not a single 'help someone else' bone in his body. Besides, as far as I know he was some guy trying to promote government overthrow or some such crap. I am only interested in how best to survive natural disasters and how to do some hunting for myself and to feed others. I have no use for any anti-military, hate preaching, lone wolves that think sheep need killin'. I have visited many sites where he posted and he was way over the top. They all say good riddance. After reading his posts, I tend to agree. Remember, Jim Jones was a guy till he brought up the Killer Koolaid. Then he just became a dead guy and all the sheep with him. Strange people we have in this world. Maybe I'll wake up and find out I'm actually an alien on some distant planet watching a new horror movie. :D
  3. fuzzy

    fuzzy Monkey+++

    in the nuc, part of this thread my answer would have to be nothing i'd still be at home as i work 2nt shift. id hit the stores as much as i can afford and camp at home.not much else i can do.
  4. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    My scenario is more than simply a "what would you do?" type question. If you read closely, its more of a "what do you think would happen?". With this in mind, I will post my thoughts in a few days over a couple posts. I would anticipate both local (micro economic), national (macro economic) and world wide problems (international economic).

    With contemplation of the various economic level impacts, one can formulate a staged plan that could be implemented in the even of a catastropic event like this.

    So, think of it in the world of 3's: What would be happening 3 minutes after this event, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, etc. Would an event like this create prolonged strife (over 1 year)?

    Things we have learned recently: Hizzbulah, Iran, and Syria spent the last 6 years smuggling 15,000 rockets into Lebanon unnoticed and unknown to even Mossad. What was smuggled into our country in this longterm plan by jihadi's prior to September 11th?
  5. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Oh yeah, we all know all about it. There is even a jailhouse pic, along with subsequent photo-shop pics;) . Just look back for Gunkid threads in the forum, there are a few of them. On a side note, he did pay us a visit last year.
  6. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Good for you. Our military men and women have my admiration. They have good benefits and they provide lots of good training that only cost in blood and sweat, and it would help you to prepare for not only catastrophic events, but for life in general. Good luck.

    IMO, the best move you could make would be to get out of kalifornia as soon as possible. Due to their anti-gun requirements, you cannot get a cheap new firearm there to defend yourself. A good example is the Rock Island Arms 1911 .45. Pic attached. I have heard from people that have them and they state that they are well made and shoot really well. They also are selling for $299 at local gunshows here in Texas. You can't hardly beat that. I also see lots of $130-150 shotguns in the classfieds, Thrifty Nickel, etc. In kali. all gun sales have to go through a FFL. Rediculous. Do a little searching online, find a town in an area that you think you might like, do a search for their newspapers, then look through the classifieds. You can also contact their Chamber of Commerce and they will send you a welcome packet and newspaper. Checkout some of the smaller towns and cities, they seem to be more personable. For short term bugging out, I do think a good push-button start motorcycle is the way to go. If you shop you can get a used one really cheap. Again, good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
    armscor smaller.JPG
  7. BRONZ

    BRONZ Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Good post. DC man that sucks. I work 13 miles from DC and live 55 miles away. Got agout 3 days of food in my bob in the truck. Would try to drive home until the roads became gridlocked and flat foot the rest.
  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Oh and as far as what I would do, if it was suitcase nukes in the cities I would most likely hunker down at home and ride it out, if it was a nuke attack from other govs, after looking at the maps and confirming that Im only about 20 miles from the top target in my state I figure would become a grease spot and melt into the glowing glass.
  9. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Thanks for all the good wishes and advice. I will do what I can to learn everything I can to survive as best I can. As far as gun laws go, they suck in Kommifornia. I will tell you that when I got here, I didn't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of, so I was basically homeless with a few bucks in my pocket. Now I have a place and am doing better. What really sucks is that I surrendered my handgun when I got here for fear of being dragged off to jail.

    When I got here I stayed in a 'shelter' which in itself is hell. Lice, drunks, dope, scabies, TB and more things than anyone should expose their enemy to. I was there. One of the rules of the shelters was that we could not have any weapons. I being naive, gave away all my knives and surrendered my gun to the local LEOs. I was hanging out with another guy on the street and the cops showed up to run us off. Though you know they wanted to pat us down and search our bags first though. I was really worried that they would find my gun and possibly blaze down or something.

    I had my flipout blade on me and the cop took it and was going to put it in his pocket. He wanted to look in my bag and I got real lucky, because at that moment another bum had become beligerant and started fighting the other cop. Well the one that had my knife handed it back to me and told us to get lost. I grabbed up my gear and hauled out of there. In my bag wrapped up in a shirt was my fully loaded 9mm with hydro shock HPs. If he would have found it, I would have lost it and possibly got a new playmate.

    So I heard about the shelter and they said no weapons and I heard they checked your bags. Well I went through the process of surrendering it to the local PD and went to the shelter. Got to the shelter and after they checked my bags, I started kicking myself in the ass. They had me open the bag and didn't even check anything in the bottom. I could have kept my handgun and got it in. I did keep the holster though. I like that holster. It fits on your hip with a pad that goes into your pants for firm drawing I guess.

    So I keep replaying that in my mind and cussing myself for being so stupid. The knife I kept in my pocket and they didn't do a body search, so I got to keep it. Man was I ever dumb. I now know that if I get a pistol, I will be allowed to keep it here in my room with me as it is considered an apartment and is mine by me paying the rent. Even though it was a cheap handgun I still regret having gave it up. That would have been one step closer to preparedness that I could have been. I bought it back home and it only cost about $200 with the ammo and holster together.

    Well, you live and learn I guess they say. I have definitely learned and will not repeat that mistake again.

    Now, on to better views. As far as dirty nukes in the US, well I don't see that the deployment of them in the cities mentioned would be a huge tactical effort. So I see them adding more than that bit. For example, currently where I live in Frisco there is a UN building about a mile and a half from me. So maybe that would be a target as well. With that said, I take into account that there are more cities that would be hit all at the same time. This scenario really depends on what they want to do. If it is just a 'grab your attention' gambit, then those are fine and I would hunker down here to await the clearing of such an event or further info to make up my mind as to bugout or not.

    Now, if it was a 'tactical' gambit where across America there was a major deployment of the 'suitcase nukes' then I would definitely haul butt. I would not care if the economy goes in the gutter or any other financial ramifications. Besides, what good is money if you are dead. Haha.

    So I would hunker down for the little crud, and bugout for a nation wide strike. Then again I am taking into account the what-if of my current situation. Now, if my job comes through for me and I am a Guard by the time this thing happens, well I most likely be one of the ones that are ordered into the rad zone for cleanup or keep the 'civilians pacified'. That will come about if it comes about. Though I do not see myself taking any orders to fire on innocent civilians, those that want out of shelters to bugout or those 'suspected' of crimes. I am no judge or jury. I may one day be an executioner though you would have to be in the act of a heinous crime when I saw you. Such as rape situation and then of course I'm going to help the victim and you would be worm-fodder.

    This is just based on my beliefs. Help those that can't help themselves. It's who I am and what I do. I've been low and received help and I always pay my debts. If not directly, then indirectly. So if you hear on the news or something that you cannot leave shelters to go back into quarantined areas, then you can expect me to be there to prevent you getting radiated. However, if they say that you cannot leave shelters because the shelters are good for you, then I will most likely be the driver for the five ton to take you on a bugout ride. Haha.

    So I will do what I will do to help people and nobody will issue me an illegal order and see me obey that order. Tis not what I will be sworn to do. First and foremost it is God, Country and Unit. My God says help. My country is made of people, not politicians. My unit, I will protect to the point that they cross the illegal line. Then it's one for all and all for getting out of dodge. :D
  10. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Been thinking about this the last couple days.

    Was responding last night and I'm glad I re-read Clydes original post first.
    I think we would see regional economic problems immediatly. These were suitcase Nukes, so the damage is limited to GZ and some fallout that stays local.

    The local areas that have been hit are suffering but the shortages of Food, Water, Med supplies etc. is more fear driven than anything. A lot of the inner cities are burning and rioting because that's what tends to happen...

    The local and Federal response teams are totally swamped by the range of the Crisis and the typical .Gov bureacracy. The White House and the Capital building have'nt been hit. (Totally different scenario then)

    Wall Street takes a dive, Gold and Silver start to rise in a 'flight to safety' mode. The rest of the world watches the same way we watched the Tsunami on CNN.

    I think the furthest reaching effect from this would be the realization of the masses that the .gov cannot keep them safe, no matter how many liberties they have given up to that cause.

    This could translate into shaken confidence in the System and its strength.
    Could it lead to a pull out on Wll Street? Bank Runs? International investor concerns? Think Starbucks is building new coffee shops in Beirut this week?

    Still need some more thought on this.

    On one hand, it could be a relatively minor event. On the other, It could be catastrophic.
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Interesting post about this type scenario.
    Might need to seek out this book. "The Dunces of Doomsday"

    And this:
    NY Post

    May 22, 2006 -- WASHINGTON -The Hezbollah terror group - one of the most dangerous in the world - may be planning to activate sleeper cells in New York and other big cities to stage an attack as the nuclear showdown with Iran heats up, sources told The Post. The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group. Law-enforcement and intelligence officials told The Post that about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks as operating in the New York area. The nationwide effort to neutralize Hezbollah sleepers in the United States, (is) being spearheaded by the FBI and Justice Department's counterterrorism divisions ... " By NILES LATHEM

    Rueters and FOX news

    July 16, 2006 -- (AXcess News) New York - ..."According to recent reports, investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department revealed last May that the Lebanon-based terrorist group, Hezbollah, may be plotting attacks. These attacks may be launched by their sleeper cells in New York and several other US cities. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith, Hezbollah's largest headquarters outside of the Middle East is located in Toronto. In a story on Fox News, law-enforcement and intelligence officials were quoted as saying that though there is no imminent threat of any attacks, security has been stepped up after the reports..."
  12. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye. There is no imminent danger. Just some local Hezzi tourists. Please make them feel right at home and feed them from your supplies. There is no danger. Please do not take it upon yourself to defend your loved ones. That is what your local 'get there in an hour or more' law enforcement is for. Trust us, there is no danger.

    Anyone want to bet we are asked to give up more liberties on behalf of safety here shortly? No danger, just upping force and restrictions on citizens just in case. I got a bridge, anyone want to buy it?
  13. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I would see a lot of massive problems nation wide from an attack of this sort for several reasons.

    -Most folks know little to nothing about nukes beyond it is bad stuff that kills you to be around and so even those not efected would likely leave the cities hit leaving their jobs undone and shuting down the cities.

    -In much the same way that many chose not to fly when planes first started flying again after 9/11, many even in unefected cities would most likely be leaving the cities in droves in fear of further attacks.

    -As 9/11 showed unpresedented steps are likely when an attack takes place on US soil when ALL non military aircraft were grounded for a time, borders locked, and Wall street closed when only 4 planes were taken and hit into 3 buildings. So if nukes went off in several cities then martial law nation wide would be IMO very likely along with heavy restrictions includeing on travel just as the masses would be attempting to be on the move causeing unrest when told they couldnt take care of themselves when faced with proof the gov could not take care of them in addition to the unrest of those still alive and unable to leave the cities.

    -Given travel restrictions, unrest, and hords of fleeing urbanites in the country side many farmers/ranchers may not be interested in tending/selling their crops/stock in favor of protecting their homes and even if they are the travel restrictions and absence of workers at hub areas would likely make it difficult if not impossible for the goods/food stuff to get where it was needed.

    -With all the other problems going on then we are not likely to look very appealing to foriegn investors and given that the urban centers are likely to be ither unstaffed or severely understaffed and such a vast majority of money is only electronic and may no longer be able to be transfered or acessed then economy is likely to be pushed over the edge.

    These problems would addd to chain reactions and would be utterly devistating to all aspects of the nation. I would see little question that most or all of these things would occure but the main question would be the severity of them and the duration. The greatest problem would certainly not be the material damage but rather the terror created, the inevidable gov mishandeling of the situation and the reaction of the people at large. What would make the most difference in the severity of the outcome would be how bad the fear was especialy in uneffected areas and how long it lasted but even in the most mild senarios I would see following an attack like that it would be a significant blow nation wide.
  14. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I am a long, long ways from those cities. The effects are not going to cause my water or power to go off. It might cause cellular distruption, credit cards, and possibly internet access. My small town bank is local though. I could see where the data and servers containing information related to the above could be destroyed, knocked out, etc. which could maybe prevent access. I know that the immediate reaction would be for people to rush to the grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Guns and ammo would be flying off of the shelf. People would panic. I have pretty much what I need already, but if possible I would probably stop by and pick up some more gas & water containers, ammo, canned goods and fill up with gas. It doesn't hurt to buy a little extra. I wouldn't try to break the bank and would stay inside my budget. To be honest I would be back at work the next day. The cities where it hit would have the military there within three days, and martial law about the same time.

    The individual cities and states where it hit would be financially overwhelmed. Think NO many times over. The Gov. (assuming congress and the pres. were intact and safe from the attack) would immediately attempt to provide help through legislation, providing funding and resources but with such a widespread disaster they could not stem the tide. *The insurance companies would go broke immediately. As in 9/11 foreign markets would provide some help by shoring up the dollar but I don't believe it would be enough. The Fed. Res. would ease credit and drop interest rates, but I could see where so many people trying to take their money out of their banks could cause a lot of banks if not the entire system to collapse. Fear of the radiation would hamper attempts at cleanup and the re-starting of business within those areas. Tourism would be non-existent. It would create a domino effect and the economy would be close to collapse. Top levels of management would be destroyed in a lot of cases, but the individual establishments, factories, plants, etc. producing products, employing people, and contributing to the economy would still be in operation. I could also see where our exports would decrease and imports increase, which would not be economically positive. I still think we could get over the hump, but it would take years. Our taxes would see a substantial increase.

    Who knows, maybe it would get bad enough for the mexicans to go back across the border. :rolleyes:

    The Economic Effects of 9/11:
    A Retrospective Assessment
  15. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Thanks all for putting some serious thought and imput into this thread. I look at this scenario has having a serious potential for a domino effect which begins locally, rolls nationally, and expands globally into a worldwide depression. I have been thinking about this general scenario for a few months now.

    • in the areas directly impacted by any explosion, there would be mass hysteria and panic with gridlock and all the Katrina problems we witness last summer. In NYC, there are over 8.1 million people. Imagine the exodus over from that city and where in the hell are they going to go? New Orleans pre-Katrina pupulation was about 490,000, post 190,000 and look what happend there!
    • Although not stated, I believe the intent of lighting a nuke in DC would be to destroy the Congress and White House. With the loss of these buildings and the frenzied panic of people getting out of town over 3-4 thoroughfares, with a "decapitative" blow to the government, locally people would be screwed as many government workers would simply not show up to their offices and it would take weeks for them to figure out how to operate. FEMA would be in a world of hurt and totally displaced. IN DC there would be a total meltdown as people in the "hood" would turn DC into the Big Easy in short order.
    • Metropolitan Atlanta (pop. 4,247,981), Metropolitan Chicago (pop. 8,376,601, Los Angeles (Los Angeles County 9,935,475). A large portion of the populations of these metropolitan areas would exit and go somewhere? Lets simply assume 1/4 of the people actually leave all cities affected....there would be close to 8-10 million people displaced. I really didn't consider the potential magnitude of the hysteria, fuel & food frenzy, until I looked up the populations. I bet most have no food/water stored for this event. They would all drive off with nothing, not knowing where they are going.
    • A bit more locally, there would be runs on grocery stores for food, water, and basics all across the country. Hoarding would begin shortly after the lightbulb goes ding that "we don't have any food in the house" and people all head to the store to buy 3-4 weeks of staples....and that would mess up our JIT delivery of food. I witnessed this in a power outage in Michigan 3 years ago with the grid failure. Day 1-- no water at any grocery store, Day 2 -- 92 degrees, still no bottle water at grocery store, back-up batteries went out and they couldn't work the ATM/checkout machines....not good to have no money in the safe, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5...Power back on. Lesson learned. Multiply this scenario across the country in every city, not just a small region. The shelves would be wiped clean in a few weeks. And I believe resupply would be affected. Gas stations....almost empty within 3-5 days after as everyone goes to fill up gas tanks, not knowing what the future holds.
    • My Plan...hunkered down, drinking water, breaking into 2 month supply of bugin food supply. Networking on phones if working, HAM Radio if they are not (YUP, that is what I decided to gift myself today for emergency communication/information). Prepping exit strategy if it needs implementation.
    Additional posting to follow.
  16. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  17. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Worth a reread
  18. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Definitely worth the reread. Thank you, RH
  19. RaymondPeter

    RaymondPeter Simple Man

    Thanks for bringing this topic back up RH!

    IF something like this were to happen I would try to get my ass back out to the family farm as fast as I could. From there there really isn't much I could do but try to ride out the storm, but at least we are "prepared" for long term emergencies there.
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