DW's primal journal

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by ditch witch, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Today makes 90 days (give or take a day) since I started this back on March 7. Funny when I think about the difference between where I am now because I started, and where I would have been if I'd just kept on going the same way I had been. Not sure whether to congrat myself or kick my own ass for not doing it sooner. Over 30 pounds lighter, acid reflux basically gone unless I eat chocolate, back pain unnoticeable for the most part. All the coconut/avocado/olive oil has done wonders for my skin and hair. I just feel better, both physically and mentally.

    I didn't quite make my goal of 10 pounds off between May 7 and June 7, was 2.2 pounds shy this morning, but I'm ok with that. Given the time of the month, I probably did lose it but won't know until I stop retaining half of Lake Conchas. $%@*&#! At least I'm in the smaller jeans.... women's clothing is all over the frigging chart. You can have three pairs of jeans, all same size, and see up to an inch and a half difference in the waist. Or more if you're comparing a Walmart brand to Guess or True Religion. I had two pairs that I hadn't gotten into in years, same brand, same size but an inch dif in the waist. I'm in the smaller pair now. :D Still a ways to go before I can squeeze into my college jeans tho.

    We ran to town today to take advantage of some sales at the grocery store... 10# bag of chicken leg quarters for $5 and pork spareribs on sale $1.98 a pound. Got 5 chicken bags and 4 slabs. Stopped at Texas Roadhouse for lunch. They put a basket of fresh, hot rolls on your table when they seat you. Normally I get one but didn't even have the urge this time. I did forget to pick the croutons off my salad but I don't think four croutons is gonna matter. Skipped Starbucks.

    Breakfast: 1 orange, 1/4c cottage cheese
    Lunch: 10 oz prime rib (which I sadly could not finish), caesar salad
    Dinner: still full from lunch, prob just a handful of nuts if I get hungry before bed
    Minuteman, Yard Dart and Sapper John like this.
  2. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Congrats DW! Great job.
    ditch witch likes this.
  3. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Good job DW! Stay with it.
    ditch witch and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  4. Elessar

    Elessar Monkey+++

    You're doing very good. Stick with the plan and you'll be in those college jeans very soon! Great job!
    ditch witch and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  5. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Last night our regular instructor wasn't able to make it so we were left in the hands of his 15 year old son, who apparently made it his mission to kill the old people. Or else show off. I'm not entirely sure which. I do know I spent about 3/4 of the class wondering if I was going to puke. Normally the first half of the class is spent going 90 to nothing, and the second half spent doing less manic stuff. Not so with this little sadist. It was all out the entire hour. The lone 5 minute water break saw half the class forgo water in favor of collapsing in front of the tiny box fan. It would have been all of us but there ain't room for more than 4 in front of it. I freeze a water bottle to bring, and just spent the five minutes with it crammed between the girls trying to cool down. I would have handled it better, except it is so FREAKING HOT IN THERE! They turn the a/c off for class so it's like being in a sauna that keeps getting hotter. And it isn't even hot yet. We're in the high 80s, low 90s. I honestly don't know if I can handle it once we go into the 100s. Afterwards I went home, straight to a cold shower, and even an hour later I still felt sick. I'm such a puss. And gross. By the end of class not only was my gi all nasty wet, I'd sweat through both wraps of my belt. Ew.

    On the upside, that's probably why Lake Conchas finally got its water back.
    Scale: -3.8
    Total: -36.2

    Monday.JPG Tuesday.JPG Wednesday.JPG
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Okay, only 4 oz. salmon for dinner? Come on!
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    That's how they're packaged, and as expensive as salmon is down here in the desert, can't afford to be greedy.
    Plus I was still feeling on the sick side after class.
    Brokor likes this.
  8. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I almost couldn't make myself go to class last night. Everything was still sore from Tuesday and my head wasn't in it. Even after we got going, I couldn't get into the right frame of mind. And then, after slogging my way through a bunch of crap, he tells us to frog squat, then jump straight up and kick while we're in the air. What. The. F$*#? The Mr. keeps saying TKD is for kids who are able to jump around all the time and after two of those I was starting to agree with him. On landing after #2 my right hip began to scream and I had to bow out of the remaining ones. That just ain't happening. Not now anyway. On the upside, I got to spar for the first time last night. A few rounds with the instructor and a few with his son, which was fun. I got to kick the shit out of his son, which felt like payback for Tuesday, heh, although I got an ugly roadmap of a bruise network beginning all over the front of my left ankle and shin now. Personally I thought I looked like the three stooges on the mat, but afterwards they both came over to tell me I did really good, so that was cool.

    I'm feeling this week big time this morning. Knees and ankles are stiff as boards, left groin feels like I strained it a bit, lower back is grouchy. One more night then 2 nights off, and I have a romantic weekend with the heating pad, muscle relaxers, and the couch planned. Or at least until I have to get up and dig out a flowerbed.

    Eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch all week. Breakfast of 3 bacon and 1/4c cottage cheese, then lunch is a bagged salad with a can of tuna, salmon, or chicken added, and maybe an ounce of cheese. Boring but I like it and I don't have to think about what to fix. We did enough chicken on the grill last night to have some for tonight, and I'll add a salad to that.

    Scale bounced up 2. Bastard.

    Thursday.JPG Friday.JPG
    Quigley_Sharps, Brokor and kellory like this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Beef Jerky. Every day should have beef jerky or some kind of jerky. =)

    Yeah, I do the salad w/tuna or chicken quite often, and I found a nice array of dressings and toppings to spice it all up, which helps. Mostly spinach salads with fresh olives and either an oil-vinegar dressing or a tasty vinaigrette. Cherry tomatoes, onions, nuts, raisins, cheeses, peppers -all kinds of cool things to add. Crunchy, sweet, sour, salty, mix and match!
  10. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Much as I love beef jerky (actually the local jerky house does the best spicy pork jerky), my teeth are too sore from the invisalign to really get into it at this time. :(
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    You could always make some homemade soft jerky. :)

    I tried actually shaving jerky into fine powdery bits to simulate chewing tobacco. I don't know how they get those cans of jerky backy so fluffy.
    ditch witch likes this.
  12. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I have been a seriously bad girl since Saturday. It started with a hankering for cheesy tatertots on Saturday and culminated in Pei Wei shrimp pad thai and a skinny venti iced chai tea latte today for lunch. All I need now is a scarlet F for fatass to pin to my chest.

    Although in looking over my calorie tracker, I didn't actually blow anything. Even today I'll still come in under my don't-eat-another-bite limit, if only because I have class tonight. It's more the recognition that I'm reverting to my old eating habits. But I have to get back on track now, or I'll say eh screw it and break out the mac&cheese. Coz that's just how I roll. Downhill like a round mofo.

    Breakfast: nothing
    Lunch: 1/2# hamburger patty with 3 oz cheddar and half a grilled onion, plus 12 tatertots smothered in melted cheddar, and a diet dr pepper
    Dinner: nothing

    Breakfast: 3 pieces bacon
    Lunch: leftover chicken quarter
    Dinner: another leftover chicken quarter
    Snacks: chili lime pork rinds, 3 squares dark chocolate

    Breakfast: 3 pieces bacon, 1 orange
    Lunch: romaine, baby spinach, 3.5 oz canned salmon, 1 oz cheddar, 1T flax seed, 30g almonds, 3 T blue cheese dressing
    Dinner: 4 oz brisket w bbq sauce, potato salad, 2 beer batter fried onion rings, cole slaw (we went out)

    Breakfast: 2 pieces bacon
    Lunch: Pei Wei small shrimp pad thai, venti iced chai tea latte Starbucks
    Dinner: pork chop and a salad maybe

    Scale: holding. I should have the Mr. hide the damn thing because it's just pissing me off.
    Yard Dart and Sapper John like this.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Take it out and weigh the car --
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Get back on track and step away from the Mac & cheese girl!!!
    Keep up the hard work & great kudo's for sticking with the training!!!
    ditch witch likes this.
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Though I would suggest you switch the trainer to the guest sensei if possible. It sounds like your current guy and his son are not teaching you at the correct speed and not focusing on the foundational Kata's which will give you grounding in the what's and why's, as well as a better transition physically to avoid injury....IMO
  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Man I wish I could, but the guy was only in town because his job brought him here... wind farm something or other. Anyway he packed up and headed back to Kansas or Nebraska or whenever it was he was from last week. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy who runs the place and most of the time I can keep up. Cardio-wise I'm lasting the entire class without gasping and choking, which is a big improvement from the first few weeks. I practice stuff at home in slow mo to get my balance and form nailed down.... many thanks to Master Woo of Youtube for his videos breaking everything down step by step, lol. And if I ask for help after class he's more than happy to work with me one on one. I'm just going to have to learn to stop trying to keep up with them and pay more attention to what I'm doing than how fast I can do it, even if it means being short bus for half the class.

    The good news is, someone puked in class, and someone passed out, and neither was me!
  17. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++


    BTW- step away from the scale!!!! Otherwise... what @ghrit says. LOL!
  18. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    If the scale stalls, break out the tape measure I bet it has reduced.
  19. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    The tape measure isn't my friend either. I don't know if I never hit the same spot or I'm losing weight somewhere unseen (some would say between my ears) but I don't see any change. Right now I'm going by the smaller pair of jeans I'm wearing and I know they're a tad looser but if I wash them in hot, they ain't loose no more. It's very aggravating because I'm a results kind of person. I mean, better health is great and all but I'm not doing this for a pretty resting heart rate. I need to SEE something, whether it's a lower number on the scale or a smaller size of clothing. Right now I'm seeing the same number as when it jumped back up 2 nearly two weeks ago.


    In light of absolutely no change on the scale or my jeans, I took the bulk of last week off from the scale or recording what I ate or even caring all that much what I ate... as evidenced by the cheesy tatertots. I didn't eat any processed crap or sugar or grains, but I did have a couple Diet Dr Peppers and way too much cheese. Virtually no veggies, almost all meat. After a week of overeating bacon and cheddar the scale remains unmoved, so there's that anyway.

    *whine alert*
    Thursday night's class wrecked me. I effing HATE that guy's kid. Rubberband jointed, skinny fifteen year old sadist. Snap kick, then drop and a pushup, then jump up and two snap kicks alternating legs then drop and two pushups, and so on up to 12. The pushups, no problem. Snap kicks, no problem. Getting up and down off the ground.... halfway through my right knee began to squall. And there's fifty and sixty year olds in that class so not just me creaking and cracking. One woman cried her way through the last two sets. Granted she cries a lot, but at the end of class I was chewing my lip off to keep from crying from the right knee AND the right hip which decided to start singing along about 3/4 through the class. My normal response to physical pain is to start laughing and ow ow ow-ing. Crying usually involves blood or stitches. Got home, long shower, and straight to couch with heating pad and a bottle of pain pills. Pretty much stayed there through this morning. You know I get that he wants to whip everyone into shape, but when I'm so busted up I can't go more than twice a week and spend the other 5 days creeping around, how does that get me into shape? Snap kick pushups. I'd like to snap kick him in the ass. Actually I think that's why I keep going. The fantasy of one day being able to kick the living crap out of him makes me grind my teeth and keep going.

    In other news my regular doc sent me to a vein center over concerns about my left ankle and foot swelling a lot in the heat. Turns out I have a varicose vein running from mid thigh all the way to my ankle, though it's not really visible. No big deal, they can collapse it, but insurance requires I wear a support sock for three months before they'll pay for it. Nice gramma socks I have now.

    Breakfast: 1/3c cottage cheese
    Lunch: spinach romaine salad with 3T caesar dressing, 1/3c quinoa, half a red bell pepper
    Grazing: 5 skillet fried turkey gizzards, 3 oz nuked sharp cheddar, a strawberry from our AP system, who knows how much garden mix cream cheese from while I was making stuffed jalapenos to freeze, the oddball bacon ends that were also leftover from the poppers, couple handfuls Van de Camp's fish sticks (oh, yeah guess I did get some processed crap there)

    And now to limp back onto the wagon
    Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces jalapeno bacon
    Lunch: IDK, another salad like yesterday probably
    Dinner: cedar plank salmon, green beans w/ almonds

    Spent yesterday morning making these babies! Put up 3 full 1 gallon freezer bags. Those jals are F3 Mucho Natcho x Gigantica and they're wicked hot. :D
    Sapper John and Yard Dart like this.
  20. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Im willing to bet that you are putting on muscles which is keeping the scale unfriendly, you sound like you are alot more active in class.
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