He prefers to put swarms in his hives, and even more preferably, feral swarms. The provenance is a murky at best.
The source in SA is of the AFRICAN Bee. Study up on the African Bee and the Bees in your area and you will understand the difference and the reasons of hive style use. BTW,there is no way you can prove what is a Feral Swarm, yet another Peroneism that is considered Holy. Misinformation abounds from the Perone Camp from outright lies of comb foundation size and mfg. You gotta be in the business to see the misinformation and wonder why such things continue for years, but that is the problem with the internet and people. Go find a bee group or bee person in your area and talk with them.
If the bees are full of honey and if you have the right bee group this can be done. Unless it is at night and then you will become a pincushion. If you have Africian Bees then you will die. African bees are in the US South and moving north. How Do Killer Bees Kill? : Discovery News "Jun 4, 2013 10:00 AM ET // by Jennifer Viegas Larry Goodwin, a 62-year-old farmer in Moody, Texas, met a painful death last Monday when he accidentally disturbed a hidden hive of Africanized honebees, a.k.a. "killer bees," as he drove his tractor on a neighbor's land. The bees swarmed from their hive in overwhelming numbers, prompting Goodwin to run to a nearby house and grab a garden hose to try and spray away the fierce insects. But the hive with an estimated 40,000 bees, overtook the farmer and killed him with their stings."
Who said anything about proof? I said "preference." The Africanized honey bees do not concern me because they are unlikely to make it to Vermont in my lifetime based on this gif: Africanized bee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How can you have a "preference" when there is no proof? Back to square one. What do you wish to accomplish in this discussion?
Actually, I have 2 corrections to make. The Perone website says to place a "prime swarm" in the hive not feral. I suppose that means as opposed to a smaller, secondary swarm. How do you know it's a prime swarm? Size. The other thing is about Africanized bees. The website says, "There aren’t Africanized bees in Chile. The bees people are placing here in their Perones are European races or hybrids of Europeans and native bees." And, "When working with Africanized bees in Argentina, Perone observed that they were highly resilient to threats from the start. Our experiences with European bees has been different; we find that once they fill the bees’ part they are highly resilient, but while they’re in the process of getting there, the beekeeper should monitor them." So I'm fine wrapping this discussion here.
And of course, you can tell African Bees by their outlandish accents, their passport photos, right? or do I just have to wait and see if they try to kill me?
African Bees EENY 429/IN790: African Honey Bee, Africanized Honey Bee, Killer Bee, Apis melliferascutellata Lepeletier (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae) Latest 2012 update.
Even within the "natural beekeeping movement" there was some debate about feeding a light sugar syrup. Based on my experience, with a NUC in a year with great weather, the non-interventionists won hands down. It was completely unnecessary. Here's a pic at 32 days: I'd say the brood box is now 20% occupied. Of the 17 bars, all but 6 have some comb. In a few weeks they should all have some comb. At that point I may give the bees access to the honey supers. Right now, their access is blocked by fabric.
With just a little common sense research, checking both reliable sites and others, it is clear that Chile had their own Big Lie about African Bees. I will suggest that Perone escaped from Chile with his life and settled in a far safer place. YMMV
Perone went to Puerto Rico IMO because he got tired of playing the Buffone for the corrupt Government that wanted the world to believe that they did not have any African bees in Chile even after Chile lost its EU Honey contract after the collapse of its Bee population which was African Bee based. And, "When working with Africanized bees in Argentina, Perone observed that they were highly resilient to threats from the start. Well gee no doubt, why do you think the DA that imported them from the start did so as his big Boss ordered. Except the African Bees do not produce like the Argentines wanted nor is it able to handle cold. Nor can they survive well with the Cape Town bees of South Africa. Just more build up to make Perone look like some lind of God. Just so many red flag stories that add up to a fairy tale.
It's a good question. I know many bee keepers would rather let them die than treat them. If they make it thru, great if, if not they weren't meant to.
At this point I would suggest all who wish to reference a site that you check the date as well as the validity. Dated information on biologics is like day old bath water. Also cherry picking a site that is incomplete or dated, only weakens your post and provides misinformation at best. Along the way of this section on African bees I have confirmed in my research that South America Governments are still as corrupt as they were when I first experienced them half a century ago.
I see. That explains why mention of Emile Warre doesn't provoke a vitriol response from you. Would you care to list some governments that aren't corrupt?