Ode to the American Tax slave

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Minuteman, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    The private banking collective, also known as the "Money Masters" have a monopoly on currency. They do not look kindly at competition in any form, in fact they will actively annihilate it. When Rockefeller is quoted as saying, "competition is a sin" he was referring to competitive business practices to the established cartels of the time --the very same cartels which exist to this day in finance, news and media, manufacturing and resource harvesting. Finally, by controlling the monetary system, the private cartels can control not only governments, nations, kings and elected officials, but the people as well by default. All rules, regulations, codes and "laws" are promulgated to benefit the establishment and further its control base.

    After everything can be said about the control matrix I have only briefly described, we are still left with the overall theme which is reminiscent of tyrannical oligarchic structure, and a single working class to support it. Kind of sounds like Communism, doesn't it? If we look into the origins of Communism, we will find characters like Moses Hess and can make some shady assumptions about Zionist philosophy and its racist belief model. We can also find links to the Catholic Church, Jesuit policy and global domination schemes, not forgetting to mention the land grab policies in place. Of course, one of the major tenets of Communism is the abolition of private property in the hands of common people because with land ownership also comes the exercising of inherent rights and powers of self governance. The final question to consider is, "do we actually own property?", and it may come as a surprise to many that we in fact, do not. From Sen Doc #43 (1933) "Contracts Payable in Gold", specifically stating that citizens are to be reduced to being "users" in accordance with "law" in regards to the use of property. Do you hold the "allodial" title to your property, or did you purchase real estate from a broker and make payments to the bank? Do you pay tax on property, and do you realize this is only rent paid to the actual land owner? Of course, if you fight the system in place, you are fighting from a losing position. The powers that be have the agencies and men in uniforms with guns, they make the "laws" and enforce them, and they count on you to not understand what is going on. You must simply OBEY.

    Licensing authority is the way "government" convinces sovereign and free people to exchange rights for revocable privilege. To the establishment, "enemies have no right in law", as is their policy.
    Dont and Minuteman like this.
  2. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    I agree with most of this except the jab at the Catholic Church. Really?! What pray tell global influence does the Church have on land ownership or control. The Jesuits?! Neither have any role in this power scheme, religious bigotry to the contrary. Your argument is weakened when you mix facts with baseless prejudice.

    Central bankers are the root of today's evil manifesting as crony capitalism, fascism, or tyrannical oligarchy. While the Vatican Bank appears to have corruption (which bank does not?) it is a minuscule player and not controlled by the Church doctrine or teaching.
  3. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Actually the argument is valid. Who do you think were the "Money Masters" of the last millennia? And where did the Central Banks derive from? Yes the Catholic Church today is not the King makers that it was a few hundred years ago but it is the precursor to the modern central bank and the power brokers behind the throne. It was the Catholic Church, not any individual empire that held the greatest power and influence around the world of any entity in history.
    Brokor and Yard Dart like this.
  4. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    Oh good grief! Yes the Church was powerful several hundred years ago. Where do you think universities were started? Hospitals? What faith has produced holy people in ranks and numbers of the Church Saints? I would compare the results in the best adherents of the Catholic faith to any other's from St Stephen to St Teresa of Calcutta. If you want to rant on the Pope because of religious reasons ho ahead, the Church has survived persecution quite well at the hands of haters such as the Roman emperors, Protestant nobles, communists, fascists, and every other tyrant and despotic movement. But to claim the Church is some dark force behind modern economic slavery is ludicrous and makes your whole argument rationally suspect blinded by religious bigotry.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I actually like this current Pope. I saw him last year when I was in Rome. (He sends his regards). But blind adherence to any faith, religion, or political party is dangerous and the cause of most of the worlds problems.
    The fact is that the current banking model, imported from Europe, with it's inherent power given to the money masters is a direct derivative of the system created by the Catholic Church and used in Europe over the last millennia. A system that allowed the Catholic Church to manipulate and control kingdoms and empires around the world. It is a fact that it was this institution that made and destroyed kings and nobles for centuries. It is also fact that we would not have this system if not for that institution. And just as an aside, a UN sponsored Human Rights report reveals that the one entity in the history of the world, responsible for the deaths of more innocent people than any other in history, more than Hitler, more than Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao is the Catholic Church. It makes those listed look like amateurs.
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
    Sapper John likes this.
  6. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    I saw a news report today where the IRS said they needed millions. They just spent hundreds(?) of millions for all new furniture. When the SHTF these leeches better hide themselves and their career choices. I imagine there will be a reckoning......
    oldawg and Yard Dart like this.
  7. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I think the "reckoning" should be a festive affair,carnival like. Rides,popcorn,cotton candy, and maybe a BBQ cookoff. Maybe the IRS leeches could be on the under card moving up through the local corruption and finally the MAIN EVENT. Chosen federal legislators based on past performance(or lack of) hung to a volley of fireworks. But that's just me I guess.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    An interesting twist to this. I was wondering how they knew that I had recently deposited money into my daughters accounts. After talking to my banker I learned that they have to file a garnishment request, have it approved and then they submit it to the bank for collection. They did this last year on my accounts. It costs them $25 to file the garnishment request and they took $5 from one account of mine and $12 from the other. I only keep enough money in my US accounts to pay a few bills each month and had just paid them right before they garnished them. So it cost them $33 to take that $17 I had in the two accounts. I asked the banker if they knew how much was in them and was told that the bank does not reveal what is in an account until they are presented with the garnishment order.

    I transferred money to my US account several times over the last year and they never again tried to garnish it.
    So how did they know to come in and take my daughters accounts? Both daughters had asked me for some money and I had just transferred it to their accounts. I told them in a private message on Facebook that the money was there. Within 24 hours the IRS garnished those accounts! The only way they could know that I had just put money in those accounts, and that their $25 filing fees wouldn't be wasted again was to read those Facebook messages. I had about $12 in one of my accounts but they didn't attempt to garnish that one. They wouldn't have known anytime during the year that I had transferred money to my accounts so it would have been a crap shoot to try and garnish them. But they took my daughters accounts within 24 hours of my depositing money in them.

    The only possible way they knew it was a safe bet was to have read my FB message to my daughters telling them the money was there. Luckily my oldest daughter was waiting for the money and she took out all but $100 out of hers. But my youngest needed some help with the down payment for a car and she hadn't touched hers. They took nearly $1000 out of hers. Her money she had saved and what I had contributed to help her.
    So there is another reason not to use Facebook!!! They are reading our emails and our FB posts and messages and probably even this site as well.

    So if you are, then this is for you
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    There is another possibility.

    I am a tech, I have been fixing other people's problems for many years, and when looking for a problem, I have found it is usually best to look for what all symptoms have in common.
    It is more likely, that there is a trigger on YOUR accounts as a debt owed. Money moved will show it's routing from one account to another. If money is worth moving at all, it will not be small, so it would be a likely target for collections even without knowing the balances.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Minuteman.... You need to setup SECURE Messaging between you, and your Daughters.... I would suggest that you look at BitMessage...
    It is simple, cross Platform, and Totally SECURE. Once you have exchanged Keys, with each of them, than you just make a Mutually Agreed, FB Post, that triggers the other Party to fire up their Bit Message Client. Bit Messages have a Length of Life, of two Days. So once you generate a Message, the other Party has 2 Days to go pick up the Message, before it dies, and is gone forever. I run my Client for 5 minutes each morning, to collect any BitMessages that were generated in the last 24 hours.... Works very well for our Family Private Comms.... ...... YMMV...

    Minuteman likes this.
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Thanks BT I'll look in to that. And Kellory, according to my banker and past history they cannot monitor my accounts. They have to present a garnishment order before the bank will tell them what is in them. I have had as much as the $50,000 that I wrote them the check for last month deposited in my accounts. But I made no mention of it on any media so they never tried to garnish it. They knew that there was money in my daughters accounts and that their $25 filing fee for a garnishment would not be wasted.
    I just heard from my oldest daughter this morning. She got a notice that they are seizing her tax return. Because I owe a debt, and one that I am paying on. So I guess their new tactic is to harass and punish your children if they can't get to you. Kind of like the king arresting and locking up your family until you pay your tithes to the crown. So glad we live in the land of the free.

    I keep hearing my grandmothers words from so long ago "Pass the potatoes Nita."
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I did not say they needed to know what was in your account. Only that your account was moving money. If I were attempting to do what they did, I would attach your bank account number to a tracking program. Any activity would alert me. It would be one of hundreds of such accounts, and anytime any of them reached out to another bank, I would know. I would look for the activity, not the balance.

    Edit: have your banker change your account number in-house. (as in a blind) .
  13. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    That's what I'm saying, there has been a lot of movements in and out of that account over the last year. There has been as much as $50,000 in it for several weeks waiting for the check to clear. If that were the case they would have seized that account when they could have gotten thousands of dollars not wait until I moved it to my daughters and only got a few hundred. No, the only way they knew to take action was by monitoring my FB messages.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    They would not have known the balance without the court filed lien. Is your account on-shore and easily accessible to them? Same as your daughter's accounts? I would think tampering with your FB messages might fall into illegal wiretapping territory. I just don't think they would do that, if a simpler solution were available.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Any movement of more than $10KUS causes a Flag to the US Treasury, of the sending and receiving Account Tracking Numbers. The Statue that causes this was passed in the War on Drugs days, to track Money Laundering of Drug Money. It is now used by ALL Federal Agencies, to Track Terrorist Funding.... And for other purposes... ......
  16. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    The 10k is for bringing money or valuables into or out of the country and is supposed to be reported. It will be automatically reported if it is moved electronically. Any deposit of $3000 or more to a US bank from abroad is automatically reported to the Govt. I always transfer small amounts for that reason.
    Monitoring social media and even private emails is in their sanctioned methods now.
    Lawful has no meaning to these govt alphabets anymore. The law is what they say it is. The constitution is just a gdamned piece of paper written by a bunch of dead men centuries ago. There is no such thing as a protection from unreasonable search and seizure, no such thing as secure in your papers and belongings, no such thing as private property, no such thing as due process. We are slaves and they are our masters. For now.....
  17. AmericanRedoubt1776

    AmericanRedoubt1776 American Redoubt: Idaho-Montana-Wyoming Site Supporter+

    Speaking of the great Atlas Shrugged:

    "“Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt?” (Part 3 of the movie trilogy) is scheduled for release onSeptember 12, 2014. (That’s just three weeks away.) Check out the trailer. The inclusion of a Ron Paul clip and the Lockheed Electra in the trailer both nailed it for me as a “must watch” movie. (How could I miss seeing how they depict Galt’s Gulch, which is presumably deep in The American Redoubt?) And BTW, I will also be pre-ordering the movie DVD, as soon as it becomes available." Fair Use Source: Odds ‘n Sods: - SurvivalBlog.com

    Dont, Brokor and kellory like this.
  18. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I was wondering about the "renter vs Title holder" of property.. Have read that to truely own your property , you must patent the land.. Is this true?? If the state or county can take your land away, then you do not truely own it..
  19. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    As far as I know, from what I have learned from Michael Badnarik, American citizens can no longer own property. This is because the title to the land is no longer available, but those few who still hold the actual title may have cause to hold on to it. Regardless, it's no use even having the title unless you are capable of standing up to the jack-booted thugs who will come to collect on taxes should you resist and fail to comply with public policy. As for patent on land, I think that may be an exploit of some kind, but there's no way it will hold up, so it's not worth considering. About as close as we can come is to form a trust and hold land and property that way.

    Thank you for bringing this topic up! It was a part of a discussion we had earlier in the shoutbox and it never reached fruition. Maybe some members could benefit from reading these pages.
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  8. Mortimer Adler Moose


    Thread by: Mortimer Adler Moose, Aug 25, 2016, 18 replies, in forum: Freedom and Liberty
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  13. RightHand
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  17. Brokor
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