Bundy Ranch Stand Off - The Next Waco?

Discussion in 'Bill of Rights' started by Mountainman, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

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  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just In: Obama Accused By Congressman Of Illegal Action At Bundy Ranch

    He cites a severe violation of U.S. Code -- 43 U.S.C. Section 1733, Subsection C
    After the federal Bureau of Land Management agents backed down from their intimidating stance at the Bundy Ranch last weekend, ample evidence has surfaced indicating the standoff between the government and the Nevada ranching family is far from over. Throughout the weeklong stalemate, members of the Bundy family were physically assaulted by armed officers, numerous cows were shot dead, and protesters faced threats of gunfire for merely expressing their outrage.

    Immediately after what many considered a victory against a tyrannical federal agency, a number of leftist voices – most notably, Sen. Harry Reid – indicated the action against this family will continue.

    In response, Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman sent a letter to Barack Obama, Department of the Interior Sec. Sally Jewell, and BLM Director Neil Kornze, laying out his position that any such action by the agency would violate the U.S. Constitution.

    “Because of this standoff,” he wrote, “I have looked into BLM’s authority to conduct such paramilitary raids against American citizens, and it appears that BLM is acting in a lawless manner in Nevada.”

    He cited the limited powers granted to the federal government, noting the bureau has no “right to assume preemptory police powers, that role being reserved to the States,” and explained “many federal laws require the federal government to seek assistance from local law enforcement whenever the use of force may become necessary.”

    The letter included a section of the U.S. Code — 43 U.S.C. Section 1733, Subsection C — stating exactly that point. [Emphasis Stockman's]

    “When the Secretary determines that assistance is necessary in enforcing Federal laws and regulations relating to the public lands or their resources he shall offer a contract to appropriate local officials having law enforcement authority within their respective jurisdictions with the view of achieving maximum feasible reliance upon local law enforcement officials in enforcing such laws and regulations.”

    In the case of the Bundy Ranch, he continued, “the relevant local law enforcement officials appear to be the Sheriff of Clark County, Nevada, Douglas C. Gillespie.”

    Gillespie, however, conspicuously took a back seat to BLM forces during the standoff.

    “Indeed,” Stockman wrote, “the exact type of crisis that the federal government has provoked at the Bundy ranch is the very type of incident that Congress knew could be avoided by relying on local law enforcement officials.”

    The stated purpose of the correspondence is for the Obama administration “to bring the BLM into compliance with 43 U.S.C. section 1733.”

    Absent a full investigation into the agency’s actions, he concluded, “the federal government must not only stand down, but remove all federal personnel from anywhere near the Bundy ranch.”

    Legislators and law enforcement personnel have stood alongside state militia members and the Bundy family in opposing the excessive force employed by the BLM. Stockman’s letter adds even more weight to the growing sentiment against the federal overreach.

    Read more at Just In: Obama Accused By Congressman Of Illegal Action At Bundy Ranch
  3. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

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  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

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  5. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    That's just great, NOT! The only way to deal with .goob is to match their force +1 against the force they are using. Unless your rich there is no way you can win in the courts. They have your unlimited tax money paid lawyers to screw you with.
    ditch witch, HK_User and Mike like this.
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

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  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Yesterday @ditch witch touched on this in the tweet box but I think that we need to watch the full video. Not the cut and pasted version that the media wants us to watch. This man sounds like many I have spoken to. He sounds like so many people I know. His remarks are not full of ten dollar PC words, his way of peaking is like so many, those that are the backbone of this country. Notice that the media didn't condemn him for his remarks on the "Spanish people".

    Notice that since the MSM has doctored Bundy's speech, all the fair weather politicians and FOX news are distancing ourselves from Bundy. Watch who stands by him and watch who does not. The man is being condemned for his thoughts. Conservatives are all once again being branded as racists. It has to stop. We here at the monkey are thinking folks. We need to keep our thoughts and beliefs true, not what the MSM & politicians want us to think.
  8. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    That Bundy video may be a fake. There are a lot of people saying it is edited with the intent of making him appear racist when he is not.
    Motomom34 and Mike like this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Someone needs to take Mr. Bundy aside and tell him that he has a golden opportunity to get some federal policies changed if he sticks to the subject of his ranch alone. Every time he gets off on another subject, he opens the door for things that are irrelevant to interfere, to divert attention from the core cause. He may think like we do or not regarding race, religion, the two party system, gun (lack of) control, but it is NOT a good idea to mix that stuff in with the the ongoing standoff with the BLM. He HAS to stick to subject, or (and we see this already) he'll be marked as a deviant troublemaker to be ignored.
    Motomom34, Sapper John, Mike and 4 others like this.
  10. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    We were having that talk at home last night watching his recent statements..... he really needs to stay on point!! This is the opportunity to get a national spotlight on what is taking place with the BLM and the taking, of private ranch/farm lands from its citizens....
    That is the only way change will take place, by keeping everyone focused on the issue and not succumbing to the tearing down of good folks, by media and those on the left with their agenda's contrary to what is good for the nation....and private ranch & farming interest.
    Motomom34, Mountainman and tulianr like this.
  11. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

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  12. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yeah I did a total facepalm when I watched the video (the original, not the MSM's edited version). I get what he was saying and what he meant, but he's kinda like my mom in that he has no clue about how fast what you say can turn on you with today's technology. If a camera or cell phone is around, you gotta talk like you're talking to a cop, because everything you say can and most likely will be used against you. He can release all the statements he wants now, the damage is done. It's like those teachers who get fingered for supposedly molesting a student, then later it comes out they didn't. Doesn't matter, they're still ruined.

    The only thing he could have said that would have been worse would be if he referenced them swinging in trees or something. As it stands now, the media has him wearing Klan robes and cracking whips and the sheep are bleating too loud to hear the truth.
    enloopious, Motomom34, Mike and 5 others like this.
  13. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    It may sound strange, particularly coming from me, but I listened to his comments; and I too get what he was trying to say. Saying it to the media though, was far from a clever thing to do. Like him, I've looked at the behavior and lifestyle of many young (and many older) black Americans and thought, "Your grandparents suffered through being treated as second class citizens, many of them bravely standing up to the existing system and demanding equal rights; and this is how you represent their legacy? How pathetic." I think similar thoughts when I look at white meth-heads as well, but the black citizens of this nation had a particular hurdle to overcome in many areas. When you see what many descendents of those who marched, and protested, and suffered, did with their inheritance; it makes one a little ill.

    As Yard Dart and Ghrit said, he needs use his fifteen minutes of fame to discuss the topic at hand, rather than basking in the spotlight and taking this opportunity to expound upon his view of the world as a whole. He's handed the government and their supporters the perfect weapon with which to bash him over the head, slap a "Crazy old white guy" label on him, and render him irrelevant in this debate over property rights.
    Motomom34, Mike, BTPost and 4 others like this.
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    One of the primary goals in any conflict is to seek justification for action. Another, is to criminalize the opponent and to discredit their position or stance.

    The agencies going after this man may be comprised of many followers who simply do as they are told, but from the very top, they do know how to strategically assault a target. The corporate media is an invaluable tool the establishment has at its disposal, and despite the actual facts of the case, it will be the overriding perception being levied which will depict the outcome. The independent media is the underdog, despite its steady rise in popularity. Most folks simply will not sacrifice their own safety to take a stand to defend a well reasoned objector let alone a questionable protest.

    Fear is a terribly effective part of any arsenal.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I do agree that he needs to stay on topic because much attention had been turned from him to the ranch in Texas. Yet with this recent video, the attention shifted from Texas back to Bundy.

    Yet, what he said is very important. There is actually an hour long video that the clip came from. The issue that he brought up is important and I hate to see him branded a racist. He is worried that these young colored people haven't been taught how to work. Now he didn't say it in the new speak that people are required to speak now but he made his point.

    Back in February Obama signed My Brother's Keeper. Which is tailored to the minorities;

    So Obama also recognizes that young blacks need skills. He just spoke about it using different words. Is Obama racist for saying young blacks have no skills, no.
    Mike, enloopious, tulianr and 2 others like this.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes @Motomom34 , but only blacks can talk about blacks, don't you know. Only blacks can use the N word, and all crimes they commit are because they are unfairly portrayed in society, not because they are acting as thugs.
    All White on black crime is about race, and black on white crime is just a cultural thing and should be excused because in the past centuries, whites did to Black's what blacks have done to each other for centuries. They enslaved them. And for the sin of inclusion, whites will always be blamed for Black's misbehavior.

    It is a double standard I hear and see everyday, and it makes me sick.
  17. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I listened to the video and understood what he said just fine. Libs just looking for any excuse to tear him down even to the point of cherry picking his words. Of course I'm of his generation as well.
    Yard Dart, Mountainman and tacmotusn like this.
  18. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    I could not care less what Bundy's personal views are. The issue is that federal govt and BLM in particular this time far overstepped their authority and and abused their office in responding to a civil financial matter. Bundy happened to be the victim if the week. The one difference is that he stood up to them.

    What he thinks is irrelevant as far as I am concerned. The govt acted like jackboot goons and he acted bravely.

    We should not try to defend or explain his words. Instead we should pound the drum beat on out of control govt cronyism and heavy handed intimidation.
    tulianr, BTPost, ditch witch and 2 others like this.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Agree. The problem is that he's drawn lightning down by going off point on the federal question.
  20. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    @Brokor in regards to your comment:

    Around the three minute mark you will see how much social media means to these people, and that is just a very small morning show. Imagine how much more serious it would be for a large show or even the feds. Even with all of that influence and money and backing I think we are still winning. It is a war though and you can see the attacks go back and forth. Our weapons are truth, light, honor, courage, etc. Their weapons are lies, racism, pollution, scandal, darkness, etc. If they don't like you there is liable to be "proof" that you are racist, anti-gay, anti-zionist, polluting the planet, etc. You don't even need proof, you just have to ask the question, then it is up to them to prove its not true.
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