Bundy Ranch Stand Off - The Next Waco?

Discussion in 'Bill of Rights' started by Mountainman, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I find it hard to argue with you today as you may be right.... call me tomorrow and I most likely will be getting ready to follow my brothers and put up a fight to prove your theory wrong in its tracks....... tonight I will just reload some ammo...cheers.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
    Mike likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It's kinda interesting that the Chinese have made huge investments in US land and industry. If the dollar collapses, they lose to the same extent that US shareholders lose.
    Mike likes this.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    But they will hold deed over the land and facility title's they hold with no debt... which is different from most in the sense the have no debt to contest..... in that case they do not lose as most here do.
    Mike likes this.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    All we would need to do is apply the SCOTUS Ruling, that ALL LAND, is subject to Federal, State, and Local Eminent Domain procedures, and just go take it away from those Chinese Corps.... And give it back to the Feds.... Ah, So sorry, Joe Chinaman.....
    Sapper John, Mike, Yard Dart and 2 others like this.
  5. firekey

    firekey Monkey

    ooohhh, i"m scared. Explain how we can't just take back the land and tell China to take a hike? I think that we should "sell" evrery acre of blm and national park and state park to any country stupid enough to give use gold or oil or products for it. Just insist that no pollution can be put out by whatever they do with it.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Son, you are out of your depth. Your frat brothers have set you to a thankless task, trying to upset this place with flippant, silly statements.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I think we now have a "GunKid Jr." on our hands.... So we can just treat him, the same, as we do for all those types..... My Opinion... YMMV....
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Well, we should really get back on topic, no? This derailment is understood, we specialize in that sort of thing, no need for help from noobs.

    Nothing new about it on the news this morning. Sure hope it doesn't go the way of most important topics.
    Mike, Sapper John and Dunerunner like this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News
    Mike likes this.
  10. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Mike and Dunerunner like this.
  12. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    That.......Would be........A.........Cover up!! [​IMG]

    Not funny, but couldn't resist!
    Mike and Yard Dart like this.
  13. firekey

    firekey Monkey

    I"ve seen multiple allegations (other forums) that he'd been letting them run wherever, for many years. Quite possibly somebody got tired of it and shot them. But I doubt that if that were the case, they''d bother to bury the bodies. :)
    Mike likes this.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    That "somebody" was BLM, and if they can match up the Ballistics, BLM is in for a world of Civil Lawsuits, over the conduct of their Rangers, who Exceeded their Authority, as specified in the Federal Warrant, they were supposed to be acting under. No amount of Harry Ried's influence is going to get BLM out from under that Mess......
    Yard Dart, Quigley_Sharps and Mike like this.
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    BLM: We are Worried Cliven Bundy Might Have Prescriptive Rights & He Might Use that Defense in Court : Freedom Outpost
    ditch witch, Mike and Dunerunner like this.
  16. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    That would be sweet!! And, now that he has the Nation's attention, he might get some high powered representation!!
    Yard Dart and Mike like this.
  17. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    That is the definition of a modern Globalist. They go where they please, pay no taxes to anyone and rape the rest of us sucking our wealth(blood) like vampires. Free trade, a boarder less world, global government and on and on. The greatest waste of oil in world history shipping products all over the planet when they could be built and consumed at home. All in the name of profit and exploitation of cheap labor. Now these same Globalists are blaming the people for over consumption of oil. In the meantime those huge ships continue to burn millions of barrels a day. Nothing but lies and cover ups. It is time for this country to do what we did with the founders. Withdraw from the global system of control and re assert our sovereignty, end the trade deals and rebuild our industrial base. If we don't we are going down. KF
  18. bfayer

    bfayer Keeper Of The Faith

    I have not read this whole thread, as my life has been a bit on the busy side lately, but my question to everyone is: what do you think about the fact that the only reason that the federal government owns the land in the first place is because congress blackmailed the Nevada Territory by passing a law that only authorized them to become a state if they agreed to cede the land to the federal government?

    A quote from the law:

    "Third. That the people inhabiting said Territory do agree and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said Territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States"

    It would seem that the original federal ownership of the land in the state was established under duress. I'm not commenting on the constitutionality of the law (I need to do a little more looking into it before I take a position), but from my point of view it does seem a little odd that if the federal government already owned the land (before Nevada became a state), why would they need to force the Territory to declare federal ownership in order to become a state?

    In contracts clauses like that are usually added when one party knows they are on shaky legal ground to begin with. That leads me to believe that the whole federal ownership thing is suspect from the start, and congress knew it back in the day when Nevada was seeking statehood.
    Mike likes this.
  19. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Here's how I see it, the NWO, elite, bankers, what ever you want to call them need us to all be equal (poor) on a world wide level. This is essential for their rule as the new kings and queens of the world. Make no mistake that is their goal. They will tell you that they want to unite the world but the fact is that they will only allow the world to be united with them as rulers and us all as slaves.

    Obama hates America and has said so on many occasions, including in his book "dreams from my father" but he is smart. He knows that he can use white guilt to do anything he wants just so long as he keeps smiling and doesn't make any sudden movements. Angry black people never get elected (see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc.) Obama is a communist and hates America. This is pretty obvious and also fits right into the NWO plans. They can use him because both of their goals are to destroy the America we all knew. It is well on its way. Now is the time that we all need to decide if we are going to fight or accept it. I know some don't think it is possible to stand up for ourselves, you know who you are, but I don't agree. Sure the odds are overwhelming if you play their game but the way I see it, there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

    Everything that our fathers and their fathers have been building since before this country was started has been stolen and destroyed. The key is that we know how to get it all back. All we have to do is do it. If you want to save the country and be, not just rich, but wealthy, here is how you do it.
    1. Stop using banks. If we take our money out of the banks they will collapse.
    2. Don't buy things from other countries. The closer you spend your money, the shorter the distance it has to travel to make it back to you.
    3. Find a way to accept, pay, or use gold, silver, copper, etc. This is what Ireland did to fight big bank bailouts and the crashing of the economy. If we don't use their money they cant control us. This will get rid of the debt twice as fast.
    4. Move out of the cities. If you can get away from incorporated cities they will go bankrupt and disappear.
    5. Stop supporting corporations. Find out who is incorporated and don't give them any business. You may not realize this but cities are incorporated, police are incorporated, court houses are incorporated and privately owned for profit. Who else?
    6. Get out of debt. Only buy things you can afford. Do what our fathers fathers did. Abandon this system. It is being used against us.
    7. Raise your own food. When the collapse happened in S. America the government told the people to plant gardens to rebound the economy. It worked.
    8. READ. Kill your TV.
    9. Non compliance. Form a group. Have a public meeting and talk about preparedness. Get to know your neighbors. Teach others something you know. Your friends, family, and neighbors will be there for you when your government wont.

    The three branches of tyranny are ARMY, LEGAL, FINANCIAL. Fighting the armed war is the last thing we want. Fighting the legal war is a rigged game 50/50. Fighting financially is the smartest way to start. Withhold your money every way you know how. They will panic. It is already starting.
  20. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    It's about time the states took back the land from the Feds. Guess there Bundy adventure had some unintended consequences they were not thinking about.

    Latest News from the Associated Press
    Apr 18, 10:51 PM EDT

    Western officials discuss taking land from feds

    SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Officials from nine Western states say it's time they take control of federal lands within their borders.

    The lawmakers and county commissioners met at Utah's Capitol on Friday to discuss their joint goal of wresting oil-, timber- and mineral-rich lands away from the feds.

    The Legislative Summit on the Transfer of Public Lands, as it was called, was not publicized until midday, when the Utah House sent out notice of a 4:30 p.m. news conference.

    The result of the meeting wasn't clear. But at the news conference, Utah House Speaker Becky Lockhart said it was in the works before this month's standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management.

    The BLM rounded up hundreds of Bundy's cattle, saying he hasn't paid more than $1 million in grazing fees he owes for trespassing on federal lands since the 1990s. But Bundy does not recognize federal authority on the land, which his family has used since the 1870s.

    The BLM released the cattle after a showdown last weekend with angry armed protesters.

    "What's happened in Nevada is really just a symptom of a much larger problem," Lockhart said, according to The Salt Lake Tribune ( Western lawmakers gather in Utah to talk federal land takeover
    | The Salt Lake Tribune

    Montana state Sen. Jennifer Fielder said federal land management is hamstrung by bad policies, politicized science and severe federal budget cuts.

    "Those of us who live in the rural areas know how to take care of lands," said Fielder, a Republican who lives in the northwestern Montana town of Thompson Falls. "We have to start managing these lands. It's the right thing to do for our people, for our environment, for our economy and for our freedoms."

    Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington also were represented, but none of the other states has gone as far as Utah, where lawmakers passed a measure demanding that the federal government extinguish title to federal lands.

    The lawmakers and Gov. Gary Herber have said they're only asking the federal government to make good on promises made in the 1894 Enabling Act for Utah to become a state. The intent was never to take over national parks and wilderness created by an act of Congress, said Lockhart, a Republican from Provo.

    "We are not interested in having control of every acre," she said. "There are lands that are off the table that rightly have been designated by the federal government."

    The University of Utah is conducting a study called for by the legislation to analyze how Utah could manage the land now in federal control.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
    tulianr, Yard Dart, oldawg and 4 others like this.
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