If that's how it ultimately goes down, then that's how it should actually go down, even if retroactively. What we are witnessing isn't over by a long shot and when it goes south, and it most assuredly will, we need to take a page from "The Untouchables" (Sean Connery as Malone) in how we handle the government (not OUR government). "You wanna know how to stop the jackbooted government thugs? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send a handful of theirs to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way (how poetic! How deliciously IRONIC!)! And that's how you stop the government thugs. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?" ***paraphrasing*** People can only be pushed so far and damit, if we're going to be villified for being/doing/believing something (whether we actually did/do or not) then by golly the gloves are going to come off. If we're going to do the time, we may as well do the crime! I'm inches from my personal line... I don't even know where to start with this. The amount of "just do damned wrong", I'm at a loss here. Overreaching, taking what they want without ANY recompense, pushing just to see how far they can push. The list of Federal Agencies that need to simply be disbanded in their entirety is getting longer and longer. This is a STATE issue that the Federal Government should only be brought into in order to arbitrate, and only if they are asked to. The mentality that "you two can't get along so we're just going to take it and neither of you can have it" or, as in this case, MOTHER NATURE has made some changes so neither of you can have it, we'll take it over. How on God's green earth does that logic, wait, nevermind, logic not necessary. Citizen, obey and hand it over and move along.
I grew up and have mostly lived in the West. Large tracts if Federally owned land was "normal." These recent news events and discussions have really git me questioning. When and how did the concept of large federal tracts within states come about? I agree that sounds stupid and wrong. One if these posts reference the Nevada constitution in which it acknowledges federal ownership of land within the new state. I could see if this was for existing forts, post offices. But there were no national parks or forests back then. Did the feds claim these huge tracts at the time the Western states were formed as some sort if kickback deal? Or did they grab it after the state was founded?
I too wonder if the Feds are going to wait for the 'hired guns'(of course the supporters weren't hired though) to clear out before they strike. I don't see it ending well for them if that's case, since A: they will have ALOT of armed citizens VERY unhappy with them, B: they have already said they are dropping the case, so C: they will have already tipped their hand and made themselves untrustworthy, so the next time they pull this crap, the armed rebellers will not be as willing to listen to their 'reason'.
Here is the poop! Yes the pullback is a sham! . Investigator: BLM’s Surrender at Bundy Ranch is a Strategic De-escalation to Hoodwink the People : Freedom Outpost
Controlling the land for 140 years, still does not convey ownership, anymore than renting a home, would allow me to claim it as my own. If he can't show documentation of the purchased Rights, they don't exist.
So, it looks like the State of Nevada owns the land. Right now I'm, waiting to see what the courts come up with. Looks like historical precedents have been established by the Bundy's and the Federal Courts.... Weren't there homestead rights 140 years ago??
You are so right, the Bundy's should just take it, as their government is right... no matter heritage or occupancy of said land over the ohh lets say 100 or so years.....
Wrong Sir, You use the land, you fence the land and you pay taxes on the land. Do this for 20 years in the state of Texas and it is your land. This is Law in Texas.
[sarca][/QUOTE] You forgot this. I didn't say I liked any of this, but you can't base a defense upon a false hope. He needs to prove his claim in court. It is the only defense he has in the long run. He will die in a stand up fight, as will many others, but he will lose to overwhelming force in the end. He is not truly mobile, and can not go guerrilla fighter without losing his base of operations. It is, after all what he is fighting to protect. He can be a martyr, but he can not win by force, any more than an ant can beat the ant eater by force. He does not have the strength to stand, and can't run without losing everything he has. You are dealing with a foe with no honor, deceitful, may have access to military hardware of the killer drone variety, (if the sources are correct as to who is pulling strings) a foe willing to fire upon Americans. He needs the force of Law, as well as righteous outrage to kennel that beast. Otherwise, there will be nothing left but the blood soaked ground.
And you can steal state property in the form of wildlife with a fence as well. Just as I must chain my driveway one day each year to prevent access, or I can lose it to a public Right of Way. Yes, I know each state has it's own variations. However, if just ONCE in that twenty years, you were told by the owner of that land to cease and desist, you would lose your investment. We also have issues of "Hostile Encroachment" where my land could be legally stolen, if someone else maintains it, ands I fail to tell them to stop, for five years! Yes, there are legal pitfalls! All the more reason why this needs to be hammered out in court for good and all.
Kell, I agree, to a point. If it were a just and legal court, yes. But against the feds, who will spend as much taxpayer money as they feel like hiring the most expensive and best legal team they can get, against a rancher, doesn't seem like much of a chance in court. Have you every been on the receiving end of an IRS investigation? They will beat you and don't really care if you think you are right. You lose from step one, and never have a chance to recover or even try to defend yourself. And they will blow hundreds of thousands coming after two thousand in debt. They have NO fairness
And if I am not mistaken in my western history, fencing someone else's land is a very good way to get shot. Range wars were fought over water, and access to it. Fencing, or cutting another's fence, used to start bullets flying. (I did a report on brands, types and uses of barbed wire in high school). Getting away with it, for twenty years, made you a successful thief.(it is only possible, on land that is abandoned, or absentee ownership . )