Bundy Ranch Stand Off - The Next Waco?

Discussion in 'Bill of Rights' started by Mountainman, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    The courts are where the truth is supposed to be revealed, judged, weighed, measured, discussed, before being thrown out for a special interest cause.
  2. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Red River Rumble? BLM Wants to Seize 90,000 Acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land
    Posted by Faye Higbee / April 10, 2014

    The Red River is the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma…or is it?

    Byers, Texas along the Red River — The BLM stole 140 acres of the Tommy Henderson ranch thirty years ago. They took his land and paid him absolutely nothing. He sued and lost. Now the BLM is using that court case as precedent to do it again. The problem is, the land they want to seize is property that ranchers have a deed for and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years.

    The BLM claims that about 90,000 acres (116 miles along the Red River) have never belonged to Texas in the first place. They will seize the land and it will seriously change the boundaries between the two states.

    Avulsion verses Accretion

    Since 1803 when the Louisiana Purchase was completed, there has been a controversy over the boundary between Oklahoma and Texas. The boundary is supposed to be the vegetation line on the south side of the Red River. But the River has moved over time. The problem is the definition of that boundary line- Oklahoma and Texas each use different semantics to define it. And the BLM is finding ways to use the disputed words to give them the ability to seize the land.

    According to the BLM, the Red River is always Accretion (gradual accumulation of sediment) to the south, and always Avulsion (rapid formation of a new river channel) to the north. So according to the BLM, the boundary only moves one direction, never in the direction that favors the ranchers. They are looking to re-draw the entire portion of the Red River boundary. That includes 90,000 acres of land along a 116 mile stretch of the river.

    “BLM officials believe they have a responsibility to manage land they believe is federal which includes an estimated 90,000 acres along 116 miles of the Red River. If land is found to be public, BLM officials say they have three options: leave the land open, closed, or open with limitations.” January 2014
    Public input ignored?
    oldawg and Motomom34 like this.
  3. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Convoy of approximately 86 BLM vehicles have now departed the Bundy Ranch area in Nevada. About 200 head of cattle were turned over to Bundy’s cowboys and it is estimated that another 140 plus died while in BLM’s possession.

    • Lewis Emil Kreifels
    • LAS VEGAS -- A deal has been reached between the Bundy family and the Bureau of Land Management over the cattle that the agency rounded up earlier this week.

      After some tense moments Saturday afternoon, the BLM agreed to release the confiscated animals back to the family.

      The BLM announced it would stop the roundup of cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy Saturday morning. The BLM says the animals have been illegally grazing on public lands for 20 years and has spent the past week gathering the cattle from land near Gold Butte.

      The agency said it was stopping the roundup because of concerns about the safety of its employees and the public. Earlier this week, BLM officers and supporters of the Bundy family were involved in a scuffle. Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy, was tased twice by federal agents. Another woman said she was thrown to the ground by an officer.

      With more Bundy supporters pouring in from around the country, safety concerns began to grow.

      The I-Team has learned the deal to end the gather was brokered by Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie.

      According to sources, the BLM wants to proceed with the sale of the cattle already gathered during the roundup but is reportedly willing to share the revenue from the sale with Bundy.

      Sheriff Gillespie has been negotiating with Bundy behind the scenes for months reached a tentative agreement Friday night, though Bundy insisted the sheriff come to his ranch to finalize the arrangement face-to-face.

      The two men meet Saturday to discuss the agreement prior to a public announcement.

      In its statement, the BLM said its actions this past week were progress in enforcing two court orders to remove the trespassing cattle from public land.

      The agency director also asked that everyone involved in the dispute remain peaceful and law-abiding.
    Mike and Yard Dart like this.
  4. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Um, if the BLM was 'right', then I think they would be able to sell the cattle and keep the money. If they want to share the money, that means they are 'wrong' so are engaging in CYA protocols. I however don't think anyone will buy the cattle, or if they do, they'll just give it back to the Bundys.
    Motomom34, Mike and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    You can't buy enough lawyers to beat taxpayer funded lawyers with no limits on their billing. Should say taxpayer robbed funding
  6. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    One can hope
  7. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    The quote from a reporter on the scene said it looked like about a thousand. There should be a video soon.
    » Breaking: Feds Threaten to Shoot Bundy Supporters, BLM Agrees to Release Cattle Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
    The People vs. BLM: Liberty defeats govt. tyranny as feds release all cattle at Bundy Ranch
    Cliven Bundy Calls on Sheriff to Start Arresting BLM Feds | RedFlagNews.com

    First report said the militia were heavily armed with ARs, hand guns, and other misc weaponry. I would feel better if they had something a little stronger.
    Mountainman and Mike like this.
  8. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    A couple of Barrett's would have made a statement
    enloopious and Mountainman like this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Odd. I've seen no pix of armed militia. Wouldn't surprise me at all, but it wasn't awfully obvious from here.
    Mike likes this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Agree. And, to accept the offer would be to acknowledge that the feds were right. Bad plan to bargain.
    Mike likes this.
  11. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Mike likes this.
  12. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Mike likes this.
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    What I think will happen is the Feds will wait a month or two and then with a court order at around 3am go in take everyone into custody and have Park Authority euthanize all the livestock that is out on the disputed property. Holding the Bundy's for 24 hour questioning them about some made up story of their involvement with the Militia and Domestic Terrorism. Using that to keep them from making any calls or talking with anyone for the 24 hours and attempting to intimidate them in to just forgetting about the land with threats of Federal charges and prison. Just my thought
    Mike, tulianr and ditch witch like this.
  14. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    On April 8, Nevada's Republican Governor Brian Sandoval released the following statement in support of Bundy and condemning the actions of Bureau of Land Management: Due to the roundup by the BLM, my office has received numerous complaints of BLM misconduct, road closures and other disturbances. I have recently met with state legislators, county officials and concerned citizens to listen to their concerns. I have expressed those concerns directly to the BLM. Most disturbing to me is the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ that tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution. To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately. No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.
  15. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member


    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
    Motomom34, Mike and enloopious like this.
  16. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    This really started with a supreme court ruling in 1923. The Red shifted often and usually north. Most of the land along the red was homestead and very poor records were kept of who were the original owners and who acquired the land through transfers. Add in the Indian tribes with claims and now you get the goobs involved. They could steal the land from whites or indians at will. In 1991 an effort was made between Texas and Oklahoma to finally settle the matter and that's when the BLM became more involved and saw a chance to take large tracts under their control. Try fighting the government on the profits of a couple hundred acres of dry land cotton farming and you give up and move to town for a job to feed your kids. Many origanal settlers and later land holders learned the hard way about the "American" dream. Not THAT bitter myself. I had an intense aversion to chopping cotton.
  17. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    This is still wrong!! And calling it public lands after they acquire it is laughable!!
    Mike likes this.
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    call me skeptical, but it ain't over.
    after the militia goes home, the news crews wrap it up.
    .gov finishes what they started but this time with speed and overwhelming numbers.
    Sapper John, Mike, Yard Dart and 3 others like this.
  19. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yep, wait for the revelers to go home and then come back hard and fast while they're sleeping it off. Then let the approved media cover it, putting the approved spin on it so that it was the poor, beleagured BLM trying to do its job while being harassed, threatened, and assaulted by crazy right wing gun nuts, racists, and anti-government factions who assembled at the Bundy "compound". While they're at it, maybe get a warrant to search for "illegal weapons" and go looking for grampa Bundy's collection of old hunting rifles that they can lay out for the photographers to show how dangerous and quite possibly mentally ill the old bat was.
    Mike, Dogfood and Dunerunner like this.
  20. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Exactly why the Reid connection has to be exposed. The only way to stop this is to have the whole country up in arms over it!
    Moatengator, Motomom34, Mike and 3 others like this.
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