Saw the same thing on another site: Feds End Standoff on Bundy Ranch | Washington Free Beacon Hope this is really true and the end of it. Also hope that the real reason they left was because of the people and militia members that went down there.
Well the fat lady hasn't sung yet. Bundy and co are trying to get the cattle back, Feds not amused » Feds Threaten to Shoot Bundy Supporters as Showdown Looms Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! BLM to release cattle caught in Bunkerville roundup | Las Vegas Review-Journal
I'd a WHOLE lot prefer if the law reads to Bundy's benefit, and the wishful thinking at BLM HQ realized it.
It is "My Opinion" that Harry Reid was behind this whole mess, and when his envolment was about to be made public, he made the call to his Underling, to back off the whole Bully Thing. Reid is a "ScumBag of the First Order" and just like all other Liberal Types, thinks he is above the Law, and can do what he likes.... Right up until he gets caught with his hand in the Cookie Jar.... "Follow the money".....
So now sheriff useless will be running for reelection since it doesn't look like he's getting his casino job from Harry Reid ? I mean they didn't get a chance to kill the old man and his family...Yet !
Well if nothing else, we've seen the people will actually get off the couch and do something. Couple that with the fact that, despite the MSM's attempt to pretend nothing was happening, there was no shortage of live video being streamed out thanks to independent reporters and just every Tom, Dick, and Carrie having access to a cell phone and a YT account, and I'd say this has turned out a lot different than I'd expected.
Anyone wonder why the Mullato in Chief has not poped off about this situation yet ? He had no problem sticking his nose out before. If I had a pet turtle it would look like one in Nevada ! Lol
He will not say anything since he does not want the Lamestream media to go with it and inform the uninformed.
Maybe they haven't told him yet. Isn't that what we always here from him. I didn't know, I wasn't informed, my advisers were in charge. As for the rest, they are not through with this guy. They may say they are going to take it to court but where do you fine a truly unbiased court? I do think that the nation or the alternative media will keep the public up-dated on this situation because I think the masses may be needed again.
I hope they found that there was some legal basis that made the BLM back off. But I doubt that is the case. IMO the credit goes to all the information being trasmitted out of the area by independent journalist, concerned Americans coming to the cause to stand with the family and most of all, one tough old man not willing to cave to strong arm tactics by the fed. Not sure about the Reid story, but if it is true, I hope they hang this event around his neck and boot him out of office.....and anybody else associated with this. Barry can not help his buddy Harry out of this one.... the lib's will all get hammered if this story plays out to be valid!! This is just another great big display of what is wrong with our nation and an out of control government. We The People need to stand strong to fed tyranny!!!
I keep thinking what is right, what is the law and what is just. I just keep going round and round. This is a grey matter for me because there are so many ways of looking at it.
The patriots opposing tyrrany above had some angels watching over them today. I wish I could have been there. As the bumper sticker says "God bless our snipers.".
The trouble is that he's lost in court before. Whether the arguments were properly made at the time, we don't know.