I see a difference. I saw the militia members and they are armed, they are looking ready for battle. Now the oathkeepers stated no camo, no weapons carried. There is a difference. Any protest I have been to we act respectfully, we don't incite or engage. We know to let the opposition speak their peace and we don't aggravate. I am not saying we are spineless but when attending a 2A rally we show that gun owners are not hot headed nuts. I watched that video of the protestors at the ranch where people were tazed (sp) and dogs attacked folks. I would like to know what was happening because I saw a bunch of citizens yelling and rushing the LEO officers. These officers may agree with the farmer but guaranteed they are not liking them now. Not only are the LEO just trying to keep peace and do their jobs and it looks like there probably are not many jobs in that area, so do you give up your livelihood for this cause? It would be a hard situation. I also saw a news report of a local lady who runs a diner. She should be ecstatic with all the business rolling in but she is not happy. She is worried about violence. I think we all can agree that the gov't is over reaching and it has to stop but how many other lives will or could be changed because this.
He announced that he is not running for re-election so he doesn't care. From what I have read he had some "issues" and I think he will be going to work for the casinos and make big money.
One newscast I heard claimed aprox 500 ranchers and militia, and feds at 200, but heavily armed and supported.
And who are these heavily armed feds? Paid mercenaries? I think there is a very large influx that will be at the ranch this weekend. I think that 500 may double.
I thought at first the only peaceful resolution would come if Mr. Bundy blinked first. I now think he has a chance to come out of this alive and free. The reason is the number of alternative media watching and digging into this. Maybe you need a grain of salt with a lot of this but because of over confidence(or incompetence) on the part of some very corrupt people they are exposing criminal acts ranging all the way to treason. The bundys even have some of the tree huggers leaning toward them or at least against the corrupt machine. The goobs even seem a little fearful if you go by the number of trolls and the viciousness of their attacks in the comment sections of some of the articles.
My above post about people just doing their job, well here's an article: BLM Rangers Brought in From Out of State for Nevada Ranch ‘Emergency’ | Washington Free Beacon
Harry Reid behind Bundy cattle ranch scandal, according to purged documents Bombshell: Harry Reid behind Bundy cattle ranch scandal, according to purged documents - BizPac Review Amid the growing standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government, reports are growing that Senate Majority Harry Reid’s little-known ties to a Chinese solar energy giant could be playing a major role in the confrontation. Photo: Beforeitsnews.com Demonstrators protest the federal government’s treatment of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Reid, D-Nev., and his oldest son, Rory, a former chairman of the Clark County, Nev., County Commission, are both deeply involved in a plan by ENN Energy Group to build a huge solar farm in southern Nevada, according to a Reuters report from August 2012. Land the Bundy family has been using for cattle ranching is getting in the way of that project, according to documents formerly posted on the Bureau of Land Management’s government website but since removed. The acting director of the Bureau of Land Management is Neil Kornze, a former senior policy advisor for Reid. more at... Bombshell: Harry Reid behind Bundy cattle ranch scandal, according to purged documents - BizPac Review
So at 9 a.m.two sheriffs will be speaking at the ranch. Here is a ustream for those that want to listen to some CA girl streaming live. She is kind of annoying in my opinion but I appreciate her being there. She has no clue what is going on but I appreciate her stream PMbeers on USTREAM: Very Biased Coverage of Los Angeles based activism. All journalism is biased. Any journalist who doesn't admit their bias is not being... It takes all kinds to make us America. This is a tweet from some lady that obviously is drinking the BLM/Obama/Reid koolaid
I listened to it a few minutes, long enough to hear her praise Cuba because no one goes hungry and everyone has a home. Go Communism!
LOL! Like I said she is from LA. She is trying. I am sure these people will educated her and she may end up a conservative. Bless her heart for packing up and headed to this stand off to inform us.
All I want out of this is a resolution that doesn't involve the coroner's office. It just takes one idiot in one second to blow this whole thing up in everybody's faces...
I do not miss California(L.A. in particular). Which is why I object strongly to Doomsday Preppers intro for one of the families featured, where they used the term "typical Down to Earth Californian". That is beyond an oxymoron. It's a flat out LIE!!!!!!
Latest posting is that BLM is leaving. According to Alex Jones' FB page ( yeah yeah, I know, but the MSM is ignoring it), Sheriff Gillespie announced BLM activities against Cliven Bundy will cease & public land will be reopened. live feed AlexJonesLive, Ustream.TV: Alex Jones, Bilderberg, police state, infowar, new world order, eugenics, vaccinations, fiat currency, federal reserve, police b... Being picked up elsewhere now. BREAKING: Local Sheriff Announced BLM Agrees to Cease Operations At Bundy Ranch!
Good news if it holds.Seems somebody finds the harsh glare of the spotlight too intense. Wonder what(or who) got Gillespie off his butt? I also hope the alternative media doesn't drop this. A lot of slugs need to answer for this. Thanks also to the patriots and Oathkeepers for their presence.
The Director of BLM, Harry Reid's Good Buddy, got the phone call that Harry and his son's involvement in ENN Energy of China's Solar farm project in the Southwest was about to surface. Harry Reid's Son Representing Chinese Solar Panel Plant in $5 Billion Nevada Deal
....and the cattle will be un-dead shortly! Beware of free ranging un-dead cattle! Only a head shot will put them back down! You have been warned![sarca]