I thought the state of nevada or county owned the land and the blm was just managing it for them? If so, the state/county can fix this problem by reaching a settlement with the rancher on their own.
Interesting concept, @Alpha Dog dog. So if a perp can't steal from a perp, then all those cops who get caught with their pockets full of confiscated drug money did nothing wrong? I think not. I have use of easements across my property both at home and at my hunting property. I do the maintance in exchange for that use, but I do not own those easements. Use and sweat does not equal ownership.
Thanks for posting this DW. I hope it helps people who have not had family or friends who have dealt with the BLM understand what is really happening here. The BLM will do anything to further their own agenda .ANYTHING. My family knows this well.
To me? It seems as though The BLM is acting in accordance with U.N. agenda 21. The eradication of all private property and public land use.
It would appear, from previous posts, that the Bundy's were legally in possession of rights to the land in the late 1800's. I do remember that BLM was formed to HELP ranchers manage their land. Mostly after the great dustbowl, those powers increa Looks that way to me
I agree one thief can not steal from another thief and it be right but I would have more understanding for the one who stole from the first thief if it was to feed his family and not for financial gain. I do feel there is a hidden reason for the Federal actions and what about all the endangered species that the Feds kill everyday at properties across the US most resent species the free American. lol I just think this rancher has more right to this land than the Government. Plus the Government is owned by We The People so don't that mean that Mr. Bundy's tax dollars has bought him stock and ownership in the property I would think.
Perhaps, @Alpha Dog , and if so, then the proper place for the dispute is in the courts. If he HAS legal RIGHTS to graze, bought and paid for, and passed down through the family (as claimed) then there must be documentation. "A providence" just as any museum piece must show what and where and under what conditions it came to be where it is. Without that, it loses most of it's value. I too think the rancher may have the better claim, but can he prove it?
We all know the government is more than willing to kill people. They do it every day. They will terrorize, intimidate, murder, rape, pillage, plunder, steal, starve, torture, and do what ever the hell else the feel like doing. This was obvious at Waco, Ruby Ridge, Guantanamo, Iraq, and on the streets of America as well as all over the world every day. In that video they talk about the possibility of violence. The government is pushing for violence because the people don't have the stomach for violence anymore so they always win when it gets to that level. Ironically, the only way we can defeat those lined up against us is by violence. In Viet Nam they said come to us with guns and we will meet you with guns. Come to us with open arms and we will meet you with open arms, and they won. This is the golden rule. THEY started with the guns and tazers and snipers and tactics, helicopters, dogs, trucks, etc. Meet them in kind. Give them NOTHING but take from them EVERYTHING. Show them that they can govern our cold dead bodies before they can govern our minds and souls. No retreat. No surrender. All free people should be behind these men and women, while standing in front of them, leading the way. » BLM Action in Nevada is Unconstitutional, Here’s Why Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! » Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
BLM fracking racket exposed! Armed siege and cattle theft from Bundy ranch really about fracking leases
The idiot that wrote that piece is unfamiliar with mineral leasing requirements. Worse, fracking isn't understood in his cranium either. The longer the paramilitary action goes on on Bundy's place, the worse the outcome will be.
For me, it's not that I don't have the stomach for violence, I don't have the stomach for bureaucratic NONSENSE! I don't want violence, anymore than any of the other believers in the 2nd Amendment around here want it(despite the media's attempts to portray otherwise). However, I am more than willing to set aside my loathing of war and go medieval on whoever tries to violate my rights. To me it's that simple.
There was a REPORT on Drudge this afternoon, that Sen. Harry Reid and his son, had some Solar Energy Deal cooked with a Chinese Company, to build a Enterprise sized Solar Power Station on the Range Land owned by the Bundy Family... .. This would wipe out the Endangered Spiece of Turtle, that the BLM has been KILLING FOR YEARS.... So, that is a Total BS reason that the BLM used in a Federal Court against the Bundy Family Claim. Sen. Reid has been SILENT, on this whole issue, where as his Counterpart has come out strongly in favor of the Bundy Family..... All one has to do is "FOLLOW THE MONEY".... Or smell the stink of Corruption....
Glad to see the militia is showing up to stop another Ruby Ridge. Feds are overdue for this kind of jackboot activity and need to be shown that they are not getting away with it again. BTW, does anyone know how many militiamen have shown up?
The only reason the feds came down so heavy handed is from involvement of a power politician like Dirty Pool Harry Reid. My Idaho uncles must be rolling in their graves to think the Feds spent $1 million on Utah corporation to round up 900 Nevada horses and weeks later they only have 350. Smells of another sweetheart contract.
What bothers me is a man can only be pushed so far and home is it. Now they are messing with his way of life and others that see it are sick and tired of being run over by Big Brother and fear they will be next, thats what Big Brother wants. Because when it comes down to the line being crossed and they are at the point of no return the fight that will take place everything will be blamed on the Milita and supporters. The sheeple and the tree huggers will file in to the Goverment lines to agree with more bans on firearms and more rules on Goverment control to disban groups like Militas painting the picture of the evil Milita that forced our Goverments hand. Then once again we the American People lose more right and are placed under a stronger hand of control.
The very real advantage, and maybe the only one, is that the "militia" members present will be witnesses. That is, they can be credible if they maintain their cool. Armed or not, cool is going to count.
Who owns the land? That is the first question that needs to be answered. I think it is Nevada's, so Nevada should be the one to sort this mess out. I did learn that the local sheriff is not running for re-election so that explains why he has been so silent.