Wow V, you are so far ahead of me. My blueberries still have so much snow around them it will be a month plus before I see any signs of life.
I'm impatient, that's why ;-) Planted a row of beets today, tomorrow start seeds for rosemary, echinacea, and stevia.
Well I think one of the celery seeds might have sprouted, Kentucky(my profile pic) knocked over the other starter peat pot for celery, hope the seeds are still in it. She also ate some of one of my mother's bamboos, and chewed some on the blackberry cuttings I'm hoping to be successful with. I LOVE BLACKBERRIES! Want to use it as a natural fencing along the back fence of our place. Already horse fencing there, but I want something to keep the deer out. Blackberries should grow tall/wide enough to make it non-jumpable over for them. At least that's what I'm hoping for. Addition: And today I start seeds for eggplants, onions, radishes, and my chocolate ghost pepper(I'm hoping to manage that without touching the seeds with my bare hands), plus start a row of mustard greens, and another row of beets.
I'lll get a shot/picture of the dead trees from the drought, so bad that the roots are cracked and broken where the wind blew them down. Garden happens when the rain returns. Feds came by and told me I qualified for low interest loan due to weather conditions over the last 5 years. Spit on that, don't need nor want no stinkin Fed hand outs.
Well I didn't get done any planting for me, cats knocked over my celery starts so I had to replant more seeds, went to visit a friend to get away from them for a bit, and ended up helping her transplant some onion starts, and I got a small pet food bag overflowing with rhubarb starts for my troubles. And by small I mean only 25lbs size bag.
I like that attitude. But one thing, they will just waste it on someone else that doesn't really deserve it. Consider it a tax rebate
Don't need to bury them now, that's one reason I left the house. And my friend medicated me with a cheesecake sampler platter and hot cocoa, so I'm okay now
Great. Now all I can think of is strawberry-rhubarb pie. Still waiting for the last foot of snow to melt before I can do much for the garden. *sighs deeply* Keep calm and garden.
Two raised beds, the wife is managing them, and some direct (in the ground) bushes. Raised beds: Radishes (2 varieties) Lettuce (3 varieties) Spinach Carrots (3 varieties) Peas (couple varieties) Cilantro/Corriander Bushes Blackberries (3 varieties of self pollinating, 2 each) Blueberries (2 varieties) Rhubarb...the wife loves her some Strawberry Rhubarb pie. Starting inside 9,723,408,102 varieties of herbs...THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! Next we're going to build a couple more raised beds and we're trying to decide what to put there. Tomatoes for one, probably some peppers and maybe some cukes and zucchini.
Been relocating our beds and leveling them. Moved them about twenty feet for more moist ground and more sun. Added about two inches of well decayed horse and goat manure. Should make the plants act like "Jack and the Beanstalk"--lol. Lots of earth worms in the soil and that is a great sign of decaying humus. Our church has great piles of mulched and decaying leaves and will use them in the old garden sites for mulch and week control. Better and cheaper than plastic and I like cheap--lol.
Well today I gotta do something with all the rhubarb(probably just give them some water, wait til the bad weather is gone before I plant them. Oh yesterday I also got a seed packet of Black Aztec corn. And I will find my Walla Walla seeds today hopefully. And need to start the seeds I didn't do yesterday. My sage, thyme, walking onion, and marjoram are doing well. Need to weed out the catnip and oregano patches before I can make sure they're okay.
I won't be doing any more gardening until the current storm system goes away. But that's okay, plenty of inside spring cleaning to be done.
Here's a pic of my very happy rhubarb, you can see the leaf is already at least twice the size of my hand. Never been so big! Also my beets, spinach, lettuce, and peas are sprouting Today I started seeds for tomatoes, basil, tomatillos, brussel sprouts, and ground cherries.