This guy was WRONG showing up at funerals spouting his views to grieving families especially military funerals. He had a right to his views just as I have mine, he was an idiot and the world is likely a better place without him. .................................................... Phelps founded Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, in 1955 and molded it in his fire-and-brimstone image. Many members of the small congregation are related to Phelps through blood or marriage. According to the church's website, it has picketed more than 53,000 events, ranging from Lady Gaga concerts to funerals for slain U.S. soldiers. Typically, a dozen or so church members -- including small children -- will brandish signs that say "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers. Westboro church founder Fred Phelps dies -
So why don't the People who think that this guy was a NutBall, ALL show up at His Funeral, and Protest His church for being BIGOTS.... I mean a few THOUSAND Protesters, would make a REAL Statement...... Inquiring Minds, want to know....... ......
Send him to ground unmourned and unnoticed. Salt the ground, wash the hands and forget his name. The man lived for screen time. I certainly wouldn't honor his final fifteen minutes with more by showing up. Though I must admit, a vast sea of attendants dancing on his grave whilst wearing red would be something to see.
I would be willing to piss on his grave. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. don't forget to salt the earth, after
You know what really makes a statement when people like this pass? Ignore it and forget he ever existed. Nothing aggravates this type more than their irrelevance!
True. But still, a long hot stream of urine on his grave would go a long ways towards making me feel better.
He was a fool, now he is gone, life moves forward with one less idiot in the world. I can live with that.
I appreciate the concept, but his funeral does not deserve the dignity he deprived others of. He brought pain to grieving parents and siblings, as they were interred. He told parents "thank God, your child is dead!" , he told siblings," God hated your brother/sister"no, he deserves no less, and no more, than he gave out at graveside, ridicule, scorn, and salt the earth after, so nothing ever grows there again.
Em, @Byte did, in a sense. He said to ignore it, and that would leave the field clear for them to hold the type of funeral they deprived others of having.
The only grief I feel at his death is grief that he wasted his life with such negativity. He did have enough of a following that if they had focused on helping people, the world would have been a much better place.