Not inside by any means, it is web wide. The guy is known far and wide. Do a search on this forum for "meyah" and enjoy.
Darn you beat me to it. I found the news last night at Backwoods home forums but couldnt get in here, wanted to let everyone know. Originally Posted by troubleticket I'm sorry, is there an inside joke here? X The guy who was arrested was an x con who liked to troll gun and survival boards and spew garbage. His ideas for survival were things like to build a raft and float down the Mississippi river in the middle 'so no one could hit him if they tried to shoot him' then come ashore at night and find people with suplies to kill and steal their suplies or to build an armored assault wheel barrow and do basicly the same while living in spider holes and killing others with his AR15 converted to .22 lr with a silencer that he liked to brag about. He also liked to talk about training dogs with shock collars to chase limos then put a pack of explosives on them and send them after cars and poison food in grocery stores or even the water suplies in order to disrupt the economey as a way of getting the government to change the things he didnt agree with. He did this crap on boards all across the web under tons of names and was banned from most places several times. So he is definatly the type of guy who will get no sympathy from the public at large and most gun owners and survivalists would donate the rope to hang him because he is the type of A$$ hole that gives us all a bad reputation in addition to the fact that he spews his trash and misinformation most often in a very abrasive manner.
I'm glad they got the puke. He deserves everything he gets.. in every way possible. I can only hope he stays in prison for a long time. Hell I won't even complain about the fact that my taxes are helping pay for his stay. Take care Be safe Poacher.
No kidding, these guys are making the FALFiles look tame at the news of Gunkid being arrested. Stupid is as stupid does
He'll have to change his name from Meyah to BOHICA. The only thing I was wrong about, and would have lost a bet on, was he had military service.
Ghost, you know this, you can't confuse being in the military with serving in the military. Some people aren't here to be soldiers serving!
Yes, Sir, I stand corrected. I had to beat up a guy at work today, he would tell you I didn't get out, I just transferred to his unit.
Back up a page, you will find some info there. Then do a search here at monkey. You can easily find all you want to know. No need to hash it all out again. jus sayin' do some due dilligence.
I read everything listed there before I posted. I will search his stuff if I get really bored and need a laugh. I had heard of him, but never heard why he was no longer here. I need nothing more.
I think the search that will kick up the most would be to use "tactical wheelbarrow" on this site and on Google. The guy was amazingly prolific.
I will keep that in mind, should I grow bored. So far, that has not happened, I did post a question in the chatterbox that went unanswered. Do you know?
He went to jail on a fed gun violation or something, did time, n got out, shows up here and elsewhere like a bad penny. Is uncovered as to what ever aka alias he is now using and after several members play with him he is again banned.
The shoutbox has been flooded lately and your question apparently went off the bottom. (In other words, I have not the least idea -) Gunkid was good for a punching bag, but little else. In a way, he's missed, even tho' his "contributions" to the site had no value toward the mission.