What is it they actually get out of the show? Honestly I, you guys, who ever may not know the folks in the episode but do they never think .. Hey my neighbor may see this and know everything about my plans.
Thanks kellory. I love the fact they say suburb of Nashville, what they mean is 80 miles due south. I can't believe RogersGroup actually wore their work shirts for that crap. Again a company based in that suburb of Nashville.... I mean Lawrenceburg . But is it good to know since I graduated school so many years ago that it is possible to be a suburb so far out, by my new found logic I would say Tennessee has 3 cities and every other town is a suburb of one or the other...... Na I know better the 2iles between everything tells me different. Also this guy learned how fast his civil unrest protection would have worked, considering they likely robbed him while in a good mood.... He can now imagine hiw bad it would have been in his real sutuation. I would bet a .22 rife would have wrecked havoc against that fun house toy
That looks rough... My youngest really thinks we should move to Alaska. He wants to way out in the wilderness. Maybe he watched to many episodes of Northern Exposure.
This was such a dumb idea. His wife was terrified to get in the thing. If you are going to build a BOL then it should accommodate the whole family. Plus they were trapped up there. He should have installed a zip line escape.
Well, Bush Alaska is a "Rough Place" That is why folks move here.... If they want "City" They do NOT move here.....
My mother likes Alaskan scenery and such, but I don't think she'd want to live there, anymore than I would. Tough enough living here, and we are on a paved road and get FedEx/UPS deliveries and Schwan's(every 2 weeks).
What has went on this season? Or is it currently between them. I don't stay up to date with the prepers comedy club . How many just watch it for the laughs, I wish they would also give out their addresses.... For public safety. lol
I did a lot of looking at water wheels to run generator bodies from old generator sets where the engines have failed. There are a lot of interesting ideas there. One thing I did find, after visiting the Dupont gunpowder works in New York state (where Dupont started out), that a waterwheel fed from the top has much more torque and drive than a submerged wheel. But if you could feed it with a steady water flow, it could be up geared through the old drive belt method of the machine age to turn a generator in the 60 hertz range and produce two or three phase 110v outputs.
Overshot Waterwheels are the better choice, if it fits into your Physical situtation. Just like anything else, it is all dependent on Head. If you have Flow, AND Head, you can extract Power, otherwise it is "Beating a Dead Horse".... which has been done a lot of times by folks who just "Build it" rather than do the "Engineering" ahead of the Build....
If you have only a low head, you can build a wide water wheel, and gear up the output speed. Either way, it is all about the falling weight of water.
That trip to Dupont got the wheels turning in the old noggin' and I've been looking ever since. One thing I was considering, if I got a place near a river, would be a wider paddlewheel, and step up gearing to run a floating power house, free anchored to the shore to allow it to rise and fall with the river. I think I would have to build some kind of concrete debris diverter in the front that kept trash out of the wheel, but still, viable. That, though, would be much more expensive in the power wire lengths to get it out to a house uphill from that river.
Yep, a trash rack of some kind would be good. Bearing in mind, of course, that anything you put in front of the paddles will absorb some of the energy in the flow.
Moving the Power from the source to the House , can be done in a number of ways, that can be quite efficient. One "could" generate it at a variable AC and run that thru a Transformer to up the voltage to 480Vac, and then Drop it back down on the other end, and Rectify it, to what you need for your Charge Controller Input. By going to 480Vac, you cut the I2R losses, proportionally to the Ratio of Input Ac Voltage to 480 Vac. That also DROPS the Required Wire size needed to move the Power a long distance. With modern MTTP Charge Controllers, (Outback Power MX Series) the DC Input can vary anywhere from 13Vdc clear up to 150Vdc, and easily deal the the Rectified Power from the Receiving Transformer, as if may vary from the Wheel Output Alternator minus it's internal Rectification Diodes. 1000 Yds is not unreasonable with #10 Wire for the Transmission Line... ..... YMMV.....
good point. beats the hell out of buying 750 kcmil cable. Where is my head? I know that! Damn, getting lazy here.
true, and if you put a diverter, the turbulence behind it would also be disruptive. Will have to do more research