Standard Compound vs.Compound Crossbow

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ReconMike78, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    everyone is welcome to weigh in on this...already considering their both great for hunting...ide like to hear your opinions on using them for tactical purposes...other than the obvious silent but deadly aspect...advantages/disadvantages of both versus each other...just curious what yall think.
    Mike likes this.
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    compounds are lighter and quicker to reload, but a crossbow, can be set as a booby trap (not legally) or a game catcher. they shoot a bit further, and faster, but make more noise, so plan accordingly.
    Mike likes this.
  3. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    I have been doing some research on crossbows lately. From what I'm reading in some areas the need for a compound bow on a crossbow is unnecessary. The fact that a compound bow typically is needed to be able to hold a cocked bow without excessive strain is nullified by the trigger mechanism. Once cocked there is no need to hold it with less tension. The trigger mechanism does that for you. Reducing the length of string, the complexity of the bow makes a simple recurve action more reliable with little loss in FPS.
  4. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i currently have a Barnett RC51 model crossbow that one of my prepper partners in crime gave to me as a birthday present last year...its an affordable model and performs well for what i use it for atm...just from a few post i can see that there may be no need to purchase a standard compound bow as well...i still look forward to hearing more opinions on the topic just to see where people stand...thanks to the guys that have already posted.
    Mike likes this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    False. I hunt with longbow, compound, crossbow (recurve) and crossbow (compound). there are several advantages of the compound over the recurve.
    compounds are faster, which means less time for game to react in and jump the string. they shoot on average 10-15 yards further with accuracy. they will fit a standard case, where a recurve will not. (I had to build my own, for there was not ONE ready made hard case that would fit it at any price!) and soft cases are useless.
    less pressure on a trigger mechinism means less pressure needed to release the trigger. softer trigger means better shooting, and you only have one shot before the game spooks, normally. The only real advantage of a recurve is you can make your own bow strings, with waxed linen thread, and sex wax, and a simple jig.
    less pressure on the string will mean less wear as well.
    Mike likes this.
  6. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Just considering reload time, wouldn't a compound bow be faster than a crossbow? Might be important, depending on what you're shooting at!

    So far as shooting further and faster from a crossbow, consider that the old English long bows were considered practically a weapon of mass destruction, before black powder firearms came along. I realize they weren't mentioned as a choice, by ReconMike, but it's worth a mention, I believe. Of course, any bow you use is going to have to work well with any physical constraints you might have (like my arthritic left shoulder).
  7. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Ok, be that way. I ain't gonna like any more of your posts, so there!!! pfffffttttttt[sarc1[[reddevil]
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes, reload time is much faster. I will find a link for you as to how archer used to fight in war. the English and Welsh longbows ruled the battle, even over the french crossbows, for longbows had the greater range in that day, though crossbows were simple to train on, and bows required years of use to refine skill.
    Crossbows have been around since roughly 400 BC (look up "Belly Bow" )
    natshare likes this.
  9. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    You may think you are gonna chew my ass, but all you will get is scar tissue and it'll make your teeth hurt, lol
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." pfffftttt, so take your ball and go home, I'll manage....somehow.
  11. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    pffffttttt, lol
  12. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i see what you are saying and yes as far as quick repeating reloads a regular bow(compound or not) is actually quicker than a crossbow in theory...but some crossbows now have cocking assist for quicker firing times.
    Mike likes this.
  13. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    From strictly a prepper point of view I still think a recurve would be less prone to failure over a long term. I prefer simplicity in tools in a survival situation. Now, just a hunting point of view, I would agree. But I can't see buying two bows at this time.
    ReconMike78 likes this.
  14. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i just thought of this also...a regular bow can be fired from a more concealed sillouette behind trees and such...but the cross bow can be fired from under cover such as in the prone pretty sure i will stick with my crossbow for the time being...bows arent really in my budget currently afflicted with a knife obsession right now...but i figured it was worth having the discussion ,,,,thanks guys
    natshare and Mike like this.
  15. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Automatic feed of the bolts for a cross bow have been around for C. This allows the shooter to cock it and then the bolt is lowered in place.
    Mike likes this.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    This is an example of war speed. note the hand positions. i nolonger use a back quiver, but I still hit deer with snap shots like this. I do not use sights on my bows.
  17. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    The "new" short compond bows can do most of what a Cross Bow does at less weight. Survival wise the short compound has little to break and is lighter than a cross bow.
    Mike and natshare like this.
  18. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Holy Hunger Games!!!!
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    There was also something called " Chu-Ko-Nu" a chineese repeating crossbow that fired by raising and lowering a lever.
    Mike likes this.
  20. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    If you kids can't play nice you can both take your balls and go home.
    Mike likes this.
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