New survival enthusiast, So many questions...

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by TriColorPansy, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Awesome. We had a 32' pull trailer. Saved a lot of per-diem that way. Allowed us to pick up a used 40' Heartland Landmark Augusta from a widow, two years old then, and it is decked out. Not like living in the 32' one. But to pull it we had to put a gooseneck hitch under with a B&W companion 5th wheel. That works well. When we get settled, we pull the hitch out and it gives full use of the bed.
  2. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    hi tricolor, welcome, im new here as well so im gonna be learning right along side of for school i would def stay at all cost...i will make one suggestion to you...since you are a woman and in probably wouldnt hurt to find somerwhere to start taking some self defense classes...whether you ever have to use them for the SHTF scenario its still a good base of knowledge for everyone in the world...a good starting base would be most likely some form of Aikido, Hapkido, or Judo...these are some of the less lethal but very effective artforms...being that your in GA, your pretty much in the epicenter of hand to hand combat training, IE: Ft.Benning. there should be no shortage of former Army Rangers running around GA with mma gyms...considering Army Rangers have adopted the teachings of Greg Thompson(MMA Expert) from here in Fayetteville NC...either way you decide to go about it...some form of self defense would benefit your prepper/survivalist success...look forward to reading more one your progress.
    STANGF150, kellory and Mike like this.
  3. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    ReconMike, also the learning of a martial art will also grow you as a person, leading you to be calm, confident, and prepared.
    kellory likes this.
  4. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i completely agree with has helped me in all aspects of my life...ive been taking some form of martial arts since i was in the Army, and the biggest thing it has helped me with is channeling my priorities and focus, not to mention it gives me a outlet for stress....and as much as it will sound like hippie talk, i go to a Tai-Chi class once a week.
    Mike likes this.
  5. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Tai Chi is martial arts performed slowly and technically perfect. Speeded up, it is just as good a kata as Tai Kwan Do, Hap Ki Do, Ju Jitsu
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    It did for me.
    Mike likes this.
  7. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    your absolutely correct...although i practice for the spiritual and mental focus in is actually fun crazy as it sounds my teacher uses Tai-Chi as a dance class also
    Mike likes this.
  8. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    No No No. Judo is good in the dojo, but a course in it is no good on the street. Throws and joint locks? They get up or you have to let go eventually and they're free and mad. Karate or hard style kung fu where you use strikes to put your opponent down and make sure they stay down long enough for you to escape.
    STANGF150 and Mike like this.
  9. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Ok, I agree with you on that. Sometimes you can dissuade with just easy throws, but if not, you also need to know how to stop the assault quickly and, if necessary as in a survival situation, permanently.
  10. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    you make a good point...but Judo can be incorporated into any self defense base
    Mike likes this.
  11. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    i guess depending on her threshold for pain when learning it, she cold always begin learning Krav Maga
  12. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    But if she were to take judo only and face someone my size or even a fraction of my skill level she would be in serious trouble.
  13. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

  14. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    ok so basically what we are saying here is she should take classes in pretty much all of them hahaha
    Mike likes this.
  15. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    Not at all. if you had bothered to read I said karate or kung fu. You were also correct when you said MMA. All are well rounded.
    Mike likes this.
  16. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    No, but she should take a starter class, like Judo or something similar, then move up to one of the more combative martial arts. The "hurt them bad" martial arts. I personally took Tai Kwan Do, with a bit of Kung Fu, taught by my site tech in Korea.
  17. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Just step on my damn toes, why don't ya, lol :p
  18. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    Krav maga is good as well.
    Mike likes this.
  19. ReconMike78

    ReconMike78 Monkey

    man we are gonna have this poor girl so confused by the time we get done with her...hahaha
    Mike likes this.
  20. Snake_Doctor

    Snake_Doctor Call me Snake...

    She should just listen to me lol
    Mike likes this.
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