'Crypto-Jews' In The Southwest Find Faith In A Shrouded Legacy

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by tulianr, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Poke, poke, poke...OK, prove you have experience at not being......:rolleyes:[sarca]
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Actually that is scriptural. The idea of heaven and hell is largely man made and very contradictory to what is actually in scripture. There is no such thing as a "Hell". That is an extrapolation from the reference to an everlasting "lake of fire" mentioned in Revelation. But that is reserved only for Satan and his minions. The worst of the worst. It is not for unsaved or unrepentant sinners. That is a man made doctrine. And the term for "hell" is "sheol" which simply means the grave, or death. Scripture says that "the dead know nothing". I believe, and it is scripturaly sound, that the unsaved dead simply cease to be. It is a reward for the saved to be given the gift of immortality. That isn't to say though that there is no resurrection and no day of judgement. All will be raised and judged, some to everlasting glory, some to everlasting judgement. But that judgement is not the lake of fire, it is the knowledge that they were offered eternity and turned it down. Then they cease to be. IMHO, based on scriptural study not doctrinal dogma.
    chelloveck, cjsloane and tulianr like this.
  3. cjsloane

    cjsloane Monkey

    Ooooh. You're building cred with me.
    chelloveck likes this.
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