So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Nope I thought spreading it around the eastern part of the state would allow me to cache' it better and if it doesn't hang around I'll use it for future water supplies...:D
    kellory likes this.
  2. William Warren

    William Warren Monkey+++

    My sister lived "off grid" for almost ten years, and used a treadle sewing machine. If you contact me off-list, I'll ask her to send some tips.

    William Warren
    BTPost likes this.
  3. William Warren

    William Warren Monkey+++

    I once saw an ad for a jumper set that had one extra-long and one short cable; the idea was that the short cable ran between the bumpers, and the long one between the batteries, so you could jump cars parked one-behind-the-other. Has anyone ever used a jumper set like that?

    William Warren
  4. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    I'm making candles with soy wax and wicks I bought at Amazon and pint canning jars. They get many hours, each and store well.
    KAS likes this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If the bumpers are electrically continuous to the chassis and engine ground, it'll work. Most cars these days are not reliably continuous electrically. Impact absorbing bumpers are usually isolated.
    oldawg likes this.
  6. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    this an intersting idea ..althought i have never heard of this i have hear of some good old boys using a piece of wire beteen the positive side and the tire iron across the bumpers !!!! so i suspose it would work .... i have no clue about newer cars !!!!!

    but hay if ur gonna make them y not ??? accept the fact of the cost ithink its a good idea!!

    interesting !!!! can u send me a message or share with the crew on how u do this ???!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
  7. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Many times with 2 sets shorter sets clamped together. Older and fill the blanks not again unless .....

    A long heavy gauge copper well constructed set of cables will be safe and start a vehicle from behind. Copper not Aluminium or copper-clad-aluminum...
  8. William Warren

    William Warren Monkey+++

    I've been using #3 cotton twine for wicks, and it seems to work OK for foul weather candles. Is there a big advantage to the purpose-made wicks?
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If you check around, with your local Welder/Fabricator, and see if he has some Old Welding Cables, they make SUPER Jumper Cables..... Just buy some New clamps and make your own, any length you figure you need..... ......
    Moatengator likes this.
  10. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Or you can visit a local farm/ranch supply store or co-op.. They can have bulk wire...
  11. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    The only advantage I know of so far is the end of the wick is fixed on a disk, which I affix to the jar with a dab of hot glue, making it easier to keep it in place while pouring your wax. This is my first foray into candle making, so I don't have a lot of information to share about it, yet. I just know I didn't want wicking that contained lead.

  12. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    I will try to get some info. together for you. I am just a beginner, myself, when it comes to candle making.
    KAS likes this.
  13. Darwin

    Darwin Monkey

    Got a better scope, Tried to find powder and came up with 2 lbs, loaded 40 rounds hunting bullets and 30 LRT, picked up an SKS
    Yard Dart, Finster and kellory like this.
  14. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    In the old days,when cars had real metal bumpers,you could boost a car by making the bumpers touch and use a piece of wire to connect the hot posts on the batteries.I always carried a piece of copper wire as big as I could find.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
  15. Finster

    Finster Simplify, I'd say more but this says it all.

    6 packs of waterproof/windproof matches in 2 separate "match oaks" vacuum sealed bags. Also 2 "BOB Fire Kits", a tin with tinder, ferro rod and striker, small bic and 1 pack of water proof/windproof matches. Ill get some pics and add tomorrow.

    300 rd each of 9mm, 45acp, .40S&W, 3x300 of 5.56 steel cased. Each in its own Battle Pak.
    Darwin likes this.
  16. Finster

    Finster Simplify, I'd say more but this says it all.

    I get lots a the dollar store, but don't buy where there a dollar each, look for the bigger packs of 6 or 10 for a buck. Also lots of book matches, cheap convenient little duffle bags and some cleaning supplies for storage.

    To buy cheap med supplies, like a lot of em, check a veterinary supply. Same stuff as used for humans usually in the same package but with out all the markup retail stores add. Calvet supply is where I have bought tons of basic medical supplies and some hygiene items.
    Scrubs, Gloves etc at about 80% discount to CVS.
  17. Kelly Marie

    Kelly Marie Monkey

    What type of gauze pads are you looking for?
  18. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Added to my hardware supply with 20 pounds of grade 2 and grade 5 nut, bolts, washers, lock washers and aircraft nuts on sale at a local supply store that sells US made hardware by the pound.
    VisuTrac and Finster like this.
  19. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    im looking for all types of gauze pads !!!!In bulk and cheap
    Thanks for the heads up on the candles ...
    in the past few days i have put up some candels from a garage sale ...
    Some 2x4s
    linsead oil ....
  20. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    This week I bought:
    Several packages of band aids, tubes of triple antibiotic ointment, anti-fungal cream and hydrocortisone cream, and small boxes of matches, all from the Dollar Tree
    STANGF150 and stg58 like this.
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