My little flying buddy need's a home. I have shared my stand with many thing's, However the wife may not be as forgiving at 5:30 am I'm considering building at least 1/2 dozen house's for these little beauty's. Any suggestion's on design ?
They can't dress out to much ! I did a few rabbits here , Wild ones , not much for all the work , pelts were small also. Now I just donate them to the owl & eagle wildlife rehab place. I needed to keep them at bay .. City folks let the kids Easter treat go in my hood and after a while there rampant . they are coloured rabbits , our wild ones look like hares . Sloth
squirrele pot pie!!!!!!!!! get a possum and a nuetra rat and u smother it down with some onions it sure would make a good gravey!!!! same with pelican ....
Lol, I see some on here have indeed been in Deep south Louisiana. Guard your pet's folk's ! Hungry Monkey Alert !!!!
I'm not familiar with the term sugar glider ? I speak many form's of southern-nes, Is this a northern term ?
Ahh, I see a Sugar glider is from the land down under, A flying possum, Who knew ? No, WA, This is a flying squirrel, They do look similar from what I see.
For a couple posts I had this impression you guys were discussing eating Kellory. Original photo looked like just a different view of his avatar. Please assure us you aren't talking his love life now... LA LA LA LA... AT
Would need to bag a few of the little guys, but I must confess that I am salivating right now.. Have eaten chipmonks before. Takes a few to make a meal...